浏览人次: 1980


  1. Sung-Yen Wu, Hsi-Mei Lai. Development of gluten-free pasta-like whole corn grain products. 2021 台湾谷物产业发展协会年会暨研讨会。台北、台湾。2021/09/10(Poster competition award—Bronze medal)
  2. Yi- Ling Huang, Yi- Chih King, Shih- Tong Jeng, Hsi-Mei Lai.. Effect of microbiota on the physicochemical properties and quality of moromi during fermentation. 2021 台湾谷物产业发展协会年会暨研讨会。台北、台湾。2021/09/10(Poster competition award--Excellent)
  3. 吴松晏、赖喜美。符合营养性与机能性之全谷无面筋类西式玉米面条之开发。湾农业化学会第59届年会,台北,台湾。2021.06.30. (Student poster award--Excellent)
  4. 黄怡玲、金禹圻、郑石通、赖喜美。酱醪发酵过程中微生物菌相与物化性质之变动。湾农业化学会第59届年会,台北,台湾。2021.06.30. (Student poster award--Excellent)
  5. 赖喜美。谷物杂粮健康机能产品应用。2020新兴食品生技加值技术研讨会。台中、台湾。2020/10/22-23
  6. 赖喜美。国产硬质玉米之特性与应用。2020 台加全谷豆类营养保健与创新加工国际研会。台中、台湾。2020/09/22
  7. Yi-Man Lyu, Hsi-Mei Lai. Distribution and contents of gallium (Ga), arsenic (As) and the trace elements (Sr, Cs, Co and V) in rice grains and the risk assessment of As. 台加全谷豆类营养保健与创新加工国际研讨台中台湾。2020.09.22. (Student poster award)
  8. Pin-Yu Chen, Hsi-Mei Lai. Effect of citric acid induced substitution and crosslinking on physicochemical properties of corn starch and its applications on active starch film making. 台加全谷豆类营养保健与创新加工国际研讨会,台中,台湾。2020.09.22. (1st Prize of student poster award)
  9. Yi-Man Lyu, Jian-Wei Lee and Hsi-Mei Lai. Nutritional, toxic and trace elements in rice grains. 湾农业化学会第58届年会,台北,台湾。2020.06.23. (Student poster award)
  10. Pin-Yu Chen, Hsi-Mei Lai. Effect of citric acid induced substitution and crosslinking on physicochemical properties of corn starch. 湾农业化学会第58届年会,台北,台湾。2020.06.23.
  11. Hsi-Mei Lai, Yi-Man Lyu, Jian Wei Lee. Accumulation and Distribution of Emerging Contaminant Elements (Ga, In, As and Cd) in Rice. 16th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress (ICBC2020), Christchurch, New Zealand (April 15-17 2020)
  12. Hsi-Mei Lai, Chih-Hsuan Chan. Producing the stabilized whole high amylose maize flour with high functionality. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors (ICoFF)/The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF), Dec. 1-5, 2019, Kobe, Japan.
  13. Kuo-Chih Shih, Chien-You Su, Shing-Yun Chang, Grethe Jensen, Chi-Chung Hua, Mu-Ping Nieh, Hsi-Mei Lai. Correlation of Hierarchical Structure and Rheological Behavior of Polypseudorotaxane Gel. The 3rd Asian-Oceanian Conference on Neutron Scattering (AOCNS), Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Nov. 16-21, 2019.
  14. Hsi-Mei Lai, Yi-Man Lyu, Jian-Wei Lee. (2019) Accumulation and distribution of ECEs in domestic growth rice in Taiwan. International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, November 3-8, Taipei, Taiwan.
  1. Chih-Hsuan Chan, Yu-Ru Chen, Hsi-Mei Lai. Large scale production of stabilized whole high amylose maize flour by using twin-screw extruder. 2019 International Conference of Grain Industry Development and Annual Meeting of Taiwan Grain Industry Association. Sept. 4, 2019, Taichung, Taiwan.
  2. Lyu, Yi-Man, Jian-Wei Lee, Hsi-Mei Lai. (2019) Emerging contamination elements (ECEs) in domestic growth rice grains. 2019 International Conference of Grain Industry Development and Annual Meeting of Taiwan Grain Industry Association. Sept. 4, Taichung, Taiwan.
  3. 赖喜美。高直链淀粉及优质蛋白玉米全谷粉安定化及产品开发。2019年食品安全与人类健康研讨会暨博士生论坛会议,东北农业大学,哈尔滨,黑龙江,中国。(2019.08.30-31)
  4. Jhih-Ci Yang, His-Mei Lai. Preparation and characterization of Na-montmorillonite and TEMPO oxidized starch nanocomposites. 湾农业化学会第57届年会,台北,台湾。2019.06.25. (Outstanding student poster award)
  5. 林静娴、赖喜美。酱醪酵母菌培养期间之简易吸光值测定和活菌计数相关性探讨。台湾农业化学会第57届年会,台北,台湾。2019.06.25. (Student poster award)
  1. Chei Lee Hooi, Hsi-Mei Lai. Color improvement of wheat flour dough using whole soybean flours. ICC International Conference, GRAINS FOR WELLBEING 2018, Taipei, Taiwan. (Nov. 5-8, 2018)
  2. Hsi-Mei Lai*, Yun-Wen Chen. Value-adding on the by-product of adzuki bean water production. ICC International Conference, GRAINS FOR WELLBEING 2018, Taipei, Taiwan. (Nov. 5-8, 2018)
  3. Yong-Rong Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Stabilization of whole corn flours milled from Taiwanese high amylose and flint corns. ICC International Conference, GRAINS FOR WELLBEING 2018, Taipei, Taiwan. (Nov. 5-8, 2018)
  4. Yun-Wen Chen and Hsi-Mei Lai. Preparing low glycemic index (GI) whole adzuki bean flour from the by-product of commercial adzuki bean water production. ICC International Conference, GRAINS FOR WELLBEING 2018, Taipei, Taiwan. (Nov. 5-8, 2018)
  5. Hsi-Mei Lai. Multi-applications and Product Development of Cereals and Grains. 1st Northeast Asia International Forum on Food Industrial Science and Technology 2018, Harbin, China. (Sept. 2018)
  6. Hsi-Mei Lai, Shing-Yun Chang (2018, Jul). New insight of starch-based spherical microgels with tunable volume. . 3rd International Conference on Food & Beverage Packaging. Roma, Italy. (July 2018)
  7. 陈韵雯、蔡佩珊、赖慧民、陈冠翰、赖喜美。水萃后红豆粒之性质探讨与加值应用。台湾农业化学会第56届年会,台北,台湾。2018.06.29. (Outstanding student poster award)
  8. 黄永融、陈裕儒、赖喜美。高直链淀粉玉米与硬质玉米全谷粉之安定化技术开发。台湾农业化学会第56届年会,台北,台湾。2018.06.29. (Student poster award)
  9. 吴宥萱、赖喜美。以TEMPO/NaClO氧化淀粉制备应答型微凝胶。台湾农业化学会第56届年会,台北、台湾。2018.06.29. (Student poster award)
  10. 涂之惠、赖喜美。甘酒添加对酱油品质于与风味之影响。台湾农业化学会第56届年会,台北、台湾。2018.06.29. (Student poster award)
  11. 许家莉、赖喜美。大豆粉添加对面团色泽及质地之影响。台湾农业化学会第56届年会,台北、台湾。2018.06.29. (Student poster award)
  12. 赖喜美。杂粮作物之机能性与保健产品研发。台湾杂粮作物发展现况与展望研讨会,台中,台湾。(Nov., 2017)
  13. 36. 赖喜美。醣类与健康。第十届海峡两岸科普论坛,内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市,中国。(Aug., 2017)
  14. Hsi-Mei Lai, Yong-Rong Huang, I-Min Hsieh. Thermal treatments on the stability and pasting properties of whole corn milling products. World Grain Summit 2017, Vienna, Austria. (Nov. 2017)
  15. Hsi-Mei Lai. pH-responsive starch thin film and microgel for food Applications. 2017 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting, Jeju, Republic of Korea. (June, 2017)
  16. I-Min Hsieh, Yu-Ru Chen, Shih-Tong Jeng, Guang-Jauh Shieh, Hsi-Mei Lai. Starch analysis of self-pollinated and open-pollinated common corn in Taiwan. 98th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International, .Savannah, Georgia, USA. (Oct., 2016)
  17. Yu-Chan Huang, Shih-Tong Jeng, Hsi-Mei Lai. Pasting and cooking properties of aged high amylose rice affected by the changes of storage protein and starch. 98th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International, Savannah, Georgia, USA. (Oct., 2016)
  18. Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of germination and heating treatments on the profile of bioactive compounds in soybeans (Glycine maxl.) for instant grains powder. The 7th International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference (ISPUC VII), Harbin, China. (Aug., 2016)
  19. Kuo-Chih Shih & Hsi-Mei Lai. Citric acid mediated morphological changes in F108 Pluronic micelles. 2015台湾中子科学会 (TWNSS)年会。和社,台湾。2015.11.21-23.
  20. Hsi-Mei Lai, Cheng-Yu Hsu. SAXS study of short- and long-term retrogradation of starch paste and gel. 国家同步辐射研究中心第21届用户年会暨研讨会,新竹,台湾。Sept. 9-10, 2015.
  21. Shu-Hui Yu, You-Hsuan Wu, En-Cheng Yang, Hsi-Mei Lai and Chuan-Kai Ho. How may climate warming affect a native Pieris butterfly, an invasive Pieris butterfly, and the pollination of their nectar plants across altitude? 100th ESA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. Aug. 9-14, 2015.
  22. Kuo-Chih Shih, Shing-Yun Chang, Elliot P. Gilbert, Wen-Hsien Li and Hsi-Mei Lai. Complementary studies of SANS and SAXS on structure of Pluronic F108 micelle in citric acid solution. 2nd Asia Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Sydney Australia, July 19-23, 2015.
  23. Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. pH-Triggered release of proteins from starch-based multilayer co-coated with whey protein concentrate. 5th International Colloids Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 21-24, 2015.
  24. Hong-Yu Yang, Ming-Huang Hsu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of germination and heating treatments on the profile of bioactive compounds in domestic grown soybeans (Glycine max L.).湾农业化学会第53届年会,台北,台湾。2015.06.30.
  25. Yi-Wei Liao, Ming-Huang Hsu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of germination and cooking on the profile of bioactive compounds of colored rice.湾农业化学会第53届年会,台北,台湾。2015.06.30.陈裕儒、谢一民、谢光照、赖喜美。台湾本土种植硬质玉米品种淀粉特性分析。台湾农艺学会年会。屏东,台湾。2015.04.23.
  26. Hsi-Mei Lai. Structure of nanofiller potentially used in starch naono-composite film. 2015中华民国高分子学会年会台北,台湾。2015.01.30-31.
  27. Shu-Hui Yu, You-Hsuan Wu, En-Cheng Yang, Hsi-Mei Lai and Chuan-Kai Ho. How may climate warming affect a native Pieris butterfly, an invasive Pieris butterfly, and the pollination of their nectar plants across altitude? 4th Taiwan-Japan Ecology Workshop, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan. Nov. 15-17, 2014.
  28. Hsi-Mei LAI. SAXS on the studies of polypseudorotaxane (PPR) in starch film and pasting properties of starch. 2014 NSRRC Small Angle Neutron Scattering Workshop, NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Sept 8-9, 2014
  29. Kuo-Chih Shih and Hsi-Mei Lai. 2014. Nanofillers prepared with Pluronic and β-cyclodextrin for starch film application. 国家同步辐射研究中心第20届用户年会暨研讨会,新竹,台湾。Sept. 10-11, 2014.
  30. 郑博谦、黄玉婵、赖喜美。国产无麸质全谷物西式面条之研发。2014米食加工研讨会。台北,台湾。June 6, 2014.
  31. Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Cationic starch behaved as a pH sensitive microgel by using trisodium citrate as an ionically crosslinker. 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. May 5-9, 2014.
  32. Kuo-Chih Shih and Hsi-Mei Lai. Rheological properties of self-assembled polypseudorotaxane composed of Pluronic and β-cyclodextrin. 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. May 5-9, 2014.
  33. Jih-Hao Yu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Properties changes of acetylated potato and tapioca starches during storage. 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. May 5-9, 2014.
  34. 赖喜美以国产富机能性有色米谷粉开发新颖式中式面条。第三届米食加工与营养国际研讨会,台北,台湾。Oct. 3, 2013.
  35. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of storage temperature on physicochemical properties of dry- and wet-milled high amylose rice flours. 95th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2013.
  36. Jih-Hao Yu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Stability of acetylated potato and tapioca starches during storage. 95th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2013.
  37. Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Rheological property and network structure of pH-responsive cationic starch thin film using citrates as the ionically cross-linkers.国家同步辐射研究中心第19届用户年会暨研讨会,新竹,台湾。Sept. 4-5, 2013.
  38. Ko-Lan Tsung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Using SAXS to determine the microstructural properties of porous starch microspheres preparing with different amylose contents国家同步辐射研究中心第19届用户年会暨研讨会,新竹,台湾。Sept. 4-5, 2013.
  39. Kuo-Chih Shih, Elliot Paul Gilbert and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of citric acid on the diluted amphiphilic block copolymer system. International Conference on Neutron Scattering (ICNS). Edinburgh, UK. July 8–12, 2013.
  40. Hsi-Mei Lai and Yu-Ping Huang. Effects of ball milling on the properties of colored rice bran. The Gums & Stabilizers for the Food Industry Conference. Wrexham, North Wales, UK. June 25-28, 2013.
  41. 赖喜美、吴秀兰、黄玉萍、林佩吟。国产有色米之机能性与加工应用。台湾食品科技学会第四十届年会,台北,台湾。Nov. 30, 2012.
  42. 赖喜美、吴秀兰、黄玉萍有色米活性成分的开发及应用。稻米活性成分的开发与应用研讨会。台北,台湾。Sept. 26, 2012.
  43. Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Structural Characteristics of pH-responsive Starch Thin Film Studied by SAXS. 国家同步辐射研究中心第18届用户年会暨研讨会,新竹,台湾。Aug. 27-29, 2012.
  44. 赖喜美。有色米之机能性与加工应用。第四届海峡两岸杂粮健康产业研讨会。山西太原,中国。Aug. 10-16, 2012.
  45. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effect of elevated storage temperature on the pasting properties of high-amylose rice related to the changes of rice protein. Institute of Food Technologist Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Las Vegas, NA, USA. June 25-28, 2012.
  46. Ying-Chung Lin, Tsung-Chi Chen, Hsi-Mei Lai, and Shih-Tong Jeng Effects of starch branching enzymes on the properties of starch in Arabidopsis. Institute of Food Technologist Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Las Vegas, NA, USA. June 25-28, 2012.
  47. 吴秀兰、赖喜美。国产有色发芽米超微细化研磨技术之产品。第二届米食加工与营养国际研讨会。台北,台湾。June 8, 2012.
  48. Wei-Feng Hung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Developing antioxidant-containing starch matrix by LbL self-assembly of cationic starch and microemulsion multilayers. 11th International Hydrocolloids Conference, Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research, Purdue University, USA. May 14-18, 2012.
  49. Ko-Lan Tsung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Nanocasting Polypseudorotaxane with Pre-treated  TMOS for Mesostuctured Silica Materials Preparation. 11th International Hydrocolloids Conference, Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research, Purdue University, USA. May 14-18, 2012.
  50. K.C. Shih, W.Y. Kuo and H.M. Lai. Structural and rheological modification of Pluronic® by β-Cyclodextrin. 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Tsukuba, Japan. Nov. 20-24, 2011.
  51. K.C. Shih, W.Y. Kuo and H.M. Lai. Self-assembling structure of Pluronic® and β-cyclodextrin investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering. 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Tsukuba, Japan. Nov. 20-24, 2011
  52. W.P. Huang and H.M. Lai. Structural and functional studies of starch-based LbL multilayers by GISAXS and wettability determinations. 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Tsukuba, Japan. Nov. 20-24, 2011.
  53. S.L. Ngoo and H.M. Lai. Bioactive compounds in germinated and ultrafine-milled colored rice. 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Taipei, Taiwan. Nov. 20-23, 2011.
  54. Y.P. Huang and H.M. Lai. Improving the stability and functionality of black rice bran by microwave heating and ball-milling treatments. 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Taipei, Taiwan. Nov. 20-23, 2011.
  55. 赖喜美。发芽及加工处理对大豆机能成分之影响。第三届海峡两岸谷类与杂粮健康产业研讨会。台北,台湾。Oct. 25-26, 2011.
  56. K.C. Shih, W.Y. Kuo and H.M. Lai. Modifying the Self-assembled Structure and Rheological Properties of Pluronic F108 by Beta-cyclodextrin. 国家同步辐射研究中心第17届用户年会暨研讨会,新竹,台湾。Oct. 19-21, 2011.
  57. Tsung, K.L. and Lai, H.M. Synthesis of Mesostructure Silica Material by Nanocasting of Polypseudorotaxanes as Templates. 国家同步辐射研究中心第17届用户年会暨研讨会,新竹,台湾。Oct. 19-21, 2011.
  58. Kuo-Chih Shih, Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai. Visual, Structural and Rheological Properties of Polypseudorotaxane Composed by β-cyclodextrin and Pluronic®. Colloids and Materials 2011, The 1st International Symposium on Colloids and Materials. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. May 8-11,2011.
  59. Tsung, K.L. and Lai, H.M. Mesostructure silica materials prepared by using polypseudorotaxane made of cyclodextrin and triblock copolymer as templates. 湾农业化学会第49 届年会,台北,台湾。2011.06.29.
  60. P.Y. Lin and H.M. Lai. Bioactive compounds in rice kernels during developing. 台湾食品科技学会第三十八届年会,台中,台湾。2010.12.03.
  61. W.Y. Huang and H.M. Lai. Morphology and physicochemical properties of ball-milled corn starches with different amylose contents. 台湾食品科技学会第三十八届年会,台中,台湾。2010.12.03.
  62. T.M. Wang and H.M. Lai. Anthocyanins analysis and quantification of two taiwanese purple sweet potatoes. 台湾食品科技学会第三十八届年会,台中,台湾。2010.12.03.
  63. 李昱宽、赖喜美。添加硬脂酸及1-胺基-2-丙醇对玉米淀粉膜性质之影响。台湾食品科技学会第三十八届年会,台中,台湾。2010.12.03.
  64. K.C. Shih, W.Y. Kuo, W.P. Hung, and H.M. Lai. Observing the thermal behaviour of self-assembled gels based on the molecular interactions at different temperatures. Neutrons and Food Workshop. Sydney, Australia. October 31-November 3, 2010
  65. Y.P. Huang and H.M. Lai. Bioactive compounds of bran in colored rice. 92th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Savannah, Georgia, USA. October 24-27, 2010.
  66. W.Y. Huang and H.M. Lai. Morphology and x-ray scattering property of ball-milled corn starches with different amylose contents. 92th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Savannah, Georgia, USA. October 24-27, 2010.
  67. W.Y. Kuo, K.C. Shih and H.M. Lai. Modifying self-assembling structures of Pluronic F108 with beta-cyclodextrin. 国家同步辐射研究中心第十六届用户年会暨研讨会,新竹,台湾。Oct. 20-22, 2010.
  68. W.Y. Huang and H.M. Lai. Fine structure of ball-milled corn starches with different amylose contents investigated by WAXD and SAXS. 国家同步辐射研究中心第十六届用户年会暨研讨会,新竹,台湾。Oct. 20-22, 2010.
  69. 吴秀兰、赖喜美。国产及进口有色米之性质分析。台湾农业化学会第48 届年会,台北,台湾。2010.06.30.
  70. K.C. Shih and H.M. Lai. Improving the hydrophobicity of OSA-starch film by nanocoated with layer by layer self-assembly multilayer. 台湾农业化学会第48 届年会,台北,台湾。2010.06.30.
  71. Kou, W.Y. and Lai, HM. Structural and rheological properties of β-CD based polypseudorotaxane gels. The 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference. Shanghai, China. June 20-24, 2010.
  72. 洪伟峰、赖喜美。奈米涂复技术对淀粉基质生物材料水分阻隔性之改善。台湾食品科技学会第三十七届年会,彰化,台湾。2009.11.27.
  73. Y.C. Huang and H.M. Lai. Characteristics of starch fine structure and pasting properties of waxy rice during storage. 91th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. September 13-17, 2009.
  74. W.Y. Kou and H.M. Lai. Preparation of polypseudorotaxane gels through supramolecular self-assembling between beta-cyclodextrin and polyalkylene glycols. 91th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. September 13-17, 2009.
  75. Y.C. Huang and H.M. Lai. Puffing quality of waxy rice cracker affected by the rice cultivar, cooking condition and frying methods. Institute of Food Technologist Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Anaheim, CA, USA. June 9-10, 2009.
  76. 锺依林、Seema AnsariLuis EstevezSuren HayrapetyanEmmanuel P. Giannelis、赖喜美。淀粉-黏土奈米复合材料之合成及性质研究。台湾农业化学会第47 届年会,台北,台湾。2009.06.
  77. 谢元容、赖喜美。负电荷多醣对淀粉-层状双氢氧化物奈米复合材料之影响。湾农业化学会第47 届年会,台北,台湾。2009.06.
  78. Y.L. Chung and H.M. Lai. Preparation and properties of biodegradable starch-LDHs nanocomposites. 90th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. September 25-29, 2008.
  79. Wang, Y.F. and Lai, H.M. Bioactive compounds of soybean affected by the thermal treatments and ultra-fine milling. 90th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. September 25-29, 2008.
  80. H.M. Lai and P.Y. Lin. Processing effects on the bioactive compounds of soybean. In “Chemistry, Texture and Flavor of Soy” Symposium, American Chemical Society 236th National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, USA. August 17-21, 2008.
  81. W.Y. Huang, H.M. Lai and W.H. Li. X-ray scattering study on ball-milled corn starches with different amylose content. ANSTO – AINSE Neutron School on Materials. Lucas Heights (Sydney), Australia. July 20-25, 2008.
  82. Chang, S.Y. and Lai, H.M. Sodium hexametaphosphate as dispersant of starch nanocrystals. The 9th International Hydrocolloids Conference, Singapore. June 16-20, 2008.
  83. 李昱宽、赖喜美。以天然多醣奈米结晶粒子为模板制备矽酸盐介孔材料。台湾农业化学会第46 届年会,台北,台湾。2008.05.
  84. 王姿闵、高雅玲、陈彦竹、赖喜美。市售油条之铝含量分析。台湾食品科技学会第三十七届年会,彰化,台湾。2007.12.
  85. Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai. A response surface methodology study on the effects of reaction conditions on the physicochemical properties of cationic starches. 89th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. San Antonia, TX, USA. October 7-10, 2007.
  86. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of drying conditions on the puffing quality of waxy rice. 89th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. San Antonia, TX, USA. October 7-10, 2007.
  87. Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Nanocrystals prepared from waxy corn starch by the treatments of acid hydrolysis. Institute of Food Technologist Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Chicago, IL, USA. July 28-August 1, 2007.
  88. 王玉芬、赖喜美。市售果汁及含果汁饮料之抗氧化能力及類黄酮含量测定。台湾农业化学会第45 届年会,台北,台湾。2007.05.
  89. Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of HCl-methanol modification on the properties of corn starch film. 88th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International and World Grains Summit: Foods and Beverages. San Francisco, CA, USA. September 17-20, 2006.
  90. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Noodle quality affected by different cereal starches. 88th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International and World Grains Summit: Foods and Beverages. San Francisco, CA, USA. September 17-20, 2006.
  91. Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai. Granular morphology, molecular structure and related physicochemical properties of cationic starches. 88th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International and World Grains Summit: Foods and Beverages. San Francisco, CA, USA. September 17-20, 2006.
  92. 邱于珍、黄玉婵、赖喜美。2006。国产糯米加工特性及休閒食品之开发与应用。95年度农业科技「研究开发农产品之加工技术」研究成果发表会。屏东,台湾。2006.10.
  93. Chong-Yao Tsou and Hsi-Mei Lai. Coating technique applied for the calcium fortified rice and its properties. 44th Annual Meeting of Agricultural Chemical Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. June 24, 2006.
  94. Chiew-Peng Ng and Hsi-Mei Lai. ACE inhibitor activity of egg white hydrolystates. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association for Food Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. November 25, 2005.
  95. Pei-Yin Lin and Hsi-Mei Lai. Bioactive components of legumes and their changes after germination. 87th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International, Orlando, Florida, USA. September 11 -14, 2005.
  96. Yi-Ling Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Molecular and granular characteristics of corn starch modified by HCl-methanol at different temperatures. 87th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International, Orlando, Florida, USA. September 11 -14, 2005.
  97. Chiew-Peng Ng and Hsi-Mei Lai. Study on the hydrolysates and sialic acid in liquid egg white. 43th Annual Meeting of Agricultural Chemical Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. June 21, 2005.
  98. Hsi-Mei Lai and Yi-Ju Chen. Effect of clays on the biodegradable starch-clay composite film. 86th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, San Diego, California, USA. September 19 - 22, 2004.
  99. Chung-Hua Liu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of waxy rice flour on the dough property and storage quality of steam bread. 86th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, San Diego, California, USA. September 19 - 22, 2004.
  100. Pei-Yin Lin and Hsi-Mei Lai. Antioxidative activities of bamboo leaf and bamboo shoot. International Symposium on Functional Foods for Health in Taiwan. Taipei, Taiwan. May 25, 2004.
  101. Hsi-Mei Lai and I-Chen Chiang. Effects of MTGase on the properties of gluten film. 85th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Portland, Oregon, USA. September 28 - October 2, 2003.
  102. Yi-Ling Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Water barrier property of starch film investigated by MRI. 85th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Portland, Oregon, USA. September 28 - October 2, 2003.
  103. Chung-Hua Liu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Contents of monacolin k and citrinin in bread, noodle and rice dumpling with the addition of anka. 41th Annual Meeting of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society, Taipei, Taiwan. August 29, 2003.
  104. H.M. Lai and S.C. Hwang. Effects of cooking time on white salted noodle investigated by MRI and texture analyzer. 84th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Palais des Congres, Montreal, QC, Canada. October 13 – 17, 2002.
  105. Y.L. Chung and H.M. Lai. Effects of dissacharides and freeze-thaw cycles on white salted noodle investigated by MRI. 84th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Palais des Congres, Montreal, QC, Canada. October 13 – 17, 2002
  106. Chia-Chi Chiou and Hsi-Mei Lai. Influence of Cooking Time on the Water Mobility of Noodle Studied by MRI. 40th Annual Meeting of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society, Taipei, Taiwan. June 28, 2002.
  107. Yi-Yo Shi and Hsi-Mei Lai. Properties of arabinoxylan from wheat bran extracted with alkaline. 40th Annual Meeting of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society, Taipei, Taiwan. June 28, 2002.
  108. H.M. Lai and Y.L. Chung. Molecular mobility of waxy rice starch paste at low temperature studied by using MDSC and NMR. 83th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A. October 14-18, 2001.
  109. C.S. Tseng and H.M. LAI. Effects of MTGase on the modification of flour dough properties studied by response surface method. 83th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A. October 14-18, 2001.
  110. Hsi-Mei Lai. 1999. “Quality changes of Chinese snacks made from pregelatinized rice flour, ” 81th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Seattle, Whashington, U.S.A.
  111. Hsi-Mei Lai and Yi-Lin Chung.1999. “Alkaline Effect on the Pasting Properties of Rice Flour of Various Amylose Content, ” 29th Annual Meeting of Food Science and Technology, Tai-Chong, Taiwan.
  112. Hsi-Mei Lai, Hsiao-Hsien Cheng and Kai-Chih Hung. 1999. “Processing Effects on the Hydration and Pasting Properties of Pregelatinized Rice Flour, ” 29th Annual Meeting of Food Science and Technology, Tai-Chong, Taiwan.
  113. Hsi-Mei Lai. 1998. “Effect of rice variety and emulsifier on the quality of rice pasta,” 80th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
  114. Hsi-Mei Lai. “RVA and DSC investigation of heat-treated rice,” 79th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, San Diego, California, October12-16, 1997.
  115. Hsi-Mei Lai. “Effect of rice variety and emulsifier on the quality of rice pasta,” 27th Annual Meeting of Food Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 1997.
  116. Hsi-Mei Lai and Cheng-Yi Lii. “Studies of the effects of emulsifier and sugars on the quality changes of taro paste during storage by using DSC and NMR spectroscopy,” 78th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Baltimore, Massachusetts, September 18-22, 1996.
  117. Hsi-Mei Lai. 1995. “Effects of emulsifier on the dough properties and the bread quality during storage,” 25th Annual Meeting of Food Science and Technology, Tai-Chong, Taiwan, 1995.
  118. Hsi-Mei Lai, Hong-Long Huang and Wen-Yi Kuo. “Recent Progress in Technology and Marketing of Chinese Pasta in Taiwan,” 56th IFT Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. 1995.
  119. Hsi-Mei Lai, Kun-Yu Chang and Paul Hsu. "Study of bromate replacements for bread," 76th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Nashville, Tennessee, October 23-27, 1994.
  120. Hsi-Mei Lai. Product development of rice-based snack foods. 23th Annual Meeting of Food Science and Technology, Keelung, Taiwan, 1993.
  121. Hsi-Mei Lai, Shelly J. Schmidt, R.G. Chiou, L.A. Slowinski and G.A. Day. "Water immobilization properties of a starch-based fat replace as studied by 17O NMR spectroscopy," 53th IFT Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA. 1992.
  122. Hsi-Mei Lai and Shelly J. Schmidt. "Self-diffusion coefficients and spin-lattice relaxation times of water in sugar-water system as studied by 1H NMR," 52th IFT Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, USA. 1991.
  123. Hsi-Mei Lai and Shelly J. Schmidt. "Self-diffusion coefficients and spin-lattice relaxation times of water in sugar and gelatin as studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy techniques," Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE), Chicago, IL, USA. 1991.
  124. Hsi-Mei Lai and Shelly J. Schmidt. "Water relations of simple sugar solutions as studied by 1H, 2H and 17O NMR spectroscopy," 51th IFT Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. USA. 1990.
  125. Hsi-Mei Lai and Shelly J. Schmidt. "Water mobility and crystallization behavior of lactose-water systems as studied by oxygen-17 and carbon-13 NMR," 50th IFT Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, USA. 1989.
  126. Shelly J. Richardson Schmidt, Hsi-Mei Lai and J. Paul. "Use of NMR spectroscopy and microscopy to study water relations in food," American Chemical Society Symposium in Water Relations in Foods, Bi-Annual ACS Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA. 1989.
  127. Hsi-Mei Lai and Shelly J. Schmidt. "Characterization of lactose crystallization by hydrodynamic equilibria, SEM and 2H over time in skim milk," 49th IFT Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA. 1988.
  128. Shelly J. Richardson Schmidt, Hsi-Mei Lai and M.E. Augustine. "Characterization of water in foods by NMR," American Chemical Society Symposium in Food and Agricultural Applications of NMR, Bi-Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 1988.
  129. Hsi-Mei Lai and Babara P. Klein. "Characterization of tomato lipoxygenase from two cultivars at different maturity stages," 48th IFT Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA. 1987.