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  1. 曾见昇。2001。微生物麸胺醯胺酸转胺酶对面团物化性质之改良与其在烘焙上之应用。台湾大学农 业化学所硕士论文。
    (Chien-Sheng Tseng. 2001. Effects of microbial transglutamionase on modlifying the physicochemical properties of flour dough and its application in baking. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University.)
  2. 施沂佑。2003。小麦麸皮中arabinoxylan的碱萃取方法探讨及其理化性质研究。台湾大学农业化学所硕士论文。
    (Yi-Yo Shi. 2003. The method of extraction of arabinoxylans from wheat bran and the physicochemical characteristics of aranbinoxylans. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University.)
  3. 叶丰锡。2003。转殖耐热性淀粉普鲁南糖莓水道品系之米质分析。台湾大学农艺所硕士论文。(与卢虎生及馀淑美博士共同指导)
    (Feng-Shi Yeh. 2003. Physico-chemical properties and quality of amylopullulanase transgeneic rice. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University. Co-advised with Dr. Huu-Sheng Lur, and Dr. Su-May Yu)
  4. 锺依林。2003。淀粉膜制作技术及以MRI探讨其在模式系统中水分阻隔性质之研究。台湾大学农业化学所硕士论文。
    (Yi-Lin Chung. 2003. Starch film-forming technique and MRI studies of its water-barrier property in the model system. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  5. 刘仲华。2004。糯性米淀粉及预糊化处理对面团性质及馒头品质之影响。台湾大学农业化学所硕士论文。
    (Chung-Hua Liu. 2004. Effects of waxy rice flour and pregelatinized wheat flour on the dough property and quality of steam bread. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University.)
  6. 黄秋萍。2005。液蛋白及系带内生物活性物质之研究。台湾大学微生所硕士论文。(与黄健雄博士共同指导)
    (Chiew-Peng Ng. 2005. Study on bioactive compounds in liquid egg white and chalazae. Master Thesis, Institute of Microbiology and Biochemistry.)
  7. 黄玉婵。2006。不同谷物淀粉之性质探讨对冷藏乌龙面品质的影响。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Yu-Chan Huang. 2006. Effect of starches from different cereal sources on the quality of Udon noodle. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  8. 张馨云。2007。酸水解法制备多醣奈米结晶粒子之研究。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Shing-Yun Chang. 2007. Research on the Preparation of Polysaccharide Nanocrystals with Acid Hydrolysis. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  9. 王玉芬。2008。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。超微细化研磨对国产大豆原料之机能性成分的影响。
    (Yu-Fen Wang. 2008. Bioactive compounds of domestic grown soybeans affected by ultrafine milling. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  10. 施坤河。2008。面粉性质对法国面包烘焙品质之影响。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Kuen-Ho Shih. 2008. Effects of flour quality on the baking characteristics of French bread. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  11. 邹仲尧。2009。酵素法制备不同链长脂肪酸修饰树薯淀粉之性质探讨。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Chumg-Yao Tsou. 2009. Preparation and properties of enzymatic modified cassava starch with various chain length fatty acids. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  12. 郭琬媛。2009。利用beta-环状糊精/聚醚分子间的超分子自组装制备准聚轮烷胶体。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Wan-Yuan Kuo. 2009. Preparation of polypseudorotaxane gels through supramolecular self-assembling between beta-cyclodextrin and polyethers. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  13. 邱于珍。2009。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。超微细化研磨技术对竹叶萃出物类黄酮含量及抑菌活性之影响。
    (Yu-Chen Chiu. 2009. Effect of ultrafine milling on total flavonoids content and antimicrobial activity of bamboo leaf extracts. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  14. 锺依林2009。淀粉-黏土奈米复合材料之合成及性质研究。台湾大学农业化学系博士论文。
    (Yi-Lin Chung. 2009. Synthesis and Properties of Starch-Clay Nanocomposites. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  15. 黄文仰。2010。球磨修饰不同直链淀粉含量之玉米淀粉的外观型态、内部结构及理化性质。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Wen-Yang Huang. 2010. Morphologies, Internal Structures and Physicochemical Properties of Ball-Milled Corn Starches with Different Amylose Contents. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  16. 李昱宽。2010。添加硬脂酸与纤维素奈米结晶粒子对淀粉膜性质之影响。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Yu-Kuan Lee. 2010. Effects of Stearic Acid and Cellulose Nanocrystal on the Properties of Starch Film. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  17. 王姿闵。2010。国产甘藷之花青素组成及抗解淀粉制备之研究。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Tzu-Min Wang. 2010. Anthocyanins Analysis and Resistant Starch Preparation of Taiwanese Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas). Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  18. 林佩吟2011。国产谷豆作物机能物质之探讨。台湾大学农业化学系博士论文。
    Pei-Yin Lin. 2011. Bioactive Compounds from Domestic Grown Grains. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  19. 黄玉萍。2011。有色米米糠之生物活性成分分析及阿拉伯木寡醣制备。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Yu-Ping Huang. 2011. Colored Rice Bran: Analyses of Bioactive Compounds and Preparation of Arabinoxylan Oligosaccharides. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  20. 谢元容。2011。添加蒙特石及球磨处理对聚乳酸-淀粉复合材料之影响。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Yuan-Jung Hsieh. 2011. Effect of Montmorillonite and Ball-Milling Treatment on Poly(lactic Acid)-Starch Composite. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  21. 吴秀兰。2011。国产有色米加工处理对机能物质之影响。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Siew-Lang Ngoo. 2011. Effects of Processing on the Bioactive Compounds in Domestic Grown Colored Rice. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  22. 洪伟峰。2012。以逐层自组装多层膜奈米涂布技术开发含活性物质之高功能性淀粉膜。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Wei-Pheng Hung. 2012. Developing the high functional and active compounds contained starch film by layer-by-layer self-assembly nanocoating method.
    Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  23. 戴丞衍。2012。以国产稻米取代面粉制作面包之研究。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Cheng-Yan Dai. 2012. Study on Substitution of Wheat Flour with Domestic Grown Rice in Bread Making. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  24. 周炜霖。2013。无麸质类面包产品之研制米谷粉原料性质与配方探讨。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Wei-Lin Chou. 2013. Gluten-free Bread-like Product - Study on Rice Flour Properties and Formulation. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  25. 丛可兰。2013。不同直链淀粉含量米淀粉制备多孔性微米球之研究。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Ko-Lan Tsung. 2013. Preparation of starch porous microspheres with  rice starches of different amylose content. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  26. 黄玉婵2014。糯性及高直链性淀粉稻米贮藏陈化机制与理化性质探讨。台湾大学农业化学系博士论文。
    (Yu-Chan Huang. 2014. Waxy and High-Amylose Rice Ageing Mechanisms and their Physicochemical Properties. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  27. 游日皓。2014。乙醯酯化马铃薯淀粉与树薯淀粉储藏稳定性之探讨。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Jih-Hao Yu. 2014. Stability of acetylated potato starch and tapioca starch during storage.
    Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  28. 郑博谦。2014。国产全谷物西式面条之研发。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Po-Chien Cheng. 2014. Development on the whole grain pasta-like products made with domestic growth cereals. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  29. 黎韦欣。2014。鞑靼荞麦粗萃取液机能成分之研究。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Wai Ian Lai. 2014. Study of bioactive compounds in Tartary buckwheat crude extracts. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  30. 廖易炜。2015。发芽及熟化处理对国产有色米机能性质之影响。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Yi-Wei Liao. 2015. Functional Properties of Domestic Grown Colored Rice Treated by Germination and Heating. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  31. 杨弘宇。2015。发芽及熟化处理对国产豆类机能性成分之影响。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Hong-Yu Yang. 2015. Effects of germination and heating treatments on the bioactive compounds in domestic grown legumes. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  32. 段以南。2015。以国产富机能性有色米谷粉开发新颖式中式面条。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Enan Duan. 2015. Domestic Bioactive Colored Rice Flour for Novel Chinese Noodles Making.
    Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  33. 谢一民。2016国产硬质玉米之淀粉理化性质及全玉米谷粉之碾制。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (I-Min Hsieh. 2016. Physicochemical properties of corn starch and preparation of the whole corn milling products from domestic grown corn. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  34. 邱博嵘。2016以奈米准聚轮烷结晶及多层膜自主装涂布技术改善淀粉复合材料性质之研究。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Po-Jung Chiou. 2016. Study of adapting polypseudorotaxane nanocrystal and layer-by-layer self-assembly coating technique to improve the properties of starch composite. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  35. 王姵琪。2017糜子淀粉及谷粉理化性质之研究。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Pei-Chi Wang. 2017. Physicochemical properties of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) starch and flour. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  36. 蔡沐芳。2017台湾高直链淀粉玉米之理化性质及其应用。台湾大学生化科技系硕士论文。
    (Mu-Fang Tsai. 2017. Physicochemical properties of Taiwanese high amylose maize and its application. Master Thesis, Dept. of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University.)
  37. 吴宥萱。2018TEMPO 触媒氧化淀粉与 pH 应答型微凝胶之制备及物化性质。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Yu-Hsuan Wu. 2018. Preparation and physicochemical properties of TEMPO-oxidized starch and pH-responsive microgel. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  38. 石国治2018β-环状糊精与三嵌段共聚物自组装形成准聚轮烷之结构与流变性质。台湾大学农业化学系博士论文。
    (Kuo-Chih Shih. 2018. Structural and Rheological Properties of Self-assembled β-cyclodextrin and Tri-block Copolymer. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  39. 许家莉。2018大豆粉对面团色泽及品质之影响。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Chei Lee Hooi. 2018. Effect of soybean flour on the color and texture of wheat flour dough. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  40. 陈韵雯。2018红豆水副产物价值提升之技术。台湾大学生化科技系硕士论文。
    (Yun-Wen Chen. 2018. Techniques for value-added by-product of Adzuki bean water production. Master Thesis, Dept. of Biochemical Science and Technology , National Taiwan University.)
  41. 黄永融。2018。台湾高直链淀粉玉米及硬质玉米全谷粉之安定化。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Yong-Rong Huang. 2018. Stabilization of whole corn flours milling from Taiwanese high amylose and flint corns.
    Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  42. 涂之惠。2018酱醪与甘酒共压榨对酱油风味与品质之改善。台湾大学生化科技系硕士论文。
    (Zhi-Hui Tu. 2018. Flavor and quality improvements of soy sauce by co-pressing of moromi and rice Lao-Chao. Master Thesis, Dept. of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University.)
  43. 张馨云2018以淀粉为基质制备pH应答型材料之研究。台湾大学农业化学系博士论文。
    Shing-Yun Chang. 2018. Preparation and characterization of starch-based pH-responsive materials. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  44. 杨之绮。2020。钠蒙特石-几丁聚醣-TEMPO触媒氧化淀粉奈米抗菌复合材料之制备及性质分析。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    Jhih-Ci Yang. 2020. Preparation and characterization of Na-MMT, chitosan and TEMPO-oxidized starch antibacterial nanocomposites. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  45. 李昱娴。2020以氧化和交联双重修饰糯性玉米淀粉制备pH应答型微凝胶。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Yu-Hsien Lee. 2020. Preparation and characterization of oxidized and cross-linked dual modified waxy corn starch for pH-responsive microgel. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  46. 詹芷瑄。2020。以高直链淀粉玉米与硬质玉米开发具机能性之挤压膨发与冲泡粉产品。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    Chih-Hsuan Chan. 2020. Functional extruded puffing and drink products developed by using high amylose maize and flint corn. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  47. 林静娴。2020。酵母菌对酱醪发酵期间风味与品质之影响。台湾大学生化科技系硕士论文。
    (Ching-Hsien Lin. 2020. Effects of yeasts on the flavor and quality of soy sauce mash (moromi) during fermentation. Master Thesis, Dept. of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University.)
  48. 吕依蔓2020。稻米谷粒中镓及砷元素分布与微量元素(锶、铯、钴及钒)含量之探讨。台湾大学公共卫生学院食品安全与健康研究所硕士论文。(与陈鑫昌博士共同指导)
    Yi-Man Ly. 2020. Distribution of gallium and arsenic and the contents of trace elements (Sr, Cs, Co and V) in rice grains. Master Thesis, Institute of Food Safety and Health College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. Co-advised with Dr. Hsin-Chang Chen.)
  49. 李健维。2020稻米谷粒中铟及镉的分布及其他元素(钙、钛、锰、铜、锌、铷和钼)含量。台湾大学公共卫生学院食品安全与健康研究所硕士论文。(与魏嘉征博士共同指导)
    (Jian-Wei Lee
    . 2020. Distribution of indium and cadmium and contents of other elements in rice grains (Ca, Ti, Mn, Cu, Zn, Rb and Mo). Master Thesis, Institute of Food Safety and Health College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. Co-advised with Dr. Chia-Cheng Wei.)
  50. 陈品毓。2021。柠檬酸修饰淀粉之制备与淀粉膜物化性质分析。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Pin-Yu Chen. 2021. Preparation of citric acid modified starch and characterization of physicochemical properties of the starch films. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  51. 美帆。2021烘焙与湿磨对糙米理化性质的影响湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。台湾大学-日本筑波大学双学位计画,与北丰村教授共同指导。
    (Fukui Miho. 2021. Effects of roasting and wet-milling on physicochemical properties of brown rice. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University. NTU-UT Double Degree Program,Advisor: Hsi-Mei Lai, Ph.D., Yutaka Kitamura, Ph.D.)
  52. 吴松晏。2021无面筋类西式玉米全谷面条之研发。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    (Sung-Yen Wu. 2021. Development of gluten-free pasta-like whole corn products. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  53. 陈琬瀞。2021。修饰淀粉的物化性质与成膜特性。台湾大学农业化学系硕士论文。
    Wan-Jing Chen. 2021. Physiochemical and film-forming properties of modified starches. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)