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學術專書 這是一張圖片 個人論文 這是一張圖片 其他著作 這是一張圖片 學術會議論文 這是一張圖片 研究計畫報告 這是一張圖片 研究生論文 這是一張圖片 學生獲獎 這是一張圖片
01. Yu-Ping Huang, Hsi-Mei Lai*. Bioactive compounds and antioxidative activity of colored rice bran. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (Accepted) (SCI)
02. Shing-Yun Chang, Hsi-Mei Lai*. Effect of trisodium citrate on swelling property and structure of cationic starch thin film. Food Hydrocolloids 56:254-265, 2016. (SCI)
03. H.-M. Wang, K.-Y. To, Hsi-Mei Lai*, S.-T. Jeng*. Modification of flower colour by suppressing b-ring carotene hydroxylase genes in Oncidium. Plant Biology 18:220-229, 2016. (SCI)
04. Chien-Chun Chen, Wen-Pin Shih, Pei-Zen Chang, Hsi-Mei Lai, Shing-Yun Chang, Pin-Chun Huang and Huai-An Jeng*. Onion artificial muscles. Applied Physics Letters 106, 183702; doi: 10.1063/1.4917498, 2015.(SCI)
05. 賴喜美。米食多元化加工技術-米穀粉之研究與開發。農業生技產業專刊 (糧食安全與稻米科技) 39:56-62 2014。
06. Hsien-Kai Huang, Hwo-Shuenn Sheu, Wei-Tsung Chuang, U-ser Jeng*, An-Chung Su,* Wei-Ru Wu, Kuei-Fen Liao, Chun-Yu Chen, Shing-Yun Chang Hsi-Mei Lai. Correlated changes in structure and viscosity during gelatinization and gelation of tapioca starch granules. IUCrJ 1:418-428, 2014.
07. Kuo-Chih Shih, Chi-Yen Li, Wen-Hsien Li* Hsi-Mei Lai*.Fine structures of self-assembled beta-cyclodextrin/Pluronic in dilute and dense systems: a small angle X-ray scattering study. Soft Matter 10:7606-7614, 2014. (SCI)
08. Yu-Chan Huang, Hsi-Mei Lai*. Characteristics of starch fine structure and pasting properties of waxy rice during storage. 152:432-439, 2014. (SCI)
09. Yu-Hsing Shen, Yu-Huei Chen, Hao-Yun Liu, Fang-Yi Chiang, Yi-Chieh Wang, Liang-Yu Hou. Jeng-Shane Lin, Chih-Ching Lin, Hsin-Hung Lin, Hsi-Mei Lai, Shih-Tong Jeng*. Expression of a gene encoding β-ureidopropionase is critical for pollen germination in tomatoes. Physiologia Plantarum 150:425-435, 2014. (SCI)
10. Wan-Yuan Kuo, Hsi-Mei Lai*. Morphological, structural and rheological properties of beta-cyclodextrin based polypseudorotaxane gels. Polymer 52:3389-3395, 2011. (SCI)
11. Pei-Yin Lin, Hsi-Mei Lai*. Bioactive compounds in rice during grain development. Food Chemistry 127:86-93, 2011. (SCI)
12. Zong-Yan Zhuo, Chien-Sheng Liao, Chen-Han Huang, Jiun-Yann Yu, Yu-Yi Tzeng, Wen Lo, Chen-Yuan Dong, Hsiang-Chen Chui, Yu-Chan Huang, Hsi-Mei Lai, Shi-Wei Chu*. Second harmonic generation imaging-a new method for unraveling molecular information of starch. Journal of Structural Biology 171:88-94, 2010. (SCI)
13. Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai*. Preparation and properties of biodegradable starch-layered double hydroxide nanocomposites. Carbohydrate Polymers 80:525-532, 2010. (SCI)
14. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai* Noodle quality affected by different cereal starches. Journal of Food Engineering. 97:135-143.2010. (SCI)
15. Yi-Lin Chung, Seema Ansari, Luis Estevez, Suren Hayrapetyan, Emmanuel P. Giannelis and Hsi-Mei Lai. Preparation and properties of biodegradable starch-clay nanocomposites. Carbohydrate Polymers 79:361-396 2010. (SCI)
16. Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai*. Effects of reaction conditions on the physicochemical properties of cationic starch studied by RSM. Carbohydrate Polymers 75:627-635, 2009. (SCI)
17. Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai*. Properties of cast films made of HCl-methanol modified corn starch. Starch/Starke 59:583-592, 2007. (SCI)
18. Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai*. Changes of property and morphology of cationic corn starches. Carbohydrate Polymers 69:544-553, 2007. (SCI)
19. Pei-Yin Lin and Hsi-Mei Lai*. Bioactive compounds in legumes and their germinated products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54:3807-3814, 2006. (SCI)
20. Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai*. Molecular and granular characteristics of corn starch modified by HCl-methanol at different temperatures. Carbohydrate Polymers 63:527-534, 2006. (SCI)
21. Hsi-Mei Lai and I-Chen Chiang. Properties of MTGase treated gluten film. European of Food Research and Technology 222: 291-297, 2006. (SCI)
22. Yi-Ching Liu, Shin-Huang Lin, Hsi-Mei Lai, and Shih-Tong Jeng Detection of genetically modified soybean and its product tou-kan by polymerase chain reaction with dual pairs of DNA primers. European of Food Research and Technology 221:725-730, 2005. (SCI)
23. Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai*. Water barrier property of starch film investigated by magnetic resonance imaging. Cereal Chemistry 82:131-137, 2005. (SCI)
24. Yu-Chi Chen, Hung-Shu Chang, Hsi-Mei Lai and Shih-Tong Jeng. Characterization of the wound-inducible protein ipomoelin from sweet potato. Plant Cell and Environment 28:251-259, 2005. (SCI)
25. Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai*. Water status of two gelatin gels during storage investigated by magnetic resonance imaging. J of Food and Drug Analysis 12(3):221-227, 2004. (SCI)
26. Hsi-Mei Lai* and San-Chao Hwang. Water status of cooked white salted noodles evaluated by MRI. Food Research International 37(10):957-966, 2004. (SCI)
27. Hsi-Mei Lai* and Hsiao-Hsien Cheng. Properties of pregelatinized rice flour made by hot air popping or gun puffing. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 39(2):201-212, 2004. (SCI)
28. Hsi-Mei Lai*. Effects of rice properties and emulsifiers on the quality of rice pasta. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 82:203-216, 2002. (SCI)
29. Chien-Sheng Tseng and Hsi-Mei Lai*. Physicochemical properties of wheat flour dough modified by microbial transglutaminase. Journal of Food Science 67: 750-755, 2002. (SCI)
30. Hsi-Mei Lai*. Effects of hydrothermal treatment on the physicochemical properties of pregelatinized rice flour. Food Chemistry 72:455-463, 2001. (SCI)
31. Hsi-Mei Lai*. A simple procedure for the measurement of wheat germ in the milling products by fluorescence spectroscopy. Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry 1:47-54, 1999. (國科會優良期刊)
32. Hsi-Mei Lai, Shih-Tong Jeng, and Cheng-Yi Lii. 17O NMR and DSC for studying quality of taro paste as affected by processing and storage. Food Science and Technology-LEB 31:57-63, 1998. (SCI)
33. Shih-Tong Jeng, Sheue-Hwey Lay, and Hsi-Mei Lai. Transcription termination by bacteriophage T3 and SP6 RNA polymerases at Rho-independent termination. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 43:1147-1156, 1997. (SCI)
34. Hsi-Mei Lai* and Cheng-Yi Lii. The effects of a-amylase and ascorbic acid in bromate-free breadmaking. Journal of the Chinese Agricultural Chemistry Society 34(5):518-534, 1996. (國科會優良期刊)
35. H.M. Lai, S.J. Schmidt, RG Chiou, L.A. Slowinski and G.A. Day. Mobility of water in a starch-based fat replacer as studied by 17O NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Food Science 58:1103-1106, 1993. (SCI)
36. H.M. Lai, and S.J. Schmidt. Mobility of water in various sugar-water systems as studied by oxygen-17 NMR. Food Chemistry 46:55-60, 1993. (SCI)
37. H.M. Lai and S.J. Schmidt. 1991. Proton, deuterium and oxygen-17 NMR relaxation studies of lactose- and sucrose-water systems. J Agricultural and Food Chem 39:1921-1926, 1991.(SCI)
38. H.M. Lai and Schmidt S.J. Water mobility and crystallization action of lactose-water systems by oxygen-17 and carbon-13 NMR. J. Food Science 55:1435-1440, 1990.(SCI)
39. H.M. Lai and S.J. Schmidt. Lactose crystallization in skim milk powder observed by hydrodynamic equilibria, scanning electron microscopy and 2H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. J. Food Science 55:995-999, 1990. (SCI)
40. C.T. Yang, W.P. Yu and H.M. Lai. Studies on manufacture of pyrodextrins from rice. I. Optimal conditions for the methods of pyrodextrinization. J. Chinese Agricul. Chem. Soc. 26(1):63-68, 1988. (國科會優良期刊)

01. Hsi-Mei Lai* and Yu-Ping Huang. 2014. Effects of Ball Milling on the Properties of Colored Rice Bran. In "Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 17, The Changing Face of Food Manufacture: The Role of Hydrocolloids," Pete Williams and Glyn O. Phillips (Eds.) RSC Publishing, UK. page 155-164.
02. Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai. 2012. Recent developments in starch-clay nanocomposites. In "Technological advancement in polymer nano-composites of layered silicates: processing, performance and applications," Jitendra Kumar Pandey, Raghunatha Reddy, Amar Kumar Mohanty, Manjusri Misra (Eds). Springer
03. Hsi-Mei Lai and Pei-Yin Lin. 2010. Thermal effects on the conversion of isoflavones in soybean. In "Chemistry, Texture, and Flavor of Soy," Keith R. Cadwallader and Sam K.C. Chang (Eds.) American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA.
04. Hsi-Mei Lai and Tze-Ching Lin. 2006. Bakery Products: Science and Technology. In“Bakery Products—Science and Technology,” Chapter 1. Hui, Y. H. (Ed). Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA. Pp3-65.
05. 李敏雄 (總校閱)、黃健雄、鍾玉明、賴喜美、蘇南維、邱淑媛 (審校)。2006. 發酵食品為生物學 (Microbiology of Fermented Foods, 2nd Ed, by B. J. B Wood. Blakie Academic Professional, NY, USA)。藝軒圖書出版社,台北,台灣。
06. Hsi-Mei Lai and Tze-Ching Lin. 2005. Bakery Products. In“Handbook of Food Science, Technology and Engineering,” Vol. 4. Chapter 148. Hui, Y. H. (Ed) CRC Taylor Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. pp148-1~148-51.
07. 李敏雄 (總校閱)、黃健雄、蘇南維、賴喜美、陳雪娥、鍾玉明 (審校)。2004。酵素在食品加工的應用(Enzymes in food processing, 2nd Ed. G. A. Tucker and LFJ Woods. Blackie, NY, 1995)。藝軒圖書出版社,台北,台灣。
08. 李敏雄 (總校閱)、賴喜美、蘇南維、王苑春、鍾玉明(審校)。2004。食品分析 (Food Analysis 2nd Ed. S. Suzanne Nielsen, 1998, Aspen Publishers, Inc.)。藝軒圖書出版社,台北,台灣。
09. 賴喜美。2002。穀物品質研討會論文集。中國農業化學會,台北,台灣。
10 Hsi-Mei Lai. 2002. Development of wheat flour processing industry in Taiwan and China. In “Proceedings of Symposium of Grain Quality,” Hsi-Mei Lai (Ed.). Taipei, Taiwan.
11. 賴喜美。1998。熟粉。豐年社叢書「米食加工」,豐年社,台北,台灣。
12. 賴喜美。1998。米食加工。豐年社叢書「米食加工」,豐年社,台北,台灣。
13. S. J. Schmidt and H.M. Lai Use of NMR and MRI to study water relations in foods. In“Water relationships in Foods-Advances in the 1980's and Trends for the 190's,”(Eds) H. Levine and L. Slade. Plenum Publishing Co., NY, 1991.
14. I. N. Ting and H.M. Lai. “Problems for experimental biochemistry,” Hwa-Shan-Yen Publishing Co., Taiwan, R.O.C. 1985.

1. Hsi-Mei Lai. Water relations of simple sugars solutions and skim milk powder as studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy, Ph. D. Thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 1990.
2. Hsi-Mei Lai. Characterization of tomato lipoxygenase from two cultivars at different maturity stages, Master Thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 1987.

01. 賴喜美。中華民國94年。酵素於麵包烘焙之應用。烘焙工業 (Printed)
02. 賴喜美。中華民國93年。你認識反式油脂嗎?烘焙工業 117:24-32。
03. 賴喜美。中華民國92年。讓健康的烘焙食品進入校園。烘焙工業 110:28-29。
04. 賴喜美。中華民國91年。高溫加熱的澱粉食品會致癌嗎?烘焙工業 105:20-22.
05. 賴喜美。中華民國89年。酵素榖類食品之應用。烘焙工業 90:28-30.
06. 賴喜美。中華民國87年。熟粉。豐年社叢書「米食加工」,豐年社,台北,台灣。
07. 賴喜美。中華民國87年。高纖麵包之製作。烘焙工業 77:68-71.
08. 賴喜美。中華民國86年。烘焙原料的認識(12)--乳化劑(II)。烘焙工業 76:54-59.
09. 賴喜美。中華民國86年。烘焙原料的認識(11)--乳化劑(I)。烘焙工業 75:53-57.
10. 賴喜美。中華民國86年。熱傳及其效應對烘焙產品之影響。烘焙工業 74:68-72.
11. 賴喜美。中華民國86年。烘焙原料的認識(10)--油脂(III)。烘焙工業 73:23-24.
12. 賴喜美。中華民國86年。烘焙原料的認識(9)--油脂(II)。烘焙工業 72:49-52.
13. 賴喜美。中華民國86年。烘焙原料的認識(8)--油脂(I)。烘焙工業 71:24-27.
14. 賴喜美。中華民國85年。烘焙原料的認識(7)--甜味劑。烘焙工業 70:64-69.
15. 賴喜美。中華民國85年。烘焙原料的認識(6)--酵母。烘焙工業 69:66-71.
16. 賴喜美。中華民國85年。烘焙原料的認識(5)--牛奶與乳製品。烘焙工業 68:24-30.
17. 賴喜美。中華民國85年。烘焙原料的認識(4)--水活性、pH和總滴定酸與烘焙產品之關係。烘焙工業 67:48-54.
18. 賴喜美。中華民國85年。烘焙原料的認識(3)--水-溶劑、水合、介質、軟化之重要角色。烘焙工業 66:48-54.
19. 賴喜美。中華民國85年。烘焙原料的認識(2)--小麥與麵粉(下)。烘焙工業 65:24-32.
20. 賴喜美。中華民國84年。烘焙原料的認識(1)-- 簏麥與麵粉(上)。烘焙工業 64:49-56.
21. 賴喜美。中華民國83年。油脂及熱量修飾烘焙產品之發展現況。烘焙工業 57:46-52.
22. 賴喜美。中華民國83年。麵包製作過程脂質與其他成分之交互作用。烘焙工業 56:43-47.
23. 賴喜美。中華民國83年。麵條用澳洲小麥磨粉試驗。烘焙工業 54:33-37.
24. 賴喜美。中華民國83年。溴酸鉀代用品之可行性。烘焙工業 53:45-50.
25. 賴喜美。中華民國82年。油脂取代物在烘焙產品之應用。烘焙工業 48:32-35.
26. 賴喜美。中華民國82年。麵包不新鮮的原因探討。烘焙工業 47:33-36.

01. Kuo-Chih Shih and Hsi-Mei Lai. Citric acid mediated morphological changes in F108 Pluronic micelles. 2015臺灣中子科學會 (TWNSS)年會。和社,台灣。2015.11.21-23.
02. Hsi-Mei Lai, Cheng-Yu Hsu. SAXS study of short- and long-term retrogradation of starch paste and gel. 國家同步輻射研究中心第21屆用戶年會暨研討會,新竹,台灣。Sept. 9-10, 2015.
03. Shu-Hui Yu, You-Hsuan Wu, En-Cheng Yang, Hsi-Mei Lai and Chuan-Kai Ho. How may climate warming affect a native Pieris butterfly, an invasive Pieris butterfly, and the pollination of their nectar plants across altitude? 100th ESA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. Aug. 9-14, 2015.
04. Kuo-Chih Shih, Shing-Yun Chang, Elliot P. Gilbert, Wen-Hsien Li and Hsi-Mei Lai. Complementary studies of SANS and SAXS on structure of Pluronic F108 micelle in citric acid solution. 2nd Asia Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Sydney Australia, July 19-23, 2015.
05. Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. pH-Triggered release of proteins from starch-based multilayer co-coated with whey protein concentrate. 5th International Colloids Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 21-24, 2015.
06. Hong-Yu Yang, Ming-Huang Hsu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of germination and heating treatments on the profile of bioactive compounds in domestic grown soybeans (Glycine max L.).臺灣農業化學會第53屆年會,台北,台灣。2015.06.30.
07. Yi-Wei Liao, Ming-Huang Hsu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of germination and cooking on the profile of bioactive compounds of colored rice.臺灣農業化學會第53屆年會,台北,台灣。2015.06.30.>
08. 陳裕儒、謝一民、謝光照、賴喜美。台灣本土種植硬質玉米品種澱粉特性分析。台灣農藝學會年會。屏東,台灣。2015.04.23.
09. Hsi-Mei Lai. Structure of nanofiller potentially used in starch naono-composite film. 2015中華民國高分子學會年會,台北,台灣。2015.01.30-31.
10. Shu-Hui Yu, You-Hsuan Wu, En-Cheng Yang, Hsi-Mei Lai and Chuan-Kai Ho. How may climate warming affect a native Pieris butterfly, an invasive Pieris butterfly, and the pollination of their nectar plants across altitude? 4th Taiwan-Japan Ecology Workshop, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan. Nov. 15-17, 2014.
11. Hsi-Mei LAI. SAXS on the studies of polypseudorotaxane (PPR) in starch film and pasting properties of starch. 2014 NSRRC Small Angle Neutron Scattering Workshop, NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Sept 8-9, 2014.
12. Kuo-Chih Shih and Hsi-Mei Lai. 2014. Nanofillers prepared with Pluronic and β-cyclodextrin for starch film application. 國家同步輻射研究中心第20屆用戶年會暨研討會,新竹,台灣。Sept. 10-11, 2014.
13. 鄭博謙、黃玉嬋、賴喜美。國產無麩質全穀物西式麵條之研發。2014米食加工研討會。臺北,臺灣。June 6, 2014.
14. Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Cationic starch behaved as a pH sensitive microgel by using trisodium citrate as an ionically crosslinker. 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. May 5-9, 2014.
15. Kuo-Chih Shih and Hsi-Mei Lai. Rheological properties of self-assembled polypseudorotaxane composed of Pluronic and β-cyclodextrin. 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. May 5-9, 2014.
16. Jih-Hao Yu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Properties changes of acetylated potato and tapioca starches during storage. 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. May 5-9, 2014.
17. 賴喜美。以國產富機能性有色米穀粉開發新穎式中式麵條。第三屆米食加工與營養國際研討會,臺北,臺灣。Oct. 3, 2013.
18. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of storage temperature on physicochemical properties of dry- and wet-milled high amylose rice flours. 95th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2013.
19. Jih-Hao Yu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Stability of acetylated potato and tapioca starches during storage. 95th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2013.
20. Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Rheological property and network structure of pH-responsive cationic starch thin film using citrates as the ionically cross-linkers.國家同步輻射研究中心第19屆用戶年會暨研討會,新竹,台灣。Sept. 4-5, 2013.
21. Ko-Lan Tsung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Using SAXS to determine the microstructural properties of porous starch microspheres preparing with different amylose contents. 國家同步輻射研究中心第19屆用戶年會暨研討會,新竹,台灣。Sept. 4-5, 2013.
22. Kuo-Chih Shih, Elliot Paul Gilbert and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of citric acid on the diluted amphiphilic block copolymer system. International Conference on Neutron Scattering (ICNS). Edinburgh, UK. July 8–12, 2013.
23. Hsi-Mei Lai and Yu-Ping Huang. Effects of ball milling on the properties of colored rice bran. The Gums & Stabilizers for the Food Industry Conference. Wrexham, North Wales, UK. June 25-28, 2013.
24. 賴喜美、吳秀蘭、黃玉萍、林佩吟。國產有色米之機能性與加工應用。臺灣食品科技學會第四十屆年會,臺北,臺灣。Nov. 30, 2012.
25. 賴喜美、吳秀蘭、黃玉萍。有色米活性成分的開發及應用。稻米活性成分的開發與應用研討會。台北,臺灣。Sept. 26, 2012.
26. Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Structural characteristics of pH-responsive starch thin film studied by SAXS. 國家同步輻射研究中心第18屆用戶年會暨研討會,新竹,台灣。Aug. 27-29, 2012.
27. 賴喜美。有色米之機能性與加工應用。第四屆海峽兩岸雜糧健康產業研討會。山西太原,中國。Aug. 10-16, 2012.
28. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effect of elevated storage temperature on the pasting properties of high-amylose rice related to the changes of rice protein. Institute of Food Technologist Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Las Vegas, NA, USA. June 25-28, 2012.
29. Ying-Chung Lin, Tsung-Chi Chen, Hsi-Mei Lai, and Shih-Tong Jeng Effects of starch branching enzymes on the properties of starch in Arabidopsis. Institute of Food Technologist Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Las Vegas, NA, USA. June 25-28, 2012.
30. 吳秀蘭、賴喜美。國產有色發芽米超微細化研磨技術之產品。第二屆米食加工與營養國際研討會。台北,臺灣。June 8, 2012.
31. Wei-Feng Hung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Developing antioxidant-containing starch matrix by LbL self-assembly of cationic starch and microemulsion multilayers. 11th International Hydrocolloids Conference, Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research, Purdue University, USA. May 14-18, 2012.
32. Ko-Lan Tsung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Nanocasting Polypseudorotaxane with Pre-treated TMOS for Mesostuctured Silica Materials Preparation. 11th International Hydrocolloids Conference, Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research, Purdue University, USA. May 14-18, 2012.
33. 33. K.C. Shih, W.Y. Kuo and H.M. Lai. Structural and rheological modification of PluronicR by β-Cyclodextrin. 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Tsukuba, Japan. Nov. 20-24, 2011.
34. K.C. Shih, W.Y. Kuo and H.M. Lai. Self-assembling structure of PluronicR and β-cyclodextrin investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering. 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Tsukuba, Japan. Nov. 20-24, 2011.
35. W.P. Huang and H.M. Lai. Structural and functional studies of starch-based LbL multilayers by GISAXS and wettability determinations. 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Tsukuba, Japan. Nov. 20-24, 2011.
36. S.L. Ngoo and H.M. Lai. Bioactive compounds in germinated and ultrafine-milled colored rice. 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Taipei, Taiwan. Nov. 20-23, 2011.
37. Y.P. Huang and H.M. Lai. Improving the stability and functionality of black rice bran by microwave heating and ball-milling treatments. 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Taipei, Taiwan. Nov. 20-23, 2011.
38. 賴喜美。發芽及加工處理對大豆機能成分之影響。第三屆海峽兩岸穀類與雜糧健康產業研討會。台北,台灣。Oct. 25-26, 2011.
39. K.C. Shih, W.Y. Kuo and H.M. Lai. Modifying the Self-assembled Structure and Rheological Properties of Pluronic F108 by Beta-cyclodextrin. 國家同步輻射研究中心第17屆用戶年會暨研討會,新竹,台灣。Oct. 19-21, 2011.
40. K.L. Tsung and H.M. Lai. Synthesis of Mesostructure Silica Material by Nanocasting of Polypseudorotaxanes as Templates. 國家同步輻射研究中心第17屆用戶年會暨研討會,新竹,台灣。Oct. 19-21, 2011.
41. Kuo-Chih Shih, Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai. Visual, Structural and Rheological Properties of Polypseudorotaxane Composed by β-cyclodextrin and PluronicR. Colloids and Materials 2011, The 1st International Symposium on Colloids and Materials. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. May 8-11,2011.
42. K.L. Tsung and H.M. Lai. Mesostructure silica materials prepared by using polypseudorotaxane made of cyclodextrin and triblock copolymer as templates. 臺灣農業化學會第49 屆年會,台北,台灣。2011.06.29.
43. P.Y. Lin and H.M. Lai. Bioactive compounds in rice kernels during developing. 臺灣食品科技學會第三十八屆年會,臺中,台灣。2010.12.03.
44. W.Y. Huang and H.M. Lai. Morphology and physicochemical properties of ball-milled corn starches with different amylose contents. 臺灣食品科技學會第三十八屆年會,臺中,台灣。2010.12.03.
45. T.M. Wang and H.M. Lai. Anthocyanins analysis and quantification of two taiwanese purple sweet potatoes. 臺灣食品科技學會第三十八屆年會,臺中,台灣。2010.12.03.
46. 李昱寬、賴喜美。添加硬脂酸及1-胺基-2-丙醇對玉米澱粉膜性質之影響。臺灣食品科技學會第三十八屆年會,臺中,台灣。2010.12.03.
47. K.C. Shih, W.Y. Kuo, W.P. Hung, and H.M. Lai. Observing the thermal behaviour of self-assembled gels based on the molecular interactions at different temperatures. Neutrons and Food Workshop. Sydney, Australia. October 31-November 3, 2010.
48. Y.P. Huang and H.M. Lai. Bioactive compounds of bran in colored rice. 92th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Savannah, Georgia, USA. October 24-27, 2010.
49. W.Y. Huang and H.M. Lai. Morphology and x-ray scattering property of ball-milled corn starches with different amylose contents. 92th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Savannah, Georgia, USA. October 24-27, 2010.
50. W.Y. Kuo, K.C. Shih and H.M. Lai. Modifying self-assembling structures of Pluronic F108 with beta-cyclodextrin. 國家同步輻射研究中心第十六屆用戶年會暨研討會,新竹,台灣。Oct. 20-22, 2010.
51. W.Y. Huang and H.M. Lai. Fine structure of ball-milled corn starches with different amylose contents investigated by WAXD and SAXS. 國家同步輻射研究中心第十六屆用戶年會暨研討會,新竹,台灣。Oct. 20-22, 2010.
52. 吳秀蘭、賴喜美。國產及進口有色米之性質分析。臺灣農業化學會第48 屆年會,台北,台灣。2010.06.30.
53. K.C. Shih and H.M. Lai. Improving the hydrophobicity of OSA-starch film by nanocoated with layer by layer self-assembly multilayer. 臺灣農業化學會第48 屆年會,台北,台灣。2010.06.30.
54. Kou, W.Y. and Lai, HM. Structural and rheological properties of β-CD based polypseudorotaxane gels. The 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference. Shanghai, China. June 20-24, 2010.
55. 洪偉峰、賴喜美。奈米塗覆技術對澱粉基質生物材料水分阻隔性之改善。台灣食品科學技術學會年會。宜蘭、台灣。98年11月27日。
56. Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai. Preparation of polypseudorotaxane gels through supramolecular self-assembling between beta-cyclodextrin and polyalkylene glycols. 91th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. September 12-17, 2009.
57. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Characteristics of starch fine structure and pasting properties of waxy rice during storage. 91th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. September 12-17, 2009.
58. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Puffing quality of waxy rice cracker affected by rice variety and cooking condition. Institute of Food Technologist Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Anaheim, CA, USA. June 6-9, 2009.
59. 鍾依林, Seema Ansari, Luis Estevez, Suren Hayrapetyan, Emmanuel P. Giannelis, 賴喜美。澱粉-黏土奈米複合材料之合成及性質研究。臺灣農業化學會第47屆年會,台北,台灣。2009.06.
60. 謝元容、賴喜美。負電荷多醣對澱粉-層狀雙氫氧化物奈米複合材料之影響。臺灣農業化學會第47屆年會,台北,台灣。2009.06.
61. Chung, Y.L. and Lai, H.M. Preparation and properties of biodegradable starch-LDHs nanocomposites. 90th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. September 25-29, 2008.
62. Wang, Y.F. and Lai, H.M. Bioactive compounds of soybean affected by the thermal treatments and ultra-fine milling. 90th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.. September 25-29, 2008.
63. Lai, H.M. and Lin, P.Y. Processing effects on the bioactive compounds of soybean. In “Chemistry, Texture and Flavor of Soy” Symposium, American Chemical Society 236th National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, USA. August 17-21, 2008.
64. Huang, W.Y., Lai, H.M. and Li, W.H. X-ray scattering study on ball-milled corn starches with different amylose content. ANSTO – AINSE Neutron School on Materials. Lucas Heights (Sydney), Australia. July 20-25, 2008.
65. Chang, S.Y. and Lai, H.M. Sodium hexametaphosphate as dispersant of starch nanocrystals. The 9th International Hydrocolloids Conference, Singapore. June 16-20, 2008.
66. 李昱寬、賴喜美。以天然多醣奈米結晶粒子為模板製備矽酸鹽介孔材料。臺灣農業化學會第屆46屆年會,台北,台灣。2008。
67. 王姿閔、高雅玲、陳彥竹、賴喜美。市售油條之鋁含量分析。臺灣食品科技學會第三十七屆年會,彰化,台灣 ,2007。
68. Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai. A response surface methodology study on the effects of reaction conditions on the physicochemical properties of cationic starches. 89th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. San Antonia, TX, USA. October 7-10, 2007.
69. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of drying conditions on the puffing quality of waxy rice. 89th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International. San Antonia, TX, USA. October 7-10, 2007.
70. Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Nanocrystals prepared from waxy corn starch by the treatments of acid hydrolysis. Institute of Food Technologist Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Chicago, IL, USA. July28-August 1, 2007.
71. Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of HCl-methanol modification on the properties of corn starch film. 88th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International and World Grains Summit: Foods and Beverages. San Francisco, CA, USA. September 17-20, 2006.
72. Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai. Noodle quality affected by different cereal starches. 88th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International and World Grains Summit: Foods and Beverages. San Francisco, CA, USA. September 17-20, 2006.
73. Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai. Granular morphology, molecular structure and related physicochemical properties of cationic starches. 88th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International and World Grains Summit: Foods and Beverages. San Francisco, CA, USA. September 17-20, 2006.
74. 鄒仲堯、賴喜美。鈣營養強化米粒及披覆技術之開發研究。臺灣農業化學會第44屆年會,台北,台灣。6月24日,2006。
75. 黃秋萍、賴喜美。液蛋白及繫帶蛋白質水解液之ACE抑制活性探討。臺灣食品科技學會第三十五屆年會。台北,台灣。11月25日,2005。
76. 林佩吟、賴喜美。豆類發芽處理之機能成分與性質之探討(II)。94年度保健食品研究開發」計畫成果發表會,台中,台灣。11月23日,2005。
77. Pei-Yin Lin and Hsi-Mei Lai. Bioactive components of legumes and their changes after germination. 87th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International, Orlando, Florida, USA. September 11 -14, 2005.
78. Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Molecular and granular characteristics of corn starch modified by HCl-methanol at different temperatures. 87th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists International, Orlando, Florida, USA. September 11 -14, 2005.
79. 黃秋萍、賴喜美。液蛋白水解產物及唾液酸機能成分探討。臺灣農業化學會第43屆年會,台北,台灣。6月21日,2005。
80. 林佩吟、賴喜美。綠竹筍生長及採收後醣類組成與結構分析。農業生物技術國家型科技計畫九十三年成果發表會,台北,台灣。12月15日,2004。
81. 鍾依林、賴喜美。以雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡技術觀察經酸-甲醇處理玉米澱粉粒之微細結構。臺灣食品科技學會第三十四屆年會。台北,台灣。11月26日,2004。
82. 林佩吟、賴喜美。豆類發芽處理之機能成分與性質之探討。93「年度保健食品研究開發」計畫成果發表會,台中,台灣。11月11日,2004。
83. Hsi-Mei Lai and Yi-Ju Chen. Effect of clays on the biodegradable starch-clay composite film. 86th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, San Diego, California, USA. September 19 - 22, 2004.
84. Chung-Hua Liu and Hsi-Mei Lai. Effects of waxy rice flour on the dough property and storage quality of steam bread. 86th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, San Diego, California, USA. September 19 - 22, 2004.
85. Pei-Yin Lin and Hsi-Mei Lai. Antioxidative activities of bamboo leaf and bamboo shoot. International Symposium on Functional Foods for Health in Taiwan. Taipei, Taiwan. May 25, 2004.
86. 林佩吟、賴喜美。綠竹筍生長及採收後醣類組成分析。臺灣農業化學會第42屆年會,台北,台灣。6月25日,2004。
87. H.M. Lai and I-Chen Chiang. Effects of MTGase on the properties of gluten film. 85th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Portland, Oregon, USA. September 28 - October 2, 2003.
88. Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai. Water barrier property of starch film investigated by MRI. 85th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Portland, Oregon, USA. September 28 - October 2, 2003.
89. 劉仲華、賴喜美。添加紅麴米之米麥加工製品中monacolin k及citrinin含量之變化。第41屆中國農業化學會年會,台北,台灣。8月29日,2003。
90. H.M. Lai and S.C. Hwang. Effects of cooking time on white salted noodle investigated by MRI and texture analyzer. 84th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Palais des Congres, Montreal, QC, Canada. October 13 – 17, 2002.
91. Y.L. Chung and H.M. Lai. Effects of dissacharides and freeze-thaw cycles on white salted noodle investigated by MRI. 84th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Palais des Congres, Montreal, QC, Canada. October 13 – 17, 2002.
92. Chia-Chi Chiou and Hsi-Mei Lai. Influence of Cooking Time on the Water Mobility of Noodle Studied by MRI. 第40屆中國農業化學會年會,台北,台灣。6月28日,2002。
93. 施沂佑、賴喜美。小麥麩皮中arabinoxylan的鹼萃取方法及其理化性質探討。第40屆中國農業化學會年會,台北,台灣。6月28日,2002。
94. 賴喜美、鍾依林。雙醣對冷凍熟麵品質之影響。第三十一屆食品科學年會。嘉義,台灣。11月10日,2001。
95. H.M. Lai and Y.L. Chung. Molecular mobility of waxy rice starch paste at low temperature studied by using MDSC and NMR. 83th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A. October 14-18, 2001.
96. C.S. Tseng and H.M. LAI. Effects of MTGase on the modification of flour dough properties studied by response surface method. 83th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A. October 14-18, 2001.
97. 鍾依林、賴喜美。雙醣分子對澱粉凝膠之熱性質與分子移動性質之影響。第39屆中國農業化學會年會,台北,台灣。6月21日,2001.
98. 黃傳雄、賴喜美。糊化條件對高直鏈澱粉含量米穀粉之凝膠性質與質地之影響。第39屆中國農業化學會年會,台北,台灣。6月21日,2001.
99. 鍾依林、賴喜美。鹽類對澱粉糊液黏度性質之影響。2000. 第三十屆食品科學年會。彰化,台灣。
100. Hsi-Mei Lai. 1999. Quality changes of Chinese snacks made from pregelatinized rice flour. 81th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Seattle, Whashington, U.S.A.
101. Hsi-Mei Lai and Yi-Lin Chung.1999. Alkaline Effect on the Pasting Properties of Rice Flour of Various Amylose Content.  29th Annual Meeting of Food Science and Technology, Tai-Chong, Taiwan.
102. Hsi-Mei Lai, Hsiao-Hsien Cheng and Kai-Chih Hung. 1999. Processing Effects on the Hydration and Pasting Properties of Pregelatinized Rice Flour. 29th Annual Meeting of Food Science and Technology, Tai-Chong, Taiwan.
103. Hsi-Mei Lai. 1998. Effect of rice variety and emulsifier on the quality of rice pasta. 80th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
104. Hsi-Mei Lai. RVA and DSC investigation of heat-treated rice. 79th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, San Diego, California, October12-16, 1997.
105. Hsi-Mei Lai. Effect of rice variety and emulsifier on the quality of rice pasta. 27th Annual Meeting of Food Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 1997.
106. Hsi-Mei Lai and Cheng-Yi Lii. Studies of the effects of emulsifier and sugars on the quality changes of taro paste during storage by using DSC and NMR spectroscopy. 78th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Baltimore, Massachusetts, September 18-22, 1996.
107. Hsi-Mei Lai. 1995. Effects of emulsifier on the dough properties and the bread quality during storage. 25th Annual Meeting of Food Science and Technology, Tai-Chong, Taiwan, 1995.
108. Hsi-Mei Lai, Hong-Long Huang and Wen-Yi Kuo. Recent Progress in Technology and Marketing of Chinese Pasta in Taiwan. 56th IFT Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. 1995.
109. H.M. Lai, Kun-Yu Chang and Paul Hsu. Study of bromate replacements for bread. 76th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Nashville, Tennessee, October 23-27, 1994.
110. 賴喜美。休閒性米製食品之開發。中華民國食品科學技術學會年會。中華民國82年,基隆。(Hsi-Mei Lai. Product development of rice-based snack foods. 23th Annual Meeting of Food Science and Technology, Keelung, Taiwan, 1993.)
111 H.M. Lai, S.J. Schmidt, R.G. Chiou, L.A. Slowinski and G.A. Day. Water immobilization properties of a starch-based fat replace as studied by 17O NMR spectroscopy. 53th IFT Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1992.
112. H.M. Lai and S.J. Schmidt. Self-diffusion coefficients and spin-lattice relaxation times of water in sugar-water system as studied by 1H NMR. 52th IFT Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, 1991.
113. H.M. Lai and S.J. Schmidt. Self-diffusion coefficients and spin-lattice relaxation times of water in sugar and gelatin as studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy techniques. Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE), Chicago, IL, 1991.
114. H.M. Lai and S.J. Schmidt. Water relations of simple sugar solutions as studied by 1H, 2H and 17O NMR spectroscopy. 51th IFT Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. 1990.
115. H.M. Lai and S.J. Schmidt. Water mobility and crystallization behavior of lactose-water systems as studied by oxygen-17 and carbon-13 NMR. 50th IFT Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 1989.
116. S.J. Richardson Schmidt, Hsi-Mei Lai and J. Paul. Use of NMR spectroscopy and microscopy to study water relations in food. American Chemical Society Symposium in Water Relations in Foods, Bi-Annual ACS Meeting, Dallas,TX. 1989.
117. H.M. Lai and S.J. Schmidt. Characterization of lactose crystallization by hydrodynamic equilibria, SEM and 2H over time in skim milk. 49th IFT Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1988.
118. S.J. Richardson Schmidt, Hsi-Mei Lai and M.E. Augustine. Characterization of water in foods by NMR. American Chemical Society Symposium in Food and Agricultural Applications of NMR, Bi-Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 1988.
119. H.M. Lai and B.P. Klein. Characterization of tomato lipoxygenase from two cultivars at different maturity stages. 48th IFT Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 1987.

01. 賴喜美、黃玉嬋。國產糯米貯藏品質與加工特性之研究。行政院農委會九十七年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.15.2008.
02. 賴喜美、王玉芬、吳秀蘭。國產大豆原料超微細化技術於機能食品之應用。行政院農委會九十七年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.10.2008
03. 鍾依林、張馨云、賴喜美。食品用澱粉-層狀矽酸鹽奈米複合材料之製備及性質探討 (2/2)。行政院國科會九十五年度專題研究計畫研究報告。05.30.2007.
04. 賴喜美、王玉芬。省產大豆機能原料超微細化技術於非麵筋糕點之開發與應用。行政院農委會九十六年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.10.2007.
05. 賴喜美、黃玉嬋。國產糯米貯藏品質與加工特性之研究。行政院農委會九十六年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.10.2007.
06. 林佩吟、賴喜美。省產稻米發育及豆類發芽期間富含醣類與酚類化合物保健食品之開發--停經後婦女保健功能性食品成分之開發 (II)。行政院農委會九十五年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.31.2006.
07. 賴喜美、邱于珍、黃玉嬋。國產糯米加工特性及休閒食品之開發與應用。行政院農委會九十五年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.21.2006.
08. 賴喜美、鍾依林。食品用澱粉-層狀矽酸鹽奈米複合材料之製備及性質探討(1/2)。行政院國科會九十四年度專題研究計畫研究報告。05.30.2006.
09. 賴喜美、黃玉嬋。糯性米穀粉對冷藏烏龍麵品質影響之探討。行政院農委會九十四年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.21.2005.
10. 林佩吟、段以南、賴喜美。省產稻米發育及豆類發芽期間富含醣類與酚類化合物保健食品之開發--停經後婦女保健功能性食品成分之開發 (II)。行政院農委會九十四年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.31.2005.
11. 鍾依林、賴喜美。生物性材料應用技術開發:澱粉-粘土奈米複合膜之製備與性質探討。行政院國科會九十三年度專題研究計畫研究報告。10.15.2005.
12. 賴喜美、劉仲華。米穀粉添加對湯種麵糰品質影響之探討。行政院農委會九十四年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.15.2004.
13. 賴喜美、林佩吟。開發保健食品─榖豆類發芽處理機能成分與性質探討--停經後婦女保健功能性食品成分之開發 (I)。行政院農委會九十四年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.31.2004.
14. 賴喜美、黃秋萍。液蛋副產物之機能性蛋白飲料開發及唾液酸寡醣之分離純化。行政院衛生署九十三年度科技研究發展計畫研究報告。11.12.2004.
15. 賴喜美、林佩吟。綠竹筍生長與老化機制之探討及相關功能基因之利用綠竹筍生長及採收後醣類組成與結構分析(2/2)。行政院國科會九十二年度農業生物技術國家型科技計畫研究報告。10.25.2004.
16. 賴喜美、劉仲華。糯性米穀粉對麵製品貯存品質之影響。行政院農委會九十二年度農業科技計畫研究報告。11.21.2003.
17. 賴喜美、林佩吟。綠竹筍生長與老化機制之探討及相關功能基因之利用綠竹筍生長及採收後醣類組成與結構分析 (1/2)。行政院國科會九十一年度農業生物技術國家型科技計畫研究報告。05.31.2003.
18. 賴喜美、劉仲華。紅麴應用於穀類加工保健食品之研究。行政院農委會九十一年度農業科技計畫研究報告。01.24.2003.
19. 賴喜美、黃秋萍、曾瑋盈。氯化水處理對小麥製品品質之影響。行政院衛生署九十一年度科技研究發展計畫研究報告。12.31.2002.
20. 賴喜美、鍾依林。水分子移動性質對米糰與麵糰於糊化與凍藏貯存期間質地變化之影響。行政院國科會九十年度補助專題研究計畫研究報告。10.31.2002.
21. 賴喜美、黃駿夫、邱家琪。油麵及涼麵衛生安全與貯存品質改善之研究。行政院衛生署九十年度科技研究發展計畫研究報告。12.31.2001.
22. 賴喜美、鍾依林。水分子移動性質對烏龍麵條質地之影響。行政院國科會八十九年度補助專題研究計畫研究報告。10.31.2001.
23. 賴喜美、施沂佑。稻苗及本土蔬菜之生理活性成分之研究。行政院農委會八十八年度農業科技計畫研究報告。12.31.2000.
24. 賴喜美。米糰及米漿食品預糊化製程之改進。行政院農委會八十八年下半及八十八年委辦食品科技計畫研究報告。12.31.2000.
25. 賴喜美。熟米穀粉性質及其微細構造對中式糕點品質之影響。行政院農委會八十七年度農業科技計畫研究報告。06.30.1999.

  1. 曾見昇。2001。微生物麩胺醯胺酸轉胺酶對麵糰物化性質之改良與其在烘焙上之應用。臺灣大學農 業化學所碩士論文。
    (Chien-Sheng Tseng. 2001. Effects of microbial transglutamionase on modlifying the physicochemical properties of flour dough and its application in baking. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University.)
  2. 施沂佑。2003。小麥麩皮中arabinoxylan的鹼萃取方法探討及其理化性質研究。臺灣大學農業化學所碩士論文。
    (Yi-Yo Shi. 2003. The method of extraction of arabinoxylans from wheat bran and the physicochemical characteristics of aranbinoxylans. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University.)
  3. 葉豐錫。2003。轉殖耐熱性澱粉普魯南糖莓水道品系之米質分析。臺灣大學農藝所碩士論文。(與盧虎生及余淑美博士共同指導)
    (Feng-Shi Yeh. 2003. Physico-chemical properties and quality of amylopullulanase transgeneic rice. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University. Co-advised with Dr. Huu-Sheng Lur, and Dr. Su-May Yu)
  4. 鍾依林。2003。澱粉膜製作技術及以MRI探討其在模式系統中水分阻隔性質之研究。臺灣大學農業化學所碩士論文。
    (Yi-Lin Chung. 2003. Starch film-forming technique and MRI studies of its water-barrier property in the model system. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  5. 劉仲華。2004。糯性米澱粉及預糊化處理對麵糰性質及饅頭品質之影響。臺灣大學農業化學所碩士論文。
    (Chung-Hua Liu. 2004. Effects of waxy rice flour and pregelatinized wheat flour on the dough property and quality of steam bread. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University.)
  6. 黃秋萍。2005。液蛋白及繫帶內生物活性物質之研究。臺灣大學微生所碩士論文。(與黃健雄博士共同指導)
    (Chiew-Peng Ng. 2005. Study on bioactive compounds in liquid egg white and chalazae. Master Thesis, Institute of Microbiology and Biochemistry.)
  7. 黃玉嬋。2006。不同穀物澱粉之性質探討對冷藏烏龍麵品質的影響。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Yu-Chan Huang. 2006. Effect of starches from different cereal sources on the quality of Udon noodle. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  8. 張馨云。2007。酸水解法製備多醣奈米結晶粒子之研究。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Shing-Yun Chang. 2007. Research on the Preparation of Polysaccharide Nanocrystals with Acid Hydrolysis. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  9. 王玉芬。2008。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。超微細化研磨對國產大豆原料之機能性成分的影響。
    (Yu-Fen Wang. 2008. Bioactive compounds of domestic grown soybeans affected by ultrafine milling. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  10. 施坤河。2008。麵粉性質對法國麵包烘焙品質之影響。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Kuen-Ho Shih. 2008. Effects of flour quality on the baking characteristics of French bread. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  11. 鄒仲堯。2009。酵素法製備不同鏈長脂肪酸修飾樹薯澱粉之性質探討。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Chumg-Yao Tsou. 2009. Preparation and properties of enzymatic modified cassava starch with various chain length fatty acids. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  12. 郭琬媛。2009。利用beta-環狀糊精/聚醚分子間的超分子自組裝製備準聚輪烷膠體。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Wan-Yuan Kuo. 2009. Preparation of polypseudorotaxane gels through supramolecular self-assembling between beta-cyclodextrin and polyethers. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  13. 邱于珍。2009。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。超微細化研磨技術對竹葉萃出物類黃酮含量及抑菌活性之影響。
    (Yu-Chen Chiu. 2009. Effect of ultrafine milling on total flavonoids content and antimicrobial activity of bamboo leaf extracts. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  14. 鍾依林2009。澱粉-黏土奈米複合材料之合成及性質研究。臺灣大學農業化學系博士論文。
    (Yi-Lin Chung. 2009. Synthesis and Properties of Starch-Clay Nanocomposites. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  15. 黃文仰。2010。球磨修飾不同直鏈澱粉含量之玉米澱粉的外觀型態、內部結構及理化性質。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Wen-Yang Huang. 2010. Morphologies, Internal Structures and Physicochemical Properties of Ball-Milled Corn Starches with Different Amylose Contents. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  16. 李昱寬。2010。添加硬脂酸與纖維素奈米結晶粒子對澱粉膜性質之影響。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Yu-Kuan Lee. 2010. Effects of Stearic Acid and Cellulose Nanocrystal on the Properties of Starch Film. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  17. 王姿閔。2010。國產甘藷之花青素組成及抗解澱粉製備之研究。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Tzu-Min Wang. 2010. Anthocyanins Analysis and Resistant Starch Preparation of Taiwanese Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas). Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  18. 林佩吟2011。國產穀豆作物機能物質之探討。臺灣大學農業化學系博士論文。
    Pei-Yin Lin. 2011. Bioactive Compounds from Domestic Grown Grains. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  19. 黃玉萍。2011。有色米米糠之生物活性成分分析及阿拉伯木寡醣製備。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Yu-Ping Huang. 2011. Colored Rice Bran: Analyses of Bioactive Compounds and Preparation of Arabinoxylan Oligosaccharides. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  20. 謝元容。2011。添加蒙特石及球磨處理對聚乳酸-澱粉複合材料之影響。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Yuan-Jung Hsieh. 2011. Effect of Montmorillonite and Ball-Milling Treatment on Poly(lactic Acid)-Starch Composite. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  21. 吳秀蘭。2011。國產有色米加工處理對機能物質之影響。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Siew-Lang Ngoo. 2011. Effects of Processing on the Bioactive Compounds in Domestic Grown Colored Rice. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  22. 洪偉峰。2012。以逐層自組裝多層膜奈米塗佈技術開發含活性物質之高功能性澱粉膜。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Wei-Pheng Hung. 2012. Developing the high functional and active compounds contained starch film by layer-by-layer self-assembly nanocoating method.
    Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  23. 戴丞衍。2012。以國產稻米取代麵粉製作麵包之研究。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Cheng-Yan Dai. 2012. Study on Substitution of Wheat Flour with Domestic Grown Rice in Bread Making. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  24. 周煒霖。2013。無麩質類麵包產品之研製米穀粉原料性質與配方探討。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Wei-Lin Chou. 2013. Gluten-free Bread-like Product - Study on Rice Flour Properties and Formulation. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  25. 叢可蘭。2013。不同直鏈澱粉含量米澱粉製備多孔性微米球之研究。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Ko-Lan Tsung. 2013. Preparation of starch porous microspheres with  rice starches of different amylose content. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  26. 黃玉嬋2014。糯性及高直鏈性澱粉稻米貯藏陳化機制與理化性質探討。臺灣大學農業化學系博士論文。
    (Yu-Chan Huang. 2014. Waxy and High-Amylose Rice Ageing Mechanisms and their Physicochemical Properties. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  27. 游日皓。2014。乙醯酯化馬鈴薯澱粉與樹薯澱粉儲藏穩定性之探討。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Jih-Hao Yu. 2014. Stability of acetylated potato starch and tapioca starch during storage.
    Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  28. 鄭博謙。2014。國產全穀物西式麵條之研發。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Po-Chien Cheng. 2014. Development on the whole grain pasta-like products made with domestic growth cereals. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  29. 黎韋欣。2014。韃靼蕎麥粗萃取液機能成分之研究。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Wai Ian Lai. 2014. Study of bioactive compounds in Tartary buckwheat crude extracts. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  30. 廖易煒。2015。發芽及熟化處理對國產有色米機能性質之影響。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Yi-Wei Liao. 2015. Functional Properties of Domestic Grown Colored Rice Treated by Germination and Heating. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  31. 楊弘宇。2015。發芽及熟化處理對國產豆類機能性成分之影響。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Hong-Yu Yang. 2015. Effects of germination and heating treatments on the bioactive compounds in domestic grown legumes. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  32. 段以南。2015。以國產富機能性有色米穀粉開發新穎式中式麵條。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Enan Duan. 2015. Domestic Bioactive Colored Rice Flour for Novel Chinese Noodles Making.
    Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  33. 謝一民。2016國產硬質玉米之澱粉理化性質及全玉米穀粉之碾製。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (I-Min Hsieh. 2016. Physicochemical properties of corn starch and preparation of the whole corn milling products from domestic grown corn. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  34. 邱博嶸。2016以奈米準聚輪烷結晶及多層膜自主裝塗布技術改善澱粉複合材料性質之研究。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Po-Jung Chiou. 2016. Study of adapting polypseudorotaxane nanocrystal and layer-by-layer self-assembly coating technique to improve the properties of starch composite. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  35. 王姵琪。2017糜子澱粉及穀粉理化性質之研究。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Pei-Chi Wang. 2017. Physicochemical properties of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) starch and flour. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  36. 蔡沐芳。2017臺灣高直鏈澱粉玉米之理化性質及其應用。臺灣大學生化科技系碩士論文。
    (Mu-Fang Tsai. 2017. Physicochemical properties of Taiwanese high amylose maize and its application. Master Thesis, Dept. of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University.)
  37. 吳宥萱。2018TEMPO 觸媒氧化澱粉與 pH 應答型微凝膠之製備及物化性質。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Yu-Hsuan Wu. 2018. Preparation and physicochemical properties of TEMPO-oxidized starch and pH-responsive microgel. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  38. 石國治2018β-環狀糊精與三嵌段共聚物自組裝形成準聚輪烷之結構與流變性質。臺灣大學農業化學系博士論文。
    (Kuo-Chih Shih. 2018. Structural and Rheological Properties of Self-assembled β-cyclodextrin and Tri-block Copolymer. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  39. 許家莉。2018大豆粉對麵糰色澤及品質之影響。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Chei Lee Hooi. 2018. Effect of soybean flour on the color and texture of wheat flour dough. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  40. 陳韻雯。2018紅豆水副產物價值提升之技術。臺灣大學生化科技系碩士論文。
    (Yun-Wen Chen. 2018. Techniques for value-added by-product of Adzuki bean water production. Master Thesis, Dept. of Biochemical Science and Technology , National Taiwan University.)
  41. 黃永融。2018。臺灣高直鏈澱粉玉米及硬質玉米全穀粉之安定化。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Yong-Rong Huang. 2018. Stabilization of whole corn flours milling from Taiwanese high amylose and flint corns.
    Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  42. 涂之惠。2018醬醪與甘酒共壓榨對醬油風味與品質之改善。臺灣大學生化科技系碩士論文。
    (Zhi-Hui Tu. 2018. Flavor and quality improvements of soy sauce by co-pressing of moromi and rice Lao-Chao. Master Thesis, Dept. of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University.)
  43. 張馨云2018以澱粉為基質製備pH應答型材料之研究。臺灣大學農業化學系博士論文。
    Shing-Yun Chang. 2018. Preparation and characterization of starch-based pH-responsive materials. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  44. 楊之綺。2020。鈉蒙特石-幾丁聚醣-TEMPO觸媒氧化澱粉奈米抗菌複合材料之製備及性質分析。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    Jhih-Ci Yang. 2020. Preparation and characterization of Na-MMT, chitosan and TEMPO-oxidized starch antibacterial nanocomposites. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  45. 李昱嫻。2020以氧化和交聯雙重修飾糯性玉米澱粉製備pH應答型微凝膠。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Yu-Hsien Lee. 2020. Preparation and characterization of oxidized and cross-linked dual modified waxy corn starch for pH-responsive microgel. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  46. 詹芷瑄。2020。以高直鏈澱粉玉米與硬質玉米開發具機能性之擠壓膨發與沖泡粉產品。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    Chih-Hsuan Chan. 2020. Functional extruded puffing and drink products developed by using high amylose maize and flint corn. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  47. 林靜嫻。2020。酵母菌對醬醪發酵期間風味與品質之影響。臺灣大學生化科技系碩士論文。
    (Ching-Hsien Lin. 2020. Effects of yeasts on the flavor and quality of soy sauce mash (moromi) during fermentation. Master Thesis, Dept. of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University.)
  48. 呂依蔓2020。稻米穀粒中鎵及砷元素分布與微量元素(鍶、銫、鈷及釩)含量之探討。臺灣大學公共衛生學院食品安全與健康研究所碩士論文。(與陳鑫昌博士共同指導)
    Yi-Man Ly. 2020. Distribution of gallium and arsenic and the contents of trace elements (Sr, Cs, Co and V) in rice grains. Master Thesis, Institute of Food Safety and Health College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. Co-advised with Dr. Hsin-Chang Chen.)
  49. 李健維。2020稻米穀粒中銦及鎘的分布及其他元素(鈣、鈦、錳、銅、鋅、銣和鉬)含量。臺灣大學公共衛生學院食品安全與健康研究所碩士論文。(與魏嘉徵博士共同指導)
    (Jian-Wei Lee
    . 2020. Distribution of indium and cadmium and contents of other elements in rice grains (Ca, Ti, Mn, Cu, Zn, Rb and Mo). Master Thesis, Institute of Food Safety and Health College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. Co-advised with Dr. Chia-Cheng Wei.)
  50. 陳品毓。2021。檸檬酸修飾澱粉之製備與澱粉膜物化性質分析。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Pin-Yu Chen. 2021. Preparation of citric acid modified starch and characterization of physicochemical properties of the starch films. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  51. 美帆。2021烘焙與濕磨對糙米理化性質的影響灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。臺灣大學-日本筑波大學雙學位計畫,與北豐村教授共同指導。
    (Fukui Miho. 2021. Effects of roasting and wet-milling on physicochemical properties of brown rice. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University. NTU-UT Double Degree Program,Advisor: Hsi-Mei Lai, Ph.D., Yutaka Kitamura, Ph.D.)
  52. 吳松晏。2021無麵筋類西式玉米全穀麵條之研發。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    (Sung-Yen Wu. 2021. Development of gluten-free pasta-like whole corn products. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
  53. 陳琬瀞。2021。修飾澱粉的物化性質與成膜特性。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。
    Wan-Jing Chen. 2021. Physiochemical and film-forming properties of modified starches. Master Thesis, Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)

01. 曾見昇。2001。微生物麩胺醯胺酸轉胺?對麵糰物化性質之改良與其在烘焙上之應用。臺灣大學農業化學所碩士論文。
(Chien-Sheng Tseng. 2001. Effects of microbial transglutamionase on modlifying the physicochemical properties of flour dough and its application in baking. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University.)
02. 施沂佑。2003。小麥麩皮中arabinoxylan的鹼萃取方法探討及其理化性質研究。臺灣大學農業化學所碩士論文。
(Yi-Yo Shi. 2003. The method of extraction of arabinoxylans from wheat bran and the physicochemical characteristics of aranbinoxylans. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University.)
03. 葉豐錫。2003。轉殖耐熱性澱粉普魯南糖莓水道品系之米質分析。臺灣大學農藝所碩士論文。(與盧虎生及余淑美博士共同指導)
(Feng-Shi Yeh. 2003. Physico-chemical properties and quality of amylopullulanase transgeneic rice. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University. Co-adviser with Dr. Huu-Sheng Lur, and Dr. Su-May Yu)
04. 鍾依林。2003。澱粉膜製作技術及以MRI探討其在模式系統中水分阻隔性質之研究。臺灣大學農業化學所碩士論文。
(Yi-Lin Chung. 2003. Starch film-forming technique and MRI studies of its water-barrier property in the model system. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.
05. 劉仲華。2004。糯性米澱粉及預糊化處理對麵糰性質及饅頭品質之影響。臺灣大學農業化學所碩士論文。
(Chung-Hua Liu. 2004. Effects of waxy rice flour and pregelatinized wheat flour on the dough property and quality of steam bread. Master Thesis, Dept of Agronomy, National Taiwan University.)
06. 黃秋萍。2005。液蛋白及繫帶內生物活性物質之研究。臺灣大學微生所碩士論文。(與黃健雄博士共同指導)
(Chiew-Peng Ng. 2005. Study on bioactive compounds in liquid egg white and chalazae. Master Thesis, Institute of Microbiology and Biochemistry,
07. 黃玉嬋。2006。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。不同穀物澱粉之性質探討對冷藏烏龍麵品質的影響。
(Yu-Chan Huang. 2006. Effect of starches from different cereal sources on the quality of Udon noodle. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
08. 張馨云。2007。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。酸水解法製備多醣奈米結晶粒子之研究。
(Shing-Yun Chang. 2007. Research on the Preparation of Polysaccharide Nanocrystals with Acid Hydrolysis. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
09. 王玉芬。2008。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。超微細化研磨對國產大豆原料之機能性成分的影響。
(Yu-Fen Wang. 2008. Bioactive compounds of domestic grown soybeans affected by ultrafine milling. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
10. 施坤河。2008。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。麵粉性質對法國麵包烘焙品質之影響。
(Kuen-Ho Shih. 2008. Effects of flour quality on the baking characteristics of French bread. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
11. 鄒仲堯。2009。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。酵素法製備不同鏈長脂肪酸修飾樹薯澱粉之性質探討。
(Chumg-Yao Tsou. 2009. Preparation and properties of enzymatic modified cassava starch with various chain length fatty acids. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
12. 鍾依林。2009。臺灣大學農業化學系博士論文。澱粉-黏土奈米複合材料之合成及性質研究。
(Yi-Lin Chung. 2009. Synthesis and Properties of Starch-Clay Nanocomposites. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
13. 郭琬媛。2009。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。利用beta-環狀糊精聚醚分子間的超分子自組裝製備準聚輪烷膠體。
(Wan-Yuan Kuo. 2009. Preparation of polypseudorotaxane gels through supramolecular self-assembling between beta-cyclodextrin and polyethers. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
14. 邱于珍。2009。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。超微細化研磨技術對竹葉萃出物類黃酮含量及抑菌活性之影響
( Yu-Chen Chiu. 2009. Effect of ultrafine milling on total flavonoids content and antimicrobial activity of bamboo leaf extracts. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
15. 王姿閔。2010。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。國產甘藷之花青素組成及抗解澱粉製備之研究。
(Tzn-Min Wang. 2010. Anthocyanins analysis and resistant starch preparation of Taiwsnese sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas). Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
16. 李昱寬。2010。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。添加硬脂酸與纖維奈米結晶粒子對澱粉模性質之影響。
(Yu-Kuan Lee. 2010. Effect of stearic acid and cellulose nanocrystal on the properties of starch film. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)>
17. 黃文仰。2010。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。球磨修飾不同直鏈澱粉含量之玉米澱粉的外觀形態、內部結構及理化性質。
(Wen-Yang Huang. 2010. Morphologies, internal structures and physicochemical properties of ball-milled corn starches with different amylose contents. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
18. 黃玉萍。2011。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。有色米糠之生物活性成分分析及阿拉伯木寡醣製備。
(Yu-Ping Huang. 2011. Colored rice bran: Analyses of bioactive compounds and preparation of arabinoxylan oligosaccharides. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
19. 林佩吟。2011。臺灣大學農業化學系博士論文。國產穀豆作物機能物質之探討。
(Pei-Yin Lin. 2011. Bioactive compounds from domestic grown grains. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
20. 謝元容。2011。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。添加蒙特石及球磨處理對聚乳酸-澱粉複合材料之影響。
(Yuan-Jung Hsieh. 2011. Effect of montmorillonite and ball-milling treatment on poly(lactic acid)-starch composite. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
21. 吳秀蘭。2011。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。國產有色米加工處理隊機能物質之影響。
(Siew-Lang Ngoo. 2011. Effect of processing on the bioactive compoundsin domestic grown colored rice. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
22. 洪偉峰。2012。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。以逐層自組裝多層膜奈米塗佈技術開發含活性物質之高功能性澱粉膜。
(Wei-Feng Hung. 2012. Developing the high functional and active compounds contained starch film by layer-by-layer self-assembly nanocoating method. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
23. 戴承衍。2013。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。以國產稻米取代麵粉製作篇包之研究。
(Cheng-Yan Dai. 2013. Study on substitution of wheat flour with domestic grown rice in bread making. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
24. 周煒霖。2013。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。無麩質類麵包產品之研製--米穀粉原料性質與配方探討。
(Wei-Lin Chou. 2013. Gluten-free bread-like product- Study on rice flour properties and formulation. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
25. 叢可蘭。2013。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。不同值鏈澱粉含量米澱粉製備多孔性微米球之研究。 (Ko-Lan Tsung. 2013. Preparation of starch porous microspheres with rice starch of different amylose contents. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
26. 黃玉嬋。2014。臺灣大學農業化學系博士論文。糯性及高直鏈性澱粉稻米貯藏陳化機制與理化性質探討。
(Yu-Chan Huang. 2014. Waxy and high-amylose rice ageing mechanisms and their physicochemical properties. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
27. 游日皓。2014。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。乙醯酯化馬鈴薯澱粉與樹屬澱粉貯藏穩定性之探討。
(Jih-Hao Yu. 2014. Stability of acetylated potato starch and tapioca starch during storage. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
28. 鄭博謙。2014。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。無麩質全穀西式米麵條之研發。
(Po-Chien Cheng. 2014. Development of gluten-free whole grain pasta-like rice products. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
29. 黎韋欣。2014。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。韃靼蕎麥粗萃液機能成分之研究。
(Wai-Ian Lai. 2014. Study of bioactive compounds in tartary buckwheat crude extraction. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
30. 段以南。2015。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。以國產富機能性有色米穀粉開發新穎式中式麵條。
(Enan Duan. 2015. Domestic bioactive colored rice flour for novel Chinese noodles making. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
31. 廖易煒。2015。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。發芽及熟化處理對國產有色米機能性質之影響。
(Yi-Wei Liao. 2015. Functional properties of domestic grown colored rice treated by germination and heating. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)
32. 楊弘宇。2015。臺灣大學農業化學系碩士論文。發芽及熟化處理對國產豆類機能性成分之影響。
(Hong-Yu Yang. 2015. Effects of germination and heating treatments on the bioactive compounds in domestic grown legumes. Master Thesis, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University.)

01. 鍾依林。臺灣大學生農學院96年度學生論文獎(博士班)。
02. 李昱寬。國科會96年度大專生參與專題研究計畫研究創作獎。
03. 鍾依林。通過96年度國科會千里馬計畫,赴美國康乃爾大學進修研究一年。
04. 郭琬媛。國科會95年度大專生參與專題研究計畫研究創作獎。
05. 郭琬媛。臺灣大學生農學院95年度學生論文獎(大學部)。
06. 郭琬媛。95年度「陳安泰研究獎學金」。
07. 鍾依林。95年度「七星農業發展獎學金」。
08. 林佩吟。臺灣大學生農學院94年度學生論文獎(博士班)。
09. 林佩吟。台灣食品科學技術學會94年度「蔣見美教授文教基金會獎助學金」。
10. 黃秋萍。94年臺灣農業化學會優良壁報論文獎。
11. 林佩吟。93年臺灣農業化學會優良壁報論文獎。
12. 鍾依林。臺灣大學生農學院93年度學生論文獎(博士班)。
13. Yi-Lin Chung (鍾依林). Association of American Cereal Chemist (AACC) International Carbohydrate Division 2004 Best Student Poster Award.
14. 郭琬媛。2009。學術論文獎。
15. 郭琬媛。2009。蘇淑芳獎學金-出國參與學術會議。
16. 林佩吟。2010。台灣食品科學技術學會-論文競賽獎(博士班)。
17. 石國治。2010。臺灣農業化學會優良壁報論文獎。
18. 洪偉峰。2011。蘇淑芳獎學金-出國參與學術會議。
19. 石國治。2011。蘇淑芳獎學金-出國參與學術會議。
20. 周煒霖。2011。頂新集團澱粉事業群獎學金。
21. 叢可蘭。2011。臺灣農業化學會優良壁報論文獎。
22. 張馨云。2015。科技部補助博士班研究生出席國際會議。
23. 張馨云。2015。蘇淑芳獎學金-出國參與學術會議。
24. 張馨云。2015。國科會千里馬計畫,赴美國康乃迪克大學進修研究一年。
25. 石國治。2015。國科會千里馬計畫,赴美國康乃迪克大學進修研究一年。
April, 2016 Updated