- Miho Fukui, Md Zohurul Islam, Hsi-Mei Lai, Yutaka Kitamura and Mito Kokawa. 2022. Effects of roasting on storage degradability and processing suitability of brown rice powder. LWT-Food Science and Technology 161:113277. (SCI)
- Yu-Hsuan Wu, Chun-Nan Wu and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2022. The effect of reduction on the properties of the regioselectively oxidized starch granules prepared by bromide-free oxidation system. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 201:411-423. (SCI)
- Kuo-Chih Shih, Chien-You Su, Shing-Yun Chang, Grethe Jensen, Chi-Chung Hua, Mu-Ping Nieh and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2020. Correlation of hierarchical structure and rheological behavior of polypseudorotaxane gel composed of pluronic and β-cyclodextrin. Soft Matter, 16:4990-4998. (SCI)
- Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2020. Starch-based multilayer with pH-responsive behavior driven by whey protein concentrate: The effect of starch conformation. Starch/Starke, 72:201900277. (SCI)
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- Shing-Yun Chang, Anson W. K. Ma and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2019. New Insight into the Preparation of Starch-Based Spherical Microgels with Tunable Volume. Starch/Starke, 71(9-10):1800288. (SCI)
- Chun-Nan Wu and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2019. Novel pH-responsive granules with tunable volumes from oxidized corn starches. Carbohydrate Polymers , 208:201-212. (SCI)
- Kuo-Chih Shih, Zhiqiang Shen, Ying Li, Martin Kroger, Shing-Yun Chang, YunLiu, Mu-Ping Nieh and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2018. What causes the anomalous aggregation in pluronic aqueous solutions?. Softer Matter, 14:7653-7663. (SCI)
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- Yu-Ping Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2016. Bioactive compounds and antioxidative activity of colored rice bran. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 24:564-574. (SCI)
- Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2016. Effect of trisodium citrate on swelling property and structure of cationic starch thin film. Food Hydrocolloids 56:254-265. (SCI)
- H.-M. Wang, K.-Y. To, H.-M. Lai* and S.-T. Jeng*. 2016. Modification of flower colour by suppressing b-ring carotene hydroxylase genes in Oncidium. Plant Biology 18:220-229. (SCI)
- Chien-Chun Chen, Wen-Pin Shih, Pei-Zen Chang, Hsi-Mei Lai, Shing-Yun Chang, Pin-Chun Huang, and Huai-An Jeng. 2015. Onion artificial muscles. Applied Physics Letters 106, 183702. (SCI)
- 賴喜美*。2014。米食多元化加工技術-米穀粉之研究與開發。農業生技產業專刊(糧食安全與稻米科技) 39:56-62。
- Hsien-Kai Huang, Hwo-Shuenn Sheu, Wei-Tsung Chuang, U-ser Jeng*, An-Chung Su,* Wei-Ru Wu, Kuei-Fen Liao, Chun-Yu Chen, Shing-Yun Chang and Hsi-Mei Lai. 2014. Correlated changes in structure and viscosity during gelatinization and gelation of tapioca starch granules. IUCrJ 1:418-428.
- Kuo-Chih Shih, Chi-Yen Li, Wen-Hsien Li* and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2014. Fine structures of self-assembled beta-cyclodextrin/Pluronic in dilute and dense systems: a small angle X-ray scattering study. Softer Matter 10:7606-7614. (SCI)
- Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2014. Characteristics of starch fine structure and pasting properties of waxy rice during storage. Food Chemistry 152:432-439. (SCI)
- Yu-Hsing Shen, Yu-Huei Chen, Hao-Yun Liu, Fang-Yi Chiang, Yi-Chieh Wang, Liang-Yu Hou. Jeng-Shane Lin, Chih-Ching Lin, Hsin-Hung Lin, Hsi-Mei Lai and Shih-Tong Jeng*. 2014. Expression of a gene encoding β-ureidopropionase is critical for pollen germination in tomatoes. Physiologia Plantarum 150:425-435. (SCI)
- Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2011. Morphological, structural and rheological properties of beta-cyclodextrin based polypseudorotaxane gels. Polymer 52:3389-3395. (SCI)
- Pei-Yin Lin and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2011. Bioactive compounds in rice during grain development. Food Chemistry 127:86-93. (SCI)
- Zong-Yan Zhuo, Chien-Sheng Liao, Chen-Han Huang, Jiun-Yann Yu, Yu-Yi Tzeng, Wen Lo, Chen-Yuan Dong, Hsiang-Chen Chui, Yu-Chan Huang, Hsi-Mei Lai and Shi-Wei Chu. 2010. Second harmonic generation imaging-a new method for unraveling molecular information of starch. Journal of Structural Biology 171:88-94. (SCI)
- Yi-Lin Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2010. Preparation and properties of biodegradable starch-layered double hydroxide nanocomposites. Carbohydrate Polymers, 80:526-533. (SCI)
- Yu-Chan Huang and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2010. Noodle quality affected by different cereal starches. Journal of Food Engineering 97:135-143. (SCI)
- Yi-Lin Chung, Seema Ansari, Luis Estevez, Suren Hayrapetyan, Emmanuel P. Giannelis, and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2010. Preparation and properties of biodegradable starch-clay nanocomposites. Carbohydrate Polymers 79:391-396. (SCI)
- Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2009. Effects of reaction conditions on the physicochemical properties of cationic starch studied by RSM. Carbohydrate Polymers 75: 627-635. (SCI)
- Yi-Ling Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2007. Properties of cast films made of HCl-methanol modified corn starch. Starch/Starke 59:583-592. (SCI)
- Wan-Yuan Kuo and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2007. Changes of property and morphology of cationic corn starches. Carbohydrate Polymers 69:544-553. (SCI)
- Pei-Yin Lin and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2006. Bioactive compounds in legumes and their germinated products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54:3807-3814. (SCI)
- Yi-Ling Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2006. Molecular and granular characteristics of corn starch modified by HCl-methanol at different temperatures. Carbohydrate Polymers 63:527-534. (SCI)
- Hsi-Mei Lai* and I-Chen Chiang. 2006. Properties of MTGase treated gluten film. European of Food Research and Technology 222: 291-297. (SCI)
- Yi-Ching Liu, Shin-Huang Lin, Hsi-Mei Lai, and Shih-Tong Jeng. 2005. Detection of genetically modified soybean and its product tou-kan by polymerase chain reaction with dual pairs of DNA primers. European of Food Research and Technology 221:725-730. (SCI)
- Yi-Ling Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2005. Water barrier property of starch film investigated by magnetic resonance imaging. Cereal Chemistry 82:131-137. (SCI)
- Yu-Chi Chen, Hung-Shu Chang, Hsi-Mei Lai* and Shih-Tong Jeng. 2005. Characterization of the wound-inducible protein ipomoelin from sweet potato. Plant Cell and Environment 28:251-259. (SCI)
- Yi-Ling Chung and Hsi-Mei Lai*. 2004. Water status of two gelatin gels during storage investigated by magnetic resonance imaging. J of Food and Drug Analysis 12(3):221-227. (SCI)
- Hsi-Mei Lai* and San-Chao Hwang. 2004. Water status of cooked white salted noodles evaluated by MRI. Food Research International 37:957-966. (SCI)
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- Hsi-Mei Lai and Shelly J. Schmidt. 1990. Lactose crystallization in skim milk powder observed by hydrodynamic equilibria, scanning electron microscopy and 2H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. J. Food Science 55:995-999. (SCI)
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