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Soil Science

  • 農化系學生為主及其他系所學生選修
授課教師: 許正一 教授
  • TEL(office): 3366-4807
  • e-mail:zyhseu@ntu.edu.tw
  • Brady N.C., and Weil, R.R. 2002. The nature and properties of soils. Published by Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA. 13th edition. 960 p. ISBN: 0-13-016763-0. 藝軒圖書公司 (Tel:2367-6824)
Reference Book:
  • 張仲民 1988. 普通土壤學。茂昌圖書公司(Tel: 362-5311)。604p.
    White, R.H. 1987. Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Soil Science. 2nd Edition, Blackwell Scientific Publications. London. 244p..