瀏覽人次: 425

許正一 論文發表 ─ 研討會議


Zehetner, F., J. Schomakers, S.H. Jien, Z.L. Lin, T.C. Chen, Z.Y. Hseu, and T.Y. Lee. 2016. Rapid soil organic carbon re-accumulation after bamboo invasion onrecovering landslide scars in a subtropical forest ecosystem of Taiwan. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 18: 4168. 

Hseu, Z.Y. and Y.J. Lai. 2016. Risk assessment of human health for geogenic chromium and nickel in soils derived from serpentines. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 18: 1905.


許正一*、余俊德. 2013。蛇紋岩土壤酸化後之六價鉻濃度變化。中華土壤肥料學會102年度年會。民國102年12月13日,國立中興大學,台中市。82-83頁。

Hseu*, Z.Y., and K.C. Fan. 2013. Cadmium tolerance and accumulation of the mangrove species Rhizophora stylosal as a potential phytostabilizer. P. 339-340. Proceedings of 5th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference. 15-18 Sept., 2013. Melbourne, Australia.

Hseu*, Z.Y., F. Zehetner, Y. Maejima and K. Fujii. 2013. Speciation of Chromium and Nickel in the Serpentine Soils from Tropical, Subtropical, and Temperate Regions. p. 532-533. In ICOBTE 2013 Proceedings. Magdi Selim and John Seaman (Eds.) 16-20 Jun., 2013. Georgia, USA.

Hseu*, Z.Y. and Y. Iizuka. 2013. Chromium(VI) generation associated with Fe and Mn oxides in the mine tailings of serpentine. Abstract volume of 2nd Annual Academic Conference of International Medical Geology Association – Taiwan Chapter: Linking medical, biological, environmental, geological, and geochemical sciences. 14 May 2013, Tainan, Taiwan (Invited speaker).

Hseu*, Z.Y. and K.C. Fan. 2013. Cadmium tolerance and accumulation of Rhizophora stylosa as a phytostabilizer in mangrove ecosystems. Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation (EQC 2013). 3-4 May 2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Hseu*, Z.Y. and Z.S. Chen 2012. Effects of Soil Properties on Heavy Metals Uptake of Crops and the Evaluation of Metal Regulation in the Crops. International Conference of Risk Factor Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Food. 16 Nov. 2012. Taipei, Taiwan (Invited speaker)

Hseu*, Z.Y., S.H. Jien, S.H. Wang, and H.W. Deng. 2012. Phytoextraction of cadmium by water spinach enhanced by EDDS and NTA from soil. The 1st International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation (CLEAR 2012). 5-7 Nov., 2012. Zhejiang A & F University, Lin’an, China. (Keynote speaker)

Hseu*, Z.Y. and H. Tsai. 2012. Paleoclimatic and geomorphologic implications of soil derived from siliceous materials on an coral-reef terrace of Taiwan. Austria/Taiwan Joint Seminar of Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry. 17-20 Sept. 2012. Tulln, Austria.

許正一*、包國輝、張英琇、陳怡君。2012。蛇紋岩土壤中鉻及鎳含量與鈣/鎂比值之關係。第九屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會論文集(ISBN 978-7-5647-1080-4),290-295頁。中國土壤學會,2012年8月21-22日,中國成都。

Hseu*, Z.Y. and Y. Iizuka. 2012. Chromite weathering as being a source of Cr in paddy soils on serpentinites. Proceedings of 14th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology (CD-R). 8-14 July 2012, Lleida, Spain.

Hseu*, Z.Y. and S.L. Jheng. 2012. In situ immobilization of cadmium in an acid soil by alkaline amendments. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation (EQC 2012) (CD-R). 25 May 2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Hseu*, Z.Y. and N.C. Chen. 2012. Chromium(VI) generation associated with Fe and Mn oxides in serpentine mining tailings. In Proccedings of 2012 Joint International Conference on Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment and Health and Society for Environmental Geochemistry & Health (2012 PBC & SEGH). P. 40-41. April 10-13, 2012. Gwangju, Korea.




Hsu, W.M., H.C. Hsi, and Z.Y. Hseu*. 2011. Fractionation of arsenic from groundwater in paddy soils and Distribution of As in different parts of rice plants of southwestern Taiwan. Extended abstract proceedings of 10th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. Oct. 10-13 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

許文明、許正一*。2011。台灣地區農田土壤中鉻與鎳的生物有效性指標與作物吸收量。第十五屆土壤與地下水污染整治研討會論文集。103-136頁。中華民國100年6月29日。台灣大學,台北市。(Invited speaker)








Hseu*, Z.Y., S.H. Jien,, H.Y. Guo, C.C. Tsai, and Z.S. Chen. 2010. Organic carbon storage and management strategies of the rural soils on the basis of soil information system in Taiwan. P. 125-137. Proceedings of International Workshop on Evaluation and Sustainable Management of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Asian Countries. Sep 27 to Oct 2, 2010, Bogor, Indonesia. (Invited speaker).

Tsai*, C.C., Z.S. Chen, Z.Y. Hseu, C.T. Duh, and H.Y. Guo. 2010. Organic carbon storage and management strategies of the forest soils based on the forest soil survey database in Taiwan. P. 85-102. Proceedings of International Workshop on Evaluation and Sustainable Management of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Asian Countries. Sep 27 to Oct 2, 2010, Bogor, Indonesia.

Hseu*, Z.Y., S.H. Jien, Y. Iizuka, and H. Tsai. 2010. Pedogenic chromium and nickel fractionation in subtropical serpentine soils. Proceedings of 19th World Congress of Soil Science (CD-R). Aug. 1-6, 2010, Brisbane, Australia.








許正一*、陳庭堅、賴鴻裕、陳柏青、郭鴻裕、陳尊賢。2010。重金屬污染農田土壤之整治目標與健康風險管理。第十四屆土壤與地下水污染整治研討會論文集。23-47頁。中華民國99年6月30日。台灣大學,台北市。(Invited speaker)




Guo, H.Y., Z.Y. Hseu*, Z.S. Chen, C.C. Tsai, and S.H. Jien. 2009. Integrating Soil Information System with Agro-environmental Application in Taiwan. Extended abstract proceedings of 9th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. Oct. 27-30 2009, Seoul, Korea. (Invited speaker).



Huang, W.S., H. Tsai, C.C. Tsai, Z.Y. Hseu*, and Z.S. Chen. 2009. Subtropical developmental soil sequence of Holocene marine terraces in eastern Taiwan. In Proceedings abstract of 7th International Conference on Geomorphology (CD-R). 6-11 Jul., 2009, Melbourne, Australia.

許正一*、黃正介、高博緒、嚴筱婷、張永南、廖明聰。2009。污泥施用對土壤品質與作物生產之影響與評估。第十三屆土壤與地下水污染整治研討會論文集。153-196頁。中華民國98年6月26日。台灣大學,台北市。(Invited speaker)


Chen, T.C., Y.S. Chang, and Z.Y. Hseu*. 2009. Is indium an emerging contaminant? Toxicity response of crop seedlings. In Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Emerging Compounds: Measurement and control (Abstract). May 26th, 2009. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan.

Hseu*, Z.Y., H. Tsai, and Y.H. Chang. 2009.Extractability of endogenous toxic metals in serpentine soils. P. IB37-43. In Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, control and Conservation. Organized by I-Shou University and Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Taiwan, May 22-23, 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Hseu, Z.Y., C.C. Tsai, H.Y. Guo, and Z.S. Chen*. 2008. Comparison of Taiwan Soil Classification System to Soil Taxonomy and WRB system and its modification toward a common format of Asian soil information systems. pp. 55-69. In: Ichiro Taniyama (editor). Monsoon Asia Agro-Environmental Research Consortium (MARCO) Workshop: A New Approach to Soil Information System for natural Resources Management in Asian Countries. Organized by National Institute for the Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES) and Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC). Tsukuba International Congress, Japan, Oct 14-15, 2008.

Chen, Y.S., T.Y. Liu, and Z.Y. Hseu*. 2008. Bioaccessibility of Cd and Pb in Child’s Gastrointestinal Tract through Inadvertently Ingestion of Contaminated Soils by Physiologically-based Extraction test. P. 392-395. In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the environment, Nov. 16-23, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.

Jien S.H., Y.S. Chang, and Z.Y. Hseu*. 2008. Chemical Fractions and Bioavailability of Nickel in Serpentine Soils in Eastern Taiwan P. 547-550. In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the environment, Nov. 16-23, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.

Jien, S.H., Z.Y. Hseu, and Z.S. Chen*. 2008. Hydropedological implications of iron-manganese nodules in rice-growing Ultisols under different anthraquic conditions. P. 118. In Abstract Book of Eurosoil Congress 2008, Aug. 25-29, Vienna, Austria.

Tsai*, H., Z.Y. Hseu, and W.S. Huang. 2008. Pedogenic properties of surface deposit as evidences on landscape formation of the tablelands in central Taiwan. P. 165. In Abstract Book of Eurosoil Congress 2008, Aug. 25-29, Vienna, Austria.

Hseu*, Z.Y., S.H. Jien, H. Tsai, Y.H. Chang, and Y.C. Chen. 2008. Geochemistry of major and trace elements in tropical serpentine soils. P. 243. In Abstract Book of Eurosoil Congress 2008, Aug. 25-29, Vienna, Austria.

Jien, S.H., Z.Y. Hseu, and Z.S. Chen*. 2008. Hydropedological implications of iron-manganese nodules in rice-growing Ultisols under different anthraquic conditions. P. 118. In Abstract Book of Eurosoil Congress 2008, Aug. 25-29, Vienna, Austria.

Tsai*, H., Z.Y. Hseu, and W.S. Huang. 2008. Pedogenic properties of surface deposit as evidences on landscape formation of the tablelands in central Taiwan. P. 165. In Abstract Book of Eurosoil Congress 2008, Aug. 25-29, Vienna, Austria.

Hseu*, Z.Y., K.H. Hsiao, and W.T. Lai. 2008. Phytoavailability of heavy metals in Taiwanese soils and accumulation by Chinese cabbage. Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution and Remediation, p. 65-75. Apr. 10, 2008, Pingtung, Taiwan.


高博緒、蘇芳瑩、許正一*。2007。重金屬污染土壤施用樹皮堆肥後鎘與鉛在有機質部分之化學型態分佈,第二屆屏東科技大學暨北京科技大學學術交流研討會,中華民國96年12月24日。屏東縣,pp. A009-1-A009-10。



Hsiao, K.H., Y.P. Chang, and Z.Y. Hseu*. 2007. Time effect on chemical fractions of cadmium and lead with EDTA extraction in a contaminated soil. ESAFS 8. Oct. 22-25, Tsukuba, Japan. (*corresponding author).

Su, S.W., H.Y. Guo, C.C. Tsai, Z.Y. Hseu, and Z.S. Chen*. 2007. New aspect of collaborative research on the soil pollution, food safety and soil remediation techniques in Asia. ESAFS 8. Oct. 22-25, Tsukuba, Japan.

Huang, W.S., Z.Y. Hseu, C.C. Tsai, H. Tsai*, and Z.S. Chen. 2007. The marine terrace soil chronosequence in eastern Taiwan. ESAFS 8. Oct. 22-25, Tsukuba, Japan.

Tsai, C.C., C.C. Tsui, T.E. Hu, Z.Y. Hesu, H. Tsai, and Z.S. Chen*. 2007. The estimation of total soil carbon and nitrogen pool of Taiwan. pp. 124-138. In: Wang, M.K. and in, Y.S. (editors). Proceedings of International Symposium on Soil Biodiversity and Ecology. Biodiversity Research Center of National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Sep. 10-13, 2007.

Kao, P.H. and Z.Y. Hseu*. 2007. Biodegradation processes of natural low molecular weight organic acid-heavy metal complexes in three tropical soils. 9th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of trace elements. Jul. 15-19, Beijing, China.

Hseu*, Z.Y. and K.S. Shiao. 2007. Chelator enhanced phytoextraction of Cr and Ni by Indian mustard grown on serpentine-mine tailings. 9th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of trace elements. Jul. 15-19, Beijing, China.







蔡峰淳、許正一*。2006。以土壤轉換函數預測台南縣農田土壤之陽離子交換容量。”第六屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會論文集”。P. 517-525。國立台灣大學凝態科學物理館2樓國際會議廳。台北市。2006年 12月11日至12月12日。

林聖和、許正一*。2006。利用土壤轉換函數預測台東與花蓮縣農田土壤之有效性磷含量。”第六屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會論文集”。P. 527-534。國立台灣大學凝態科學物理館2樓國際會議廳。台北市。2006年 12月11日至12月12日。

許正一*、黃佳鴻、陳建任、蔡衡、蕭凱勛。2006。台灣地區高位珊瑚礁母質紅壤之特性、化育作用與分類。”第六屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會論文集”。P. 487-495。國立台灣大學凝態科學物理館2樓國際會議廳。台北市。2006年 12月11日至12月12日。

蕭凱勛、張永南、許正一*。2006。混合含鋁淨水污泥餅與養豬廢棄物堆肥以減少土壤中過剩之有效性磷濃度。”第六屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會論文集”。P. 497-505。國立台灣大學凝態科學物理館2樓國際會議廳。台北市。2006年 12月11日至12月12日。

廖駿豪、許正一*、王相華、蔡呈奇。2006。台灣南部墾丁高位珊瑚礁自然保留區森林土壤中之碳、氮礦化作用。”第六屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會論文集”。P. 507-515。國立台灣大學凝態科學物理館2樓國際會議廳。台北市。2006年 12月11日至12月12日。

Babou Ousman Jobe、蔡秀隆*、許正一。2006。強酸性極育土施用有機質肥料對磷有效性的影響。”第六屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會論文集”。P. 535-545。國立台灣大學凝態科學物理館2樓國際會議廳。台北市。2006年 12月11日至12月12日。

Hseu*, Z.Y., Z.S. Chen and S.H. Jien. 2006. Pedological characteristics and contamination of heavy metals in rice production of the paddy soils in Taiwan. Frontiers in Rice Science: from Gene to field. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. Nov. 6-8, 2006. (Invited speaker).

蔡衡*、黃文樹、許正一。2006。由土壤化育觀點探討台灣中部地區台地與丘陵之地形演育。P. 14-1 – 14-21,國立彰化師範大學主編。「2006年彰化研究學術研討會 – 八卦台地研究」研討會論文集。中華民國95年10月14-15日,彰化市。

Hseu, Z.Y. 2006. Pedogenesis of the serpentinitic soils along a toposequence in eastern Taiwan. 18th World Congress of Soil Science: Frontiers of Soil Science. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. July 9-15, 2006.

Hseu, Z.Y., H. Tsai*, and Z.S. Chen.  2006. The profile development index (PDI) of the lateritic river terraces in central Taiwan. 18th World Congress of Soil Science: Frontiers of Soil Science. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. July 9-15, 2006.

蕭凱勛、高博緒、林雅苓、黃宥端、莊雅茹、許正一*。2006。添加螯合劑對印度芥菜吸收蛇紋石礦渣土壤中鉻及鎳的影響。P. 171-181,陳尊賢主編。第10屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會論文集。中華民國95年6月16日,台北市。

許正一*、高博緒。2006。污泥中壬基酚對土壤生態的影響。P. 195-207,環境品質文教基金會主編。第4屆環境荷爾蒙及持久性有機污染物研討會論文集。中華民國95年6月9日,台北市。

廖駿豪、王相華、蔡呈奇、許正一*。2006。墾丁高位珊瑚礁自然保留區凋落物、落葉分解作用及養分回歸動態。P. 193-210,中華民國自然生態保育協會出版。2006年自然資源保育暨應用學術研討會論文集(ISBN 957-9043-04-3)。中華民國95年5月27日,台南縣。



高博緒、張怡頻、許正一*。2005。以EDTA及皂素萃取污染土壤前後鎘及鉛化學型態之轉變。P. 171-181,陳尊賢主編。第9屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會論文集。中華民國94年6月21,台北市。

Hseu, Z.Y., Z.S. Chen, C.C. Tsai, and H.Y. Guo. 2005. Development and evaluation of a new sustainable soil management system in Taiwan. p. 96-97. In: Abstracts of the 7th ESAFS International Conference: International symposium on sustainability of paddy farming systems. June 1-5, 2005, Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Quezon City, Philippine.

Kao, P.H., C.C. Huang, and Z.Y. Hseu*. 2005. Effect of heavy metal enriched sewage sludge on soil biological properties. P.530-531. In Extended Abstracts of 8th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of trace elements. Apr. 3-7, Adelaide, Australia.

Hseu, Z.Y., Z. S. Chen, and C. C. Tsai. 2005. Soil pedogenesis along a chronosequence on marine terrace in eastern Taiwan. P. 82-83. Abstracts of “International Conference in Global Soil Change: Time-scales and rates of pedogenic processes. March 10-18, 2005, Mexico City, Mexico.

Chen, Z.S., Z.Y. Hseu, and H. Tsai. 2005. Evaluating soil dating by activity and crystallinity of iron on Quaternary terraces in Taiwan. P. 84-85. Abstracts of “International Conference in Global Soil Change: Time-scales and rates of pedogenic processes. March 10-18, 2005, Mexico City, Mexico.

Tsai, H., W.S. Huang, and Z.Y. Hseu. 2005. The soil chronosequences on terraces of the Pakua Tableland, Taiwan. P. 30-31. Abstracts of “International Conference in Global Soil Change: Time-scales and rates of pedogenic processes. March 10-18, 2005, Mexico City, Mexico.

潘才石、許正一*。2004。國民小學土壤教育現況與教學模組設計。P. 69-97,林俊義、廖慶樑編。土壤知識教育及推廣研討會論文集。行政院農業委員會農業試驗所編印。中華民國93年12月20,台中霧峰。(*invited speaker)


Hseu, Z.Y. 2004. Degradation of argillic horizon in the red soils along a river tableland of Taiwan. 12th International Meeting on soil micromorphology. Sep. 20-26, 2004, University of Cukurova, Adana, Turkey.

Jien, S.H., Z.Y. Hseu, and Z. S. Chen. 2004. Distribution of Iron and Manganese Oxides of Rice-growing Soils in Northern Taiwan. 12th International Meeting on soil micromorphology. Sep. 20-26, 2004, University of Cukurova, Adana, Turkey.

許正一。2004。施用下水污泥土壤中之壬基苯酚降解作用。2004年環境分析化學研討會論文摘要集。P. 146。崑山科技大學,台南。2004年5月14-15日。

許正一。2003。展望21世紀台灣的土壤資源保育與農業生產。P. 103-116。三生農業的挑戰,周昌弘、楊盛行編。農業生產化、生活化和生態化的挑戰研討會論文集。92年12月22-23日,國立屏東科技大學。(invited speaker)

Hseu, Z. Y., W. S. Huang, H. Tsai., and J. H. Liao. 2003. Landscape and pedogenesis ofdegraded Ultisol and Oxisols in central and southern Taiwan. P. 59-60. Extended abstracts of “The 6th ESAFS International Conference: Soil management technology on low-productivity and degraded soils”. Nov. 24-29, Taipei, Taiwan.

許正一、蔡呈奇、陳尊賢。2003。台灣新研擬土壤管理組之歸併。土壤管理組規劃及應用研討會論文集,台中市。92年12月12日。P.21-39。(invited speaker)


黃正介、許正一。2003。下水污泥土地施用之重金屬植物毒性風險評估。第一屆土壤與地下水技術研討會暨中華民國環境工程學會第15屆年會論文集(CD-R) 。92年11月28-29日,國立中興大學,台中市。


蔡呈奇、許正一、賴鴻裕、崔君至、李家興、陳尊賢。2003。現行農地土壤重金屬污染管制標準合宜性的探討。第八屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會論文集,台北市。92年8月25日。P. 271-288。

Jien, S. H., Z. Y. Hseu, S. F. Cheng, and Z. S. Chen. 2002. The effects of colloid components on the sorption of 2,4-D in different major soils of Taiwan。第一屆海峽兩岸土壤與地下水污染整治研討會論文集,台北市。91年9月4-5日。P. C132-141。

Cheng, S. F., Z. Y. Hseu, and S. H. Jien. 2002. The influence of soil colloidal components on paraquat adsorption in the different soils of Taiwan. 17th World Congress of Soil Science. Bangkok, Thailand. August 14-21, 2002.

Hseu, Z. Y., C.W. Lin, and Z. S. Chen. 2002. The characteristics and genesis of Ultic Spodosols in subalpine forest soils of Taiwan. 17th World Congress of Soil Science. Bangkok, Thailand. August 14-21, 2002.



Chen, Z.S., Z. Y. Hseu, S. P. Wu, and C. C. Tsai. 2001. Transition soils between Spodosols and Ultisols in subalpine forest of Taiwan. Soil Classification 2001: Developing the basis for the systems of the future. Velence, Hungary. October 8-12, 2001.

Chen, Z. S., H. T. Lin, and Z. Y. Hseu. 2001. Transfer of cadmium into the food chain from aquatic and agricultural ecosystems. P. 110-115. In J. K. Syers and M. Gochfeld (eds). Environmental cadmium in the food chain: Source, pathway, and risks. Proceeding of the SCOPE workshop. Belgian Academy of Science, Brussels, Belgium, 13-16 Sep. 2000.

Hseu, Z. Y. and S. F. Cheng. 2001. Remediation of arable lands contaminated by cadmium and lead using soil amendments. P.480. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of trace elements. Jul. 29-Aug. 2, Guelph, Canada.

Cheng, S. F. and Z. Y. Hseu. 2001. Using soil amendments for remediation of the soil contaminated by chromium, copper and zinc P.478. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of trace elements. Jul. 29-Aug. 2, Guelph, Canada.

鄭雙福、許正一、簡士濠。2001。土壤膠體組成分對2, 4-D吸附作用之影響。2001年環境分析化學研討會。淡江大學,台北。2001年6月1-2日。  



Hseu. Z. Y. and Z. S. Chen. 2000. Hydromorphology of Alfisol and Ultisol toposequences with anthraquic conditions in Taiwan. 2000 Annual meeting of Soil Science  Society of American (Nov.5-9, 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA). Agronomy Abstracts: pp.300.

許正一、陳尊賢、蔡呈奇、鄭雙福、劉黔蘭、林浩潭。2000。Comparsion of different digestion methods on the total contents of heavy metals in sediments and soils. 2000年環境分析化學研討會。正修科技大學,高雄。2000年5月11-12日。

許正一、陳尊賢、蔡呈奇。1999。土壤資料(庫)之建立應用與推廣。”二十一世紀土壤環境與肥料之前瞻性問題與分析研討會論文集”。國立中興大學農學環境大樓。台中市。1999年12月16日。pp. 7-12.

Hseu, Z. Y., and Z. S. Chen. 1998. The Relations between Iron-Manganese Concretions and Hydrogeomorphology in the Ultisols with Anthraquic Conditions. In Proceedings of 16th World Congress of Soil Science.  Aug. 20-26, 1998, Montpellier, France. pp. 563.

陳尊賢、許正一、蔡呈奇。1998。臺灣農地土壤有機碳貯存量及其在永續性土壤管理系統之應用。”第二屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會論文集”。 國立中興大學農學環境大樓。台中市。1998年 2月24日至2月26日。pp. 16-1 to 16-20.

許正一、陳尊賢、蔡呈奇。1998。台灣農地土壤品質指標之選擇與土壤品質評估方法之架構。”第二屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會論文集”。 國立中興大學農學環境大樓。台中市。1998年 2月24日至2月26日。pp. 20-1 to 20-17.

蔡呈奇、陳尊賢、許正一、郭鴻裕。1998。臺灣地區農地與坡地代表土壤的選定與其相關資料庫的建立。”第二屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會論文集”。 國立中興大學農學環境大樓。台中市。1998年 2月24日至2月26日。pp. 22-1 to 22-17.

許正一、蔡呈奇、陳尊賢。1997。兩個具不同潮濕狀態之土鏈中極育土之微形態學。中國農業化學會年會。1996 年 6 月 18 日。台北市。

蔣先覺、許正一、陳尊賢。1997。台灣中部中海拔一極育土中鐵瘤之微形態學。兩岸林業科技發展暨實務交流研討會。1996 年 6 月 2-4 日。台北市。

Chen, Z. S., C. C. Tsai, and Z. Y. Hseu. 1996. Soil-landscape relations in subtropical region of Taiwan: Reconstruction analysis and soil genesis. 1996 Annual meeting of Soil Science Society of American (Nov.3-8, 1996, Indianapoils, Indiana, USA). Agronomy Abstracts: pp.261.

Chen, Z. S., Z. D. Wu, and Z. Y. Hseu. 1996.  Micromorphology and genesis of placic horizon in two alpine forest soils of Taiwan.  In Proceedings of Tenth International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology.  July 8-13, 1996, Moscow, Russia. pp. 26.

Hseu, Z. Y. and Z. S. Chen. 1996.  Microscopic redoximorphic features of an Alfisol with plinthite and anthraquic condition in Taiwan. In Proceedings of  Tenth International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology.  July 8-13, 1996, Moscow, Russia. pp. 101.  

陳尊賢、許正一、王銀波。1995. 土壤環境品質之指標因子及其評估方法與監測準則。「土壤環境品質與土壤地力問題及其對策研討會」論文集。pp. 13-49. 1995年12月17日。台中市。中華土壤肥料學會編印。  

許正一、陳尊賢。1995。影響濕地土壤釋放甲烷與氧化亞氮的因子。氣候變遷對未來農業生產之影響與因應之道研討會論文集。 pp. 289-306. 1995年6月18至19日。台北市。