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論文發表─期刊 2011-2017

2011-2017年 陳尊賢 教授 在 期刊 所發表的論文列表
Revised and submitted papers:
  • Tsui, C.S., S. H. Jien, C. C. Tsai, H. Y. Guo, and Z. S. Chen*. 2016. Digital Soil Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Taiwan rural soils. (prepared)
  • Vaezi*, A. R., F. Babaei, Z. S. Chen. 2016. Spatial dependency of rainfed wheat grain yield on soil productivity attributes along a semi-arid hillslope. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (submitted on Oct 26, 2016). Manuscript ID is SSPN-16-243-F.
  • Lee, C.H., and Z.S. Chen. Permanent Charge Sites of Clays may Inhibit DOC-induced Cu Dissolution in Soils. (Prepared)
  • Chen, P.H., C.H. Lee, and Z.S. Chen. The effects of rice husk addition on arsenic concentration of brown rice grown in poor-drained soils. (Prepared)
  • Huang, T.H., C.H. Lee, and Z.S. Chen. The Effects of Water Management on Arsenic Content and Species of Brown Rice in Two Paddy Soils. (Prepared)
Published papers
  • Minasny*, B., A. McBratney, A. Denis, D. Arrouays, A. Chambers, V. Chaplot, Z. S. Chen, K. Cheng, B. S. Das, A. Gimona, C. Hedley, S. Y. Hong, B. P. Malone, B. Mandal, B. P. Marchant, M. Martin, B. G. G. McConkey; V. L. Mulder, S. O’Rourke; A. C. Richer-de-Forges, I. Odeh, J. Padarian, D. J. Field, K. Paustian, G. Pan; L. Poggio, I. Savin, V. Stolbovoy, U. Stockmann, Y. Sulaeman; C. C. Tsui, T. G. Vågen; B. van Wesemael, and L. A. Winowiecki. 2017. Soil Carbon 4 per mille. Geoderma 292: 59-86 (SCI)
  • Hseu, Z. Y., and Z.S. Chen*. 2017. Experiences of mass pig carcass disposal related to groundwater quality monitoring in Taiwan. Sustainability 9: 46-56.
  • Chiang*, J.M., M. J. Spasojevic, H. C. Muller-Landau, I. F. Sun, Y. Lin, S. H. Su, Z. S. Chen, C. T. Chen, N. G. Swenson, and R. W. McEwan. 2016. Functional composition drives ecosystem function through multiple mechanisms in a broadleaved subtropical forest. Oecologia 182: 829-840. (SCI)
  • Iida, Y. I. F. Sun*, C. A. Price, C. T. Chen, Z. S. Chen, J. M. Chiang, C. L. Huang and N. G. Swenson. 2016. Linking leaf veins and demographic rates: an example from a subtropical tree community. Ecology and Evolution 6 (17): 6085-6096. (SCI)
  • Tsai*, H., Z. Y. Hseu, H. Y. Guo, W. S. Huang, and Z. S. Chen. 2016. Soilscape of west-central Taiwan: Its pedogenesis and geomorphic implications. Geomorphology 55: 81-94. (SCI)
  • Vaezi*, A., F. Babaee, and Z. S. Chen. 2016. Geostatistical analysis of soil productivity along a rainfed wheat hillslope in northwest Iran. Geoderma (revised). (SCI)
  • Adhikari*, K. R., K. R. Dahal, Z. S. Chen, Y. C. Tan, and J. S. Lai. 2015. Rice - wheat cropping system: tillage, mulch, and nitrogen effectson soil carbon sequestration and crop productivity. Paddy and Water Environment. DOI 10.1007/s10333-015-0511-1. (SCI)
  • Su, S. W., C. C. Tsui, H. Y. Lai, and Z. S. Chen*. 2014. Food Safety and Bioavailability Evaluations of Four Vegetables Grown in the Highly Arsenic-contaminated Soils. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11: 4091-4107. (SCI)
  • Hartemink*, A.E., M. R. Balks, Z. S. Chen, Drohan P., D. J. Field, P. Krasilnikov, D. J. Lowe, M. Rabenhorst, K. van Rees, P. Schad, L. A. Schipper, M. Sonneveld, and C. Walter. 2014. The joy of teaching soil science. Geoderma217-218: 1-9 (SCI)
  • Tsui, C.C., C. C. Tsai, and Z.S. Chen*. Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Relation to Elevation Gradients in Volcanic Ash Soils of Taiwan. Geoderma 209: 119-127(SCI). (Revised on March 11, 2013)
  • Shen, G., F. He, R. Waagepetersen, I. F. Sun, Z. Hao, Z. S. Chen*, M. Yu. 2013. Quantifying effects of habitat heterogeneity and other clustering processes on spatial distributions of tree species. Ecology 94: 2436-2443(SCI)
  • Adhikari1, K. R. and Z. S. Chen*. Reducing nitrogen leaching from agriculture: An essential step towards protecting environment in high rainfall areas of Taiwan. Compost Science and Utilization 21: 2-15(SCI). (open on line on April 3, 2013)
  • Adhikari, K. R.*, Y. C. Tan, Z. S. Chen*, J. S. Lai, and V. S. Mishra. Improving access to irrigation in the buffer-zone: An effective way to conserve biodiversity in Chitwan National park. Irrigation and Drainage 62: 592-603 (SCI). (Accepted on March 24, 2013) (paper no. IRD-11-0152-R1).
  • Lasky, J. R., I. F. Sun*, S. H. Su, Z. S. Chen, and T. H. Keitt. 2013. Trait-mediated effects of environmental filtering on tree community dynamics. Journal of Ecology 101:722-733.(SCI). (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12065 open on line on Feb 5, 2013)
  • Wei, J. L., H. Y. Lai, and Z. S. Chen*. 2012. Chelator Effects on Bioconcentration and Translocation of Cadmium by hyperaccumulator,Tagetes patula and Impatiens walleriana. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 84: 173-178. (SCI).
  • Ghimire, R., K. R. Adhikari*, Z. S. Chen, S. C. Shah, and K. R. Dahal. 2011. Soil organic carbon sequestration as affected by tillage, crop residue and nitrogen application in rice-wheat rotation system. Paddy and Water Environment 10 (2): 95-102.(SCI).
  • Liu, Y. T., Z. S. Chen, and C. Y. Hong*. 2011. Cadmium-induced physiological response and antioxidant enzyme changes in the novel cadmium accumulator, Tagetes patula. Journal of Hazardous Materials 189: 724-731. (SCI).
  • Adhikari*, K. R., S. Shrestha, P. P. Adhikari, and Z. S. Chen. 2011. Evaluating the effect of lime application on soil pH, wheat productivity and profitability in Chitwan Valley. Journal of Society of Agricultural Scientists of Nepal (SAS Nepal). (In press)
  • 劉祐廷、陳尊賢、鍾仁賜、洪傳揚*。2011。水耕培養下孔雀草對鎘之生理反應。 台灣農業化學與食品科學。Liu, Y. T. , Z. S. Chen, R. S. Chung and C. Y. Hong*. 2011. Physiological response of hydroponically-grown Tagetes patula as affected by cadmium. Taiwan J. Agric. Chem. & Food Sci. (Accepted on Jan 25, 2011) (In Chinese).
  • Adhikari, K. R. and Z. S. Chen*. 2011. Combining compost with urea: Nitrogen and phosphorus recovery by cabbage and leaching under imposed high rainfall condition in the greenhouse. Scientific Research and Essays. (SCI)
  • . (In press on Jan 20, 2011) (Accepted on Jan 13, 2011) (paper code No. SRE-10-828)
  • Gupta, A. K., S. W. Su, and Z. S. Chen*. 2011. Heavy metal bioavailability and chelate mobilization efficiency in an assisted phytoextraction process by Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis 42 (2): 231-245. (SCI)
  • .
  • Jian S. H., C.C. Tsai, Z. Y. Hseu*, and Z.S. Chen. 2011. Baseline concentrations of toxic elements in metropolitan park soils of Taiwan. Terre. & Aquatic Environ. Toxicol. 5: 1-7.