瀏覽人次: 1427



  1. Chang, R.R., and S.L.Wang (2017) Fe uptake, speciation and isotopic fractionation in rice seedling. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements(ICOBTE),Switzerland.
  2. Chang, R.R., and S.L.Wang (2017) The Mechanism of Thallium(I) by Soils with Different Charge Properties The NSRRC 23rd Annual Users’ Meeting and Workshops. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  3. Chang,H.F., S.L. Wang., and K.C. Yeh (2017) Physiological and molecular responses of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to technology-critical elements Ga, In and Tl. The NSRRC 23rd Annual Users’ Meeting and Workshops. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  4. Kao, P.T., and S.L. Wang (2017) Feasibility of using reservoir sediments amended with organic matter as the tray nursery substrate for rice seedlings.13th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. Pattaya, Thailand.
  5. Yu, C.H., M.P Cheng, S.L. Wang, C.C. Tsai and H.Y. Lai. (2017) Effects of Poultry litter Biochar Application on the Uptakes of Phosphorus by vegetables. 13th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. Pattaya, Thailand.
  6. Chang, H.F., S.L. Wang., and K.C. Yeh (2017) Physiological and molecular responses of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to technology-critical elements Ga, In and Tl. Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology Taipei,Taiwan.
  7. 游淳卉、王尚禮 (2017) 施用生物炭對水稻田土壤與作物生長之影響。中華土壤肥料學會之農田土壤肥料乘載量及土壤管理研討會。台中市。台灣。
  8. 廖婉婷*、張容蓉、林家維、王尚禮 (2017) 土壤中重金屬之新興汙染物-鎵、銦、鉈、鉬之泉量測定方法。中華土壤肥料學會106年度會員大會暨土壤肥料研究成果研討會。台中市。台灣。
  9. 黃亮心*、王尚禮 (2017) 新興汙染物鉈對水稻幼苗的毒害之影響。中華土壤肥料學會106年度會員大會暨土壤肥料研究成果研討會。台中市。台灣。
  10. 郭聆亦*、王尚禮 (2017) 新興汙染物鉈在土壤中的吸附反應及型態分布。中華土壤肥料學會106年度會員大會暨土壤肥料研究成果研討會。國立中興大學土壤環境科學系十樓演講廳。2017年12月1日。台中市。台灣。
  11. 林子傑、張傑誠*、王尚禮 (2017) 探討浸水土壤中水稻根系對鐵和鎘分布的影響。中華土壤肥料學會106年度會員大會暨土壤肥料研究成果研討會。國立中興大學土壤環境科學系十樓演講廳。2017年12月1日。台中市。台灣。
  12. 游淳卉*、程梅萍、王尚禮 (2017) 施用雞糞生物炭對水田土壤磷有效性的影響。中華土壤肥料學會106年度會員大會暨土壤肥料研究成果研討會。國立中興大學土壤環境科學系十樓演講廳。2017年12月1日。台中市。台灣。
  13. 林俊銘、游淳卉、王尚禮、蔡呈奇、程梅萍、賴鴻裕* (2017) 連續施用雞糞生物炭對於溫室栽培土壤及葉萵苣生長之影響。中華土壤肥料學會106年度會員大會暨土壤肥料研究成果研討會。台中市。台灣。
  14. 蔡呈奇*、張瑀芳、丁韋豪、李駿毅、賴鴻裕、王尚禮 (2017) 蛋雞糞生物炭對酸性土壤性質與楓香苗木生長的影響。中華土壤肥料學會106年度會員大會暨土壤肥料研究成果研討會。台中市。台灣。
  15. 高培慈*、王尚禮 (2017) 添加有機質改良水庫淤泥作為水稻秧苗育苗土之替代介質。中華土壤肥料學會106年度會員大會暨土壤肥料研究成果研討會。台中市。台灣。
  16. 邱偉傑、游淳卉、王尚禮、蔡呈奇、程梅萍、賴鴻裕* (2017) 連續施用雞糞生物炭對蕹菜生長及土壤性質之影響。中華土壤肥料學會106年度會員大會暨土壤肥料研究成果研討會。台中市。台灣。
  17. R.R. Chang, P.T. Yang, S.L. Wang (2016) Evaluation of arsenic releasing during incubation in high As concentration Guandu plain soil. Joint meeting of ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. Phoenix, USA

  18. H.Y. Lin and S.L. Wang (2016) Adsorption and desorption of Thallium(I) by soils. 2016 International Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Phoenix, AZ,  USA.

  19. M.Y. Soesanto and S.L. Wang (2016) Effects of rice straw biochar on soil phosphorus availability and rice plant growth. 3rd International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation. Taipei, Taiwan.

  20. H.F. Chang, S.L. Wang and K.C. Yeh (2016) Responses of Arabidopsis thaliana to gallium exposure explored by physiological and molecular analyses. Joint Seminar of Soil and Environmental Sciences between Japan and Taiwan. Taipei, Taiwan.

  21. H.F. Chang, S.L. Wang and K.C. Yeh (2016) Physiological and molecular response of Arabidopsis thaliana to gallium exposure. American Society of Plant Biologists, TX, USA.

  22. R.R. Chang, M.Y. Soesanto, A. Mentler and S.L. Wang. (2016) Rice growing systems and GHG emissions. Austria—Taiwan Joint Seminar-An Interdisciplinary view on climate change issue-phase II, Vienna, Austria.

  23. C.C. Tsai, Y. F. Chang, W. H. Ding, S. L. Wang, and Z. S. Chen (2016) Effects of layers chicken manure biochar on planting stock growth and soil characteristics. Proceedings of 3rd Asia Pacific Biochar Conference 2016 (APBC 2016): A Shifting Paradigm towards Advanced Materials and Energy/Environment Research. October 19-23, 2016, 60th Anniversary Memorial Hall, Kangwon National University, Gangwon Province, Korea. pp.202.

  24. H.Y. Lin and S.L. Wang (2016) Adsorption and desorption of Thallium(I) by soils – Implications for the environmental risk of Thallium. 3rd International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation. Taipei, Taiwan.

  25. M.Y. Soesanto and S.L. Wang (2016) Effects ofrice straw biochar on soil phosphorus availability and rice plant growth. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation 2016 (CLEAR 2016). November 21-23, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 142.

  26. C.C. Tsai, Y.F. Chang, S.L. Wang and Z.S. Chen (2016) Nitrogen mineralization and availability of Cu, Pb and Zn in strong acidic, clayey soils amended with different poultry litter biochars. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation 2016 (CLEAR 2016). November 21-23, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 134.

  27. C.H. Yu, C.H., S.L. Wang, M.P. Cheng, Y.H. Lin, H.Y. Lai, C.C. Tsai, and Z.S. Chen (2016) Effects of poultry litter biochar application on the uptakes of phosphorus and heavy metals in vegetables. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation 2016 (CLEAR 2016). November 21-23, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 143.

  28. Rung-Rung Chang and Shan-Li Wang (2106) Specimen preparation of biological materials for NanoSIMS analysis. Progress and prospects of AS NanoSIMS workshop. Taipei, Taiwan.

  29. R.R. Chang and S.L. Wang. (2016) Application of elemental distribution of Maia. 22nd NSRRC Users’ Meeting &Workshops. Hsichu, Taiwan

  30. 張瑀芳、丁韋豪、王尚禮、蔡呈奇 (2016) 雞糞生物炭對台灣赤楊(Alnus japonica)種子發芽的影響。中華土壤肥料學會105年度會員大會暨土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會。中華土壤肥料學會。台北市。

  31. 張瑀芳、丁韋豪、李駿毅、賴鴻裕、王尚禮、蔡呈奇(2016)雞糞生物炭對土壤性質與楓香(Liquidambar formosana)苗木生長的影響。中華土壤肥料學會105年度會員大會暨土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會。中華土壤肥料學會。台北市。

  32. 賴鴻裕、游淳卉、鄭巧珮、邱偉傑、同涵、程梅萍、蔡呈奇、王尚禮(2016)施用雞糞生物炭對土壤性質及蕹菜生長之影響。中華土壤肥料學會105年度會員大會暨土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會。中華土壤肥料學會。台北市。

  33. 蔡呈奇、張瑀芳、丁韋豪、王尚禮、陳尊賢 (2015)。雞糞生物炭對苗木生長與土壤性質的影響。中華土壤肥料學會104年度會員大會「農田土壤肥料承載量:土壤磷肥有效性及固定能力研討會」。中華土壤肥料學會。台中。

  34. 王尚禮、林美茹、楊圃臺、郭聆亦、蔡呈奇、陳尊賢、程梅萍(2015)雞糞生物炭施用對水稻生長的影響。土壤肥料推廣研究成果研討會。中華土壤肥料學會(主辦)。台中市。pp. 1-12。

  35. 蔡呈奇、張瑀芳、王尚禮、陳尊賢(2015)木質、稻殼與雞糞(墊料)生物炭對土壤肥力的影響。土壤肥料推廣研究成果研討會。中華土壤肥料學會(主辦)。台中市。pp. 47-74

  36. R.R. Chang, X.F. Chang, C.F. Kao, S.L. Wang, Z. Peeters, B. Liebig, T. Lee and D.C. Lee (2015) How does rice regulate its uptake of Fe under Fe(II) environment? The 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Fukuoka, Japan.

  37. I.H. Liao, S.L. Wang, P.T. Yang and J.F. Lee (2015) Adsorption mechanisms of heavy metals on biochar. The 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Fukuoka, Japan.

  38. P.T. Yang, L.Y. Guo, M.P. Cheng, M.C. Cheng, S.L. Wang, C.C. Tsai and Z.S. Chen (2015) The availability of phosphorus in poultry-litter biochars. The 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Fukuoka, Japan.

  39. C.C. Tsui, C.C. Tsai, S.L. Wang and Z.S. Chen (2015) The effect of chicken manure derived biochars on bioavailable copper and zinc in slightly acidic soil. The 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Fukuoka, Japan.

  40. C.C. Tsai, Y.F. Chang, S.L. Wang and Z.S. Chen (2015) Availability of heavy metals in an acidic soil amended with poultry litter biochar. The 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Fukuoka, Japan.

  41. C.F. Kao, Z.F. Chang, D.C. Lee, J.H. Huang and S.L. Wang (2014) The Fe uptake mechanisms of paddy rice in different concentrations of Fe (III) and Fe (II) hydroponic solutions. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju Korea.

  42. Y. Lin, C.C. Lee and S.L. Wang (2014) Coupling arsenic mineralogy to seasonal arsenic mobilization in groundwater in southwest Taiwan. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju Korea.

  43. C.H. Yu, K.C. Yeh and S.L. Wang (2014) Time course analysis of Fe uptake and translocation in rice plants. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju Korea.

  44. Z.F. Chang, C.H. Yu, D.C. Lee, Y.F. Song, J.F. Lee and S.L. Wang (2014) Chemical compositions of iron plaque and root exudates of different rice cultivars grown in Fe(II) and Fe(III) hydroponic solutions.  The 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju Korea.

  45. C.J. Chang and S.L. Wang (2014) Electrochemical analytical method for determination of available cadmium in soil with screen- printed carbon electrodes. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju Korea.

  46. Y.H. Chen, C.H. Yu, C.M. Yang, W.T. Chiao, S.L. Wang and K.W. Jung (2014) Cadmium uptakes by different rice cultivars related to iron nutritional levels in plant and iron plaque formation. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju Korea.

  47. C.F. Kao, Z.F. Chang, C.H. Yu, J.H. Huang and S.L. Wang (2013) The mechanisms of iron uptake by paddy rice. The 11th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Bogor, Indonesia.

  48. P. Ung, T. Wi-Afedzi and S.L. Wang (2013) Interaction mechanisms of Desferrioxamine B with P-containing Al and Fe minerals.  The 11th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Bogor, Indonesia.

  49. I.H. Liao, S.L. Wang and J.F. Lee. (2013)  Adsorption mechanisms of Cd2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ on rice-straw biochar. The 11th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Bogor, Indonesia.

  50. D.Y. Lee and S.L. Wang. 2012. Synchrotron-based approach for soil heavy metal research in Taiwan. International Workshop on Synchrotron Applications in Soil and Environmental Sciences, Nov. 16, 2012, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea.

  51. 吳思聯、黃政恆、程梅萍、王尚禮(2012)稻桿黑炭對抗生素磺胺二甲嘧啶之吸附機制。中華土壤肥料學會年會,台北。

  52. 高傳富、詹雅婷、黃政恆、王尚禮*(2012)磷對鐵膜組成和水稻吸收鐵的影響。中華土壤肥料學會年會,台北。

  53. 顏雅憶、詹雅婷、黃政恆、王尚禮、葉國楨、李志甫(2012)水稻根表鐵膜組成及其影響。中華土壤肥料學會年會,台北。

  54. Y.Y. Yan and S.L. Wang (2012) Fe(II) and Fe(III) uptake efficacies of rice (Oryza sativa). 2012 International Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Cincinnati, OH, USA.

  55. S.L. Wang (2012) Iron speciation at rice root/soil interface. 2012 International Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Cincinnati, OH, USA.

  56. P. Ung, T.W. Tzeng, S.L. Wang and M.P. Cheng (2012) Sorption of Sulfamethazine Antibiotic On Cow-Dung Chars. 2012 International Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Cincinnati, OH, USA.

  57. C.F. Kao, W.A. Thomas and S.L. Wang(2012) Effects of siderophore on the releasing rates of P from Fe and Al minerals containing P. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, USA. (2012)

  58. Y.T. Chan, C.F. Kao, Y.Y. Yan, and S.L. Wang* (2012) Effects of Phosphate on the Formation of Iron Hydroxides On the Surface of Rice Root. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, USA.

  59. Y.T. Chan and S.L. Wang* (2012) Formation of iron hydroxides on the root surface of various rice genotypes. 2nd Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry, Vienna, Austria.

  60. 廖怡慧、王尚禮*(2011) 稻桿生質炭對鎳、銅、鋅之吸附反應機制。中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中。(壁報論文佳作獎)

  61. 林亮瑩、王尚禮、黃政恆 (2011) 稻桿生質炭添加對土壤吸附六價鉻的影響。中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中。

  62. 張雅菁、王尚禮*(2011) 鐵錳氧化物與生質炭共存對吸附還原六價鉻之影響。中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中。(壁報論文佳作獎)

  63. 陳科熙、程梅萍、王尚禮*(2011) 稻草生質炭對四環素抗生素之吸附反應機制。中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中。(壁報論文佳作獎)

  64. H.A. Chen, C.C. Chen and S.L. Wang* (2011) Photocatalytic degradation of antibiotic tetracycline in aqueous solution using TiO2.中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中。

  65. 曾檯瑋、陳錦章、譚鎮中、王尚禮*(2011)利用二氧化鈦光催化降解水相中磺銨二甲嘧啶(sulfamethazine)抗生素。中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中。

  66. Y.J. Tu, C.F. You, C.K. Chang and S.L. Wang (2011) Effective removal of arsenic in aqueous solution using nano-magnetite. The 13th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE), Switzerland.

  67. S.L. Wang (2011) Chemical dynamics of Fe and other metals in paddy soil – Implications for nutrient deficiency and toxicity. The Symposium of Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry, Tainan, Taiwan.

  68. Y.J. Chang and S.L. Wang* (2011) Reduction of hexavalent chromium by biochar under the influences of co-existing iron and manganese hydrous oxides. The Symposium of Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry, Tainan, Taiwan.

  69. I.H. Liao and S.L. Wang* (2011) Adsorption of heavy metals on rice-straw biochar.The Symposium of Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry, Tainan, Taiwan.

  70. Y.T. Chan and S.L. Wang* (2011) Adsorption of selenate on Al-Si and Fe-Si binary oxides. The Symposium of Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry, Tainan, Taiwan.

  71. T. Wi-Afedzi and S.L. Wang* (2011) Reactions of a phytosiderophore with Fe and Al minerals containing P. The Symposium of Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry, Tainan, Taiwan.

  72. S.L. Wang*, H.Y. Lin, P.Y. Wu and C.Y. Chang (2011) Synergistic effects of black carbon and humic substances on the reduction of hexavalent chromium in soil. ESAFS10, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

  73. Y.J. Chang and S.L. Wang* (2011) Adsorption and reduction of hexavalent chromium by biochar under the influences of co-existing aluminum, iron and manganese hydrous oxides. The 10th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

  74. K.S. Chen, M.P. Cheng and S.L. Wang* (2011) Reaction mechanism of tetracycline antibiotics with rice-straw char in soil. The 10th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

  75. I.H. Liao, J.C. Liu and S.L. Wang* (2011) Reactions of heavy metals with rice-straw-derived biochars. The 10th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

  76. S.L. Wang*, H.Y. Lin, P.Y. Wu and Y.J. Chang (2011) Synergistic effects of black carbon and humic substances on the reduction of hexavalent chromium in soil. The 10th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

  77. J.C. Liu, J.H. Huang, S.H. Hsu, Y.H. Liao and S.L. Wang* (2011) Effect of rice-straw biochar on cadmium solubility in rice paddy soil. The 10th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

  78. T.W. Tzeng, C.C. Chen and S.L. Wang* (2011) Photocatalytic activity of sulfonamide antibiotic in aqueous suspension of TiO2-P25. 2011 International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering. Bali Island, Indonesia.

  79. 張雅菁、林政賢、王尚禮* (2010) 單寧酸影響下形成之氫氧化鋁對鎘的脫附機制的探討。第八屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會年會. 台北。

  80. 廖怡慧、黃政恆、徐聖惠、王尚禮* (2010) 水田土壤中稻桿灰份對於銅的溶出和生物有效性之影響。第八屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會年會. 台北。

  81. S.L. Wang*, Y.J. Chang and J.F. Lee (2010) Cr(VI) reduction mechanism of chars derived from cellulose and lignin. 240th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Boston, MA, USA.

  82. C.H. Lin, S.L. Wang*, and P.M. Huang (2009) Desorption kinetics of cadmium on Al hydroxides formed under the influence of tannic acid. The Annual Meeting of SSSA-ASA-CSSA, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  83. Y.C. Lin, S.L. Wang*, Y.H. Liau, P.M. Huang and J.F. Lee (2009) Sorption and reduction of Cr(VI) on lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose and chitin. The Annual Meeting of SSSA-ASA-CSSA, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  84. Y.S. Shen and S.L. Wang* (2009) Sorption and reductive transformation of hexavalent chromium on coconut-shell-derived black carbon. The Annual Meeting of SSSA-ASA-CSSA, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  85. L.C. Hsu, Y.M. Tzou and S.L. Wang (2009) The distribution of chromium in various particle size fractions of sediment and soil. The Annual Meeting of SSSA-ASA-CSSA, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  86. Y.C. Lin, S.L. Wang* and J.F. Lee (2009) Sorption and Reduction of Cr (VI) on Lignin and Cellulose. The 15th annual users’ meeting of NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  87. 王尚禮、申雍、黃政恆 (2009) 高光譜遙測技術在農田重金屬污染監測和調查之應用。土壤污染之調查、整治及復育研討會. 台中。

  88. 吳文菁、黃旭村、廖怡慧、黃政恆、王尚禮* (2009)北投關渡土壤中砷之來源與宿命. 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會北投關渡地區砷污染研討會. 台北 (土壤及地下水污染檢測與整治技術研習會20, pp.48-67)

  89. C.L. Hsu, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou, C.H. Syu (2008) Photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) in the presence of NO3 and Clelectrolytes as influenced by Fe(III). 中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中.

  90. 許乃樺、林郁錡、王尚禮* (2008) 探討稻桿製成之黑炭移除六價鉻以及吸附和還原作用的影響. 中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中.

  91. 林政賢、王尚禮* (2008) 探討LiOH-Al-H2O系統中固態物種分布和鋰鋁層狀雙氫氧化物之最佳合成條件. 中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中。(壁報論文佳作獎)

  92. 沈盈嬛、王尚禮* (2008) 探討炭化椰殼對水溶液中六價鉻之吸附和還原轉化機制. 中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中。

  93. Y.S. Shen and S.L. Wang* (2008) Sorption mechanisms of hexavalent chromium on coconut-shell-derived black carbons. The 14th International Conference of Heavy Metals in the Environment, Taipei, Taiwan. 

  94. 吳文菁、黃政恆、王尚禮* (2008)關渡平原土壤砷之來源和物種分布.金、厦兩岸環境與生態學術研討會,台北.

  95. S.L. Wang*, J.H. Huang, W.J. Wu and J.F. Lee (2008) Arsenic speciation and distribution in a paddy land and its adjacent dry land – implications for the origins and redox behaviors of arsenic. The joint annual meeting of GSA and SSSA-ASA-CSSA,Houston, Texas, USA.

  96. S.L. Wang*, N.H. Hsu, Y.M. Tzou and J.F. Lee (2008) Sorption and reduction of hexavalent chromium by black carbon derived from rice straw. The joint annual meeting of GSA and SSSA-ASA-CSSA,Houston, Texas, USA.

  97. R.R. Chang, J.H. Syu, S.L. Wang, and Y.M. Tzou (2008) Enhancement of the dissolution and removal of soil heavy metals by adding reductants. The joint annual meeting of GSA and SSSA-ASA-CSSA,Houston, Texas, USA.

  98. L.C. Hsu, Y.M. Tzou, and S.L. Wang (2008) Removal of Cr(VI) using a column packed with lithium intercalated gibbsite. The joint annual meeting of GSA and SSSA-ASA-CSSA,Houston, Texas, USA.

  99. 吳文菁、黃政恆、王尚禮*、黃旭村、鄒裕民、官文惠 (2008) 土壤水份和氧化還原狀態對砷物種轉換和分布之影響及污染整治之考量. 第十二屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會,台北.(論文集 pp.127-146)

  100. 吳文菁、王尚禮*、黃政恆、鄒裕民 (2007) 探討水田、旱田土壤中砷物種分佈情形與其形成之因素. 中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中.

  101. 許乃樺、王尚禮* (2007) 稻桿衍生之黑炭對水田土壤中六價鉻的吸附和還原轉化的貢獻. 中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中.

  102. 沈盈嬛、王尚禮* (2007) 探討炭化椰殼對水溶液中六價鉻之吸附和還原轉化機制. 中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中.

  103. P.C. Wang and S.L. Wang* (2007). Deintercalation mechanism of Li-intercalated gibbsite. The second Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR), Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  104. N.H. Hsu and S.L. Wang* (2007). Sorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution by black carbon derived from rice straw. The second Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR), Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  105. W.J. Wu and S.L. Wang* (2007). Speciation and distribution of arsenic in contaminated paddy and dry lands. The second Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR), Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  106. Y.S. Sheng and S.L. Wang* (2007). Sorption mechanisms of hexavalent chromium form aqueous solution using carbonized coconut shell. The second Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR), Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  107. S.Y. Li, Y.T. Lin and S.L.Wang (2006).Spatial distribution of heavy metals(Cu、Zn、Cr) in contaminated agricultural soil, International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation , A-63-A-71.

  108. W.C. Fu, Y.T. Lin and S.L. Wang (2006). Nondestructive Measurements of the Chemical Forms of Chromium in Contaminated Agricultural Environment in Taiwan Using XANES. The 12th users’ meeting and workshop, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  109. 李宗賢、王尚禮、呂依憲、陳昱廷、吳金泰、王泰勝、張照勤 (2006) 台灣地區動物性廢棄物及豬畜產品沙門氏菌之流行病學研究。臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會暨中華民國獸醫學會九十五年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會。

  110. 許乃樺、呂依憲、詹凱鈞、王尚禮* (2006). 評估稻桿燃燒的灰分對氯酚在農田土壤中移動的影響, 中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台北.

  111. 勵昇佑、林耀東、王尚禮 (2006). 重金屬銅、鋅在台灣中部污染農地之空間分布探討. 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會,第三屆海峽兩岸土壤及地下水污染整治研討會, 台北.

  112. 王百晟、王尚禮* (2006). 應用in-situ X光繞射與偏極化衰減全反射紅外光譜法研究奈米層狀雙氫氧化物中的電荷密度對夾層中硝酸根離子排列方式的影響. 第三屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會暨環境奈米技術之進展論壇, 高雄.

  113. 曹雅芳、王尚禮* (2006). 層狀雙氫氧化物對2,4-D的選擇性吸附. 第三屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會暨環境奈米技術之進展論壇, 高雄.

  114. 鄭佳怡、王尚禮* (2006). 利用層狀雙氫氧化物(LiAl2(OH)6Cl xH2O)自水中移除與回收磷. 第三屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會暨環境奈米技術之進展論壇, 高雄.

  115. 王百晟、王尚禮* (2005). 藉由in-situ XRD和ATR-FTIR測量在不同鎂鋁比例LDH夾層陰離子的排列方式. 中華土壤肥料學會年會, 台中. (壁報論文獎第二名)。

  116. S.L. Wang* and Pai-Cheng Wang (2005). Polarized ATR-FTIR study on the guest orientation of Mg/Al-layered double hydroxides as a function of Mg2+/Al3+ ratio. The 13th International Clay Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

  117. Y.M. Tzou, R.R. Chang, L.C. Hsu, S.L. Wang* (2005). Effect of temperature on the stability of Li/Al layered double hydroxide and a potential application for treating Cr(VI) containing media. The 13th International Clay Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

  118. P.C. Wang, S.L. Wang*, J.J. Lee and H.S. Sheu (2005). In-situ XRD and ATR-FTIR Study on the Guest Orientation of Mg/Al-Layered Double Hydroxides as a Function of Mg2+/Al3+ Ratio. The 11th users’ meeting and workshop, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  119. C. Y. Cheng and S. L. Wang* (2005). In situ X-ray diffraction study on the interlayer dynamics of Li/Al-layered double hydroxide during the intercalation of surfactants and fatty acids in aqueous suspensions. The 11th users’ meeting and workshop, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  120. S.Y. Lee, Y.T. Lin, Y.M. Tzou and S.L. Wang (2005). Spatial distribution and transformation of Cr in Cr-contaminated sites in Taiwan. The 11th users’ meeting and workshop, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  121. L.G Shu, Y.M. Tzou and S.L. Wang* (2005). In situ XRD for the observations of the intercalation of Cr(VI) on Li/Al layered doubled hydroxides (LIG). The 11th users’ meeting and workshop, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  122. X. Hou, S.L. Wang, C.T. Johnston and R.J. Kirkpatrick. (2003). Environmental FTIR spectroscopic investigation of layered double hydroxide. The 40th Annual Meeting of Clay Mineral Society, Athens, Georgia. 

  123. D.L. Hesterberg, K. Hutchinson, and S.L. Wang. (2003). Dissolution of Adsorbed Phosphate during Chemical Reduction of Ferrihydrite. SSSA-ASA-CSSA Annual Meeting.

  124. S.Beauchemin, J. McGeer, J. Nadeau, S.L. Wang, D.L. Hesterberg, G. Poirier, and A. Pratt (2003). Zn speciation and distribution in the liver of trout grown in Zn-enriched water. International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Sweden.

  125. Khare, S.L. Wang and D.L. Hesterberg (2002). Phosphate adsorption on hematite. SSSA-ASA-CSSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

  126. D. Mckinney, S.L. Wang and D.L. Hesterberg (2002). The retention of iodine and rhenium by Li/Al-LDH. SSSA-ASA-CSSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

  127. C.T. Johnston, D.L. Bish, P. Dera, S.L. Wang, S.F. Agnew, and J.W. Kenney, III. (2001) Raman and X-ray diffraction evidence for a high-pressure phase transition in dickite. The 38th annual meeting of the Clay Mineral Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

  128. X. Hou, R.J. Kirkpatrick, S.L.Wang and C.T. Johnston (2001) Water adsorption and expansion of layered double hydroxides (LDHs). The 11th V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Hot Springs, Virginia.

  129. S.L. Wang, C.T. Johnston and S.L. Hem (2001) Nanoscale architectural design of adjuvant for human vaccines.  Interdisciplinary Aspects of Materials Research Workshop, Purdue University, IN.

  130. S.L. Wang, C.T. Johnston, J.L. White, S.L. Hem, X. Hou and R.J. Kirkpatrick (2000) Structure and surface properties of poorly crystalline boehmite. The 37th annual meeting of the Clay Mineral Society, Chicago, IL.

  131. X. Hou, R.J. Kirkpatrick, S.L. Wang, and C.T. Johnston (2000) Swelling behavior and dynamics of hydrotalcite-like compounds. The 37th annual meeting of the Clay Mineral Society, Chicago, IL.

  132. S.L. Wang, C.T. Johnston, J.L. White, and S.L. Hem (1999) Surface properties of boehmite. SSSA-ASA-CSSA annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.

  133. S.L. Wang and C.T. Johnston (1999) FT-IR spectroscopic study of surface OH groups of boehmite. The 36th annual meeting of the Clay Mineral Society, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

  134. S.L. Wang and C.T. Johnston (1998) Polarized single crystal Raman spectra of hydroxyl stretching vibrations in gibbsite. The 21th Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

  135. S.L. Wang, C.T. Johnston and S.F. Agnew (1997) Speciation of aluminum in high pH caustic solutions. 20th Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

  136. M.K. Wang, Y.W. Cheng and S.L. Wang (1993) Determination of CEC and surface area of clays by methylene blue adsorption methods. Annual Meeting for Agronomy. The Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences 41:p12.

  137. S.L. Wang and M.K. Wang (1993) Characterization of polynuclear species in partially neutralized aluminum perchlorate solutions. SSSA-ASA-CSSA annual meetings, Am Society of Agronomy, Cincinnati, OH.

  138. S.L. Wang, C.H. Yang, L.H. Tai and M.K. Wang (1990). Chemical properties of lead and lead sorption by manganese dioxide. Proceeding of the 2nd Workshop of Soil Pollution Prevention, Sep.1990. p429-444.