論文被引用總次數 = 1244; h-index=23; impact factor列表
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- Chang, H.S., S.L. Wang and K.C. Yeh (2017) Effect of gallium exposure in Arabidopsis thaliana is similar to aluminum stress. Environmental Science & Technology 51:1241-1248.
- Kameda, K., Y. Hashimoto, S.L. Wang, Y. Hirai and H. Miyahara (2017) Simultaneous and continuous stabilization of As and Pb in contaminated solution and soil by a ferrihydrite-gypsum sorbent. Journal of Hazardous Materials 327:171-179.
- Tao, L., Z.K. Zhu, F.B. Li and S.L. Wang (2017) Fe(II)/Cu(II) interaction on goethite stimulated by an iron-reducing bacteria Aeromonas Hydrophila HS01 under anaerobic conditions. Chemosphere 187:43-51.
- K. Kameda, Y. Hashimoto, S.L. Wang, Y. Hirai and H. Miyahara (2016) Simultaneous and continuous stabilization of As and Pb in contaminated solution and soil by a ferrihydrite-gypsum sorbet. Journal of Hazardous Materials (in press). (Link)
- H.H. Li, Y.T. Liu, Y.H. Chen, S.L. Wang, M.K. Wang, T.H. Xie and G. Wang (2016) Biochar amendment immobilizes lead in rice paddy soils and reduces its phytoavailability. Scientific Reports 6:31616. (Link)
- T.W. Tzeng, S.L. Wang, C.C. Chen, C.C. Tan, Y.T. Liu, T.Y. Chen and Y.M. Tzou (2016) Photolysis and photocatalytic decomposition of sulfamethazine antibiotics in an aqueous solution with TiO2. RSC Advance 6:69301-69310. (Link)
- C.C. Lee, J.H. Huang, L.Y. Lin and S.L. Wang* (2016) Enhanced immobilization of Cr(VI) in soils by the amendment of rice-straw char. Soil and Sediment Contamination 25:505-518. (Link)
- L.C. Hsu, K.Y. Chen, Y.T. Chan, Y. Deng, C.E. Hwang, Y.T. Liu, S.L. Wang, W.H. Kuan and Y.M. Tzou (2016) Catalytic oxidation and removal of arsenite in the presence of Fe ions and zero-valent Al metals. Journal of Hazardous Materials 317:237-245. (Link)
- R.R. Chang, S.L. Wang, Y.T. Liu, Y.T. Chan, J.T. Hung, Y.M. Tzou and K.J. Tseng (2016) Interactions of the products of oxidative polymerization of hydroquinone as catalyzed by birnessite with Fe (hydr)oxides – an implication of the reactive pathway for humic substance formations. RSC Advance 6:20750-20760 (Link).(Time cited = 1)
- T.W. Tzeng, L.T. Liu, Y. Deng, Y.C. Hsieh, C.C. Tan, S.L. Wang, S.T. Huang and Y.M. Tzou (2016) Removal of sulfamethazine antibiotics using cow manure-based carbon adsorbents. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 13:973-984. (Link)
- Y.H. Tu, T.S. Chan, H.W. Tu, S.L. Wang, C.F. You and C.K. Chang (2016) Rapid and efficient removal/recovery of molybdenum onto ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles. Chemosphere 148:452-458. (Link) (Time cited = 1)
- I.H. Liao, J.H. Huang, S.L. Wang*, M.P. Cheng and J.C. Liu (2015) Adsorptions of Cd(II) and Pb(II) in aqueous solution by rice-straw char. Desalination and Water Treatment 57:21619-21626. (Link)
- Y.C. Lin and S.L. Wang* (2015) Cr K-edge X-ray absorption and FTIR spectroscopic study on the reaction mechanisms of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) with lignin. Desalination and Water Treatment 57:21598-21609. (Link)
- S.H. Hsu, S.L. Wang, J.H. Huang, S.T. Huang and M.K. Wang (2015) Effects of rice straw ash amendment on Cd solubility and distribution in a contaminated paddy soil under submergence. Paddy and Water Environment 13:135-143.(Time cited = 1)(Link)
- Y.J. Tu, C.F. You, C.K. Chang, S.L. Wang, T.S. Chan (2013) Adsorption behavior of As(III) onto a copper ferrite generated from printed circuit board industry. Chemical Engineering Journal 225:433-439. (Time cited = 8)(Link)
- S.L. Wang*, C.H. Lin, Y.Y. Yan, and M.K. Wang (2013) Synthesis of Li/Al LDH using aluminum and LiOH. Applied Clay Science 72:191-195.(Time cited = 4) (Link)
- Y.J. Tu, C.F. You, C.K. Chang and S.L. Wang (2013) XANES evidence of arsenate removal from water with magnetic ferrite. Journal of Environmental Management 120:114-119.(Time cited = 5) (Link)
- J.H. Huang, S.L. Wang, J.H. Lin, Y.M. Chen and M.K. Wang (2013) Dynamics of cadmium concentration in contaminated rice paddy soils with submerging time. Paddy and Water Environment 11:483-491.(Time cited = 4) (Link)
- P.M. Huang, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou, Y.B. Huang, B.Q. Weng, S.Y. Zhuang and M.K. Wang (2013) Physicochemical and biological interfacial interactions: impacts on soil ecosystem and biodiversity. Environmental Earth Science 68: 2199-2209. (Time cited = 2) (Link)
- Y.J. Tu, C.F. You, C.K. Chang, S.L. Wang and T.S. Chan (2012) Arsenate adsorption from water using a novel fabricated copper ferrite. Chemical Engineering Journal 198-199:440-448.(Time cited = 20) (Link)
- S.W. Huang, P.N. Chiang, J.C. Liu, J.T. Huang, W.H. Kuan. Y.M. Tzou, S.L. Wang, J.H. Huang, C.C. Chen, M.K. Wang and R.H. Loeppert (2012) Chromate reduction on humic acid derived from a peat soil – exploration of the activated sites on HAs for chromate removal. Chemosphere 87:587-594.(Time cited = 9) (Link)
- K.Y. Chen, J.C. Liu, P.N. Chiang, S.L. Wang, W.H. Kuan, Y.M. Tzou, C.C. Chen, Y.J. Deng and M.K. Wang (2012) Chromate removal as influenced by the structural changes of soil components upon carbonization at different temperatures. Environmental Pollution 162:151-158. (Time cited = 3) (Link)
- Y.C. Lin and S.L. Wang* (2012) Cr(VI) Reactions of polysaccharide biopolymers. Chemical Engineering Journal 181:479-485. (Time cited = 14)(Link)
- S.Y. Shen, S.L. Wang*, Y. Y. Yan, Y.M. Tzou and W.H. Kuan (2012) Removal of hexavalent Cr(VI) by coconut coir and derived chars – The effect of surface functionality. Bioresource Technology 104:165-172. (Time cited = 40) (Link)
- Y.J. Tu, C.K. Chang, C.F. You, S.L. Wang (2012) Treating complex heavy metal wastewater by multi staged ferrite process. Journal of Hazardous Materials 209-210:379-384. (Time cited = 17)(Link)
- S.L. Wang* and J.F. Lee (2011) Reaction mechanism of hexavalent chromium with cellulose. Chemical Engineering Journal 174:289-295. (Time cited = 26)(Link)
- V. Shanmugam, J.C. Lo, C.L. Wu, S.L. Wang, C.C. Lai, E.L. Connolly, J.L. Huang and K.C. Yeh (2011) Differential expression and regulation of iron regulated metal transporters in Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis thaliana – the role in Zn tolerance. New Phytologist 190:125-137. (Time cited = 45)(Link)
- R.R. Chang, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou, and M.K. Wang (2011) Removal of 2-chlorophenol from water using rice-straw derived ash. Journal of Environmental Science and Health B. 46:128-136 (Link) (Time cited = 1)
- J.H. Huang, S.H. Hsu and S.L. Wang* (2011) Effects of rice straw ash amendment on Cu bioavailability in flooded rice paddy soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 186:1801-1807 (Time cited = 19)(Link).
- 林映儒、鄭智馨、曾聰堯 、王尚禮、郭鴻裕 (2011) 平地長期林地之土壤性質與有機碳量蓄積. 臺灣農業化學與食品科學49:260-274.
- L.C. Hsu, S.L. Wang, Y.C. Lin, M.K. Wang, P.N. Chiang, J.C. Liu, W.H. Kuan, C.C. Chen and Y.M. Tzou (2010) Cr(VI) removal on fungal biomass of Neurospora crassa: the importance of dissolved organic carbons derived from the biomass to Cr(VI) reduction. Environmental Science and Technology 44:6202-6208. (Time cited = 43)(Link)
- Y.S. Shen, S.L. Wang*, S.T. Huang, Y.M. Tzou and J.H. Huang (2010) Biosorption of Cr(VI) by coconut coir: Spectroscopic investigation on the reaction mechanism of Cr(VI) with lignocellulosic material. Journal of Hazardous Materials 179:160-165.(Time cited = 33) (Link)
- J.C. Liu, Y.M. Tzou, Y.H. Lu, J.T. Wu, M.P. Cheng and S.L. Wang* (2010) Enhanced chlorophenol adsorption of soils by rice-straw-ash amendment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 177:692-696.(Time cited = 8) (Link)
- 黃旭村、沈盈嬛、王尚禮*(2009)不同電荷密度之層狀雙氫氧化物對對苯二甲酸的吸附反應. 土壤與環境 12:23-31.
- 劉政樺、王尚禮、王明光、莊雅惠、江博能(2009)土壤2:1型黏土礦物之電荷分布在銨固定化作用中的角色.土壤與環境12:41-55.
- C.J. Lin, S.L. Wang, P.M. Huang, J.C. Liu, C.C. Chen, P.N. Chiang, J.J. Wu, J.H. Chen, C.F. Lin, Y.M. Tzou (2009) Chromate reduction catalyzed by zero-valent Al metal as catalyzed by polyoxometalate. Water Research 43:5015-5022.(Time cited = 23) (Link)
- N.H. Hsu, S.L. Wang*, Y.C. Lin, G.D. Sheng and J.F. Lee (2009) Reduction of Cr(VI) by crop-residue-derived black carbon. Environmental Science and Technology 43:8801-8806. (Time cited = 69)(Link).
- Y.C. Lin, S.L. Wang, W.C. Shen, P.M. Huang, P.N. Chiang, J.C. Liu, C.C. Chen, Y.M. Tzou (2009) Photo-enhancement of Cr(VI) reduction by fungal biomass of Neurospora crassa. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 92:294-300. (Time cited = 7)(Link)
- N.H. Hsu, S.L. Wang*, Y.H. Liao, S.T. Huang, Y.M. Tzou, and Y.M. Huang (2009) Removal of hexavalent chromium from acidic aqueous solutions using rice-straw-derived carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials 171:1066-1070. (Time cited = 29)(Link)
- Y.F. Chao, J.J. Lee, and S.L. Wang* (2009) Preferential adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate from associated binary-solute aqueous systems by Mg/Al-NO3 layered double hydroxides with different nitrate orientations. Journal of Hazardous Materials 165:846-852. (Time cited = 21)(Link)
- S.L. Wang, C.C. Chen, Y.M. Tzou, C.L. Hsu, J.H. Chen and C.F. Lin (2009) A mechanism study of light-induced Cr(VI) reduction in an acidic solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials 164:223-228. (Time cited = 19) (Link)
- S.L. Wang, C.H. Liu, M.K. Wang, Y.H. Chuang, and P.N. Chiang (2009) Arsenate removal from water by Mg/Al-NO3 layered double hydroxides with varying the Mg/Al ratio. Applied Clay Science 43:79-85. (Time cited = 67)(Link)
- Y.F. Chao, P. C. Chen and S.L. Wang* (2008) Adsorption of 2,4-D on Mg/Al-NO3 layered double hydroxides with varying layer charge density. Applied Clay Science 40:193-200.(Time cited = 45) (Link)
- Y.Y. Huang, S.L. Wang, J.C. Liu, Y.M. Tzou, J.H. Chen, R.R. Chang (2008) Influences of preparative methods of humic acids on the sorption of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol. Chemosphere 70:1218-1227.(Time cited = 8) (Link)
- Y.M. Tzou, S.L. Wang, J.C. Liu, I.I. Huang and J.H. Chen (2008) Removal of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol from a solution by humic acids repeatedly extracted from a peat soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 152:812-819.(Time cited = 14) (Link)
- C.L. Hsu, S.L. Wang and Y.M. Tzou (2007) Photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) in the presence of NO3– and Cl– electrolytes as influenced by Fe(III). Environmental Science & Technology 41:7907-7914. (Time cited = 31) (Link)
- W.C. Wu, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou, J.H. Chen and M.K. Wang (2007) The adsorption and catalytic transformations of chromium on Mn-substituted goethite. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75:277-285. (Time cited =14) (Link)
- S.L. Wang*, Y.M, Tzou, Y.H. Lu, and G Sheng (2007) Removal of 3-chlorophenol from water using rice-straw-based carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials 147:313-318.(Time cited = 46) (Link)
- S.L.Wang*, C.Y.Cheng, Y.M.Tzou, R.B.Liaw, T.W.Chang, and J.H.Chen (2007) Phosphate removal from water using lithium intercalated gibbsite. Journal of Hazardous Materials 147:205-212. (Time cited = 44) (Link)
- Y.M. Tzou, S.L. Wang*, L.C. Hsu, R.R. Chang and C. Lin (2007) Deintercalation of Li/Al LDH and its application to recover adsorbed contaminants. Applied Clay Science 37:107-114. (Time cited = 20) (Link)
- L.C. Hsu, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou, C.F. Lin and J.H. Chen (2007) The removal and recovery of Cr(VI) by Li/Al layered double hydroxide (LDH). Journal of Hazardous Materials 142:242-249. (Time cited = 28) (Link)
- S.L.Wang* and P.C. Wang (2007) In situ XRD and ATR-FTIR study on the molecular orientation of interlayer nitrate in Mg/Al layered double hydroxide in water. Colloids and Surfaces A 292:131-138. (Time cited = 38)(Link)
- S.L. Wang, R.J. Hseu, R.R. Chang, J.H. Chen, and Y.M. Tzou (2006) Adsorption and thermal desorption of Cr(VI) on Li/Al layered double hydroxide. Colloids and Surfaces A 277:8-14. (Times cited = 35) (Link)
- W.H. Kuan, M.K. Wang, P.M. Huang, C.W. Wu, C.M. Chang, S.L. Wang (2005) Effect of citric acid on aluminum hydrolytic speciation. Water Research 39:3457-3466. (Time cited = 22) (Link)
- Y.M. Tzou, S.L. Wang and M.K. Wang (2005) Fluorescent light induced Cr(VI) reduction by citrate in the presence of TiO2 and Ferric ions. Colloids and Surfaces A 253:15-22. (Times cited = 22) (Link)
- D.S. Yang, M.K. Wang and S.L. Wang (2004) Synthesis of Li/Al layered double hydroxide-guest composites under mild acid conditions. Clay Minerals 39:115-121. (Time cited = 7) (Link)
- N. Khare, D. Hesterberg, S. Beauchemin and S.L. Wang (2004) XANES analysis of phosphate distribution between ferrihydrite and boehmite in mixed mineral systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal.68:460-469. (Times cited = 60) (Link)
- S. L. Wang, M.K. Wang and Y.M. Tzou (2003) Effect of temperature on formation and transformation of hydrolytical aluminum in aqueous solutions. Colloids and Surfaces A 231: 143-157. (Times cited = 38) (Link)
- S.L. Wang, C.T. Johnston, D.L. Bish, J.L. White and S.L. Hem (2003) Water vapor adsorption and surface area measurement of poorly crystalline boehmite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 260:26-35. (Times cited = 41) (Link)
- X. Hou, D.L. Bish, S.L. Wang, C.T. Johnston and R.J. Kirkpatrick (2003) Hydration, expansion, structure and dynamics of layered double hydroxide. American Mineralogist 88:167-179. (Times cited =59) (Link)
- C.T. Johnston, S.L. Wang, D.L. Bish, P. Dera, S.F. Agnew, J.W. Kenney, III (2002) Novel pressure induced phase transformations in hydrous layered materials: a comparative single crystal high pressure Raman/XRD study of dickite and gibbsite. Geophysical Research Letters 29: Article No. 1770. (Times cited = 24) (Link)
- C.T. Johnston, S. L. Wang and S.L. Hem (2002) Measuring the surface area of aluminum hydroxide adjuvant. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 91:1702-1706. (Times cited = 32) (Link)
- S.L. Wang and C.T. Johnston (2000) Assignment of the structural OH stretching bands of gibbsite. American Mineralogist 85:739-744. (Times cited = 51) (Link)
- C.M. Chang, S.L. Wang, and M.K. Wang (1997) A local density functional study on the deprotonation of hexaaqua aluminum complex. Sciences of Soils 2, http://www.hintze-online.com/sos/1997/Articles/Art1
- M.K. Wang, S.L. Wang and W.M. Wang (1996) Rapid estimation of cation exchange capacities of soils and clays with methylene blue exchange. Soil Science Society of America Journal 60:138-141. (Time cited = 22)
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- J.C. Liang, S.L. Wang, M.K. Wang and C.M. Lai (1993) Crystallization of iron phosphate. Journal of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society 31:547–556.
- L.H. Tai, S.L. Wang and M.K. Wang (1992) Crystallization of aluminum phosphate. Journal of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society 30:151-161.