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論文被引用總次數 = 1244; h-index=23; impact factor列表

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  1. Chang, H.S., S.L. Wang and K.C. Yeh (2017) Effect of gallium exposure in Arabidopsis thaliana is similar to aluminum stress. Environmental Science & Technology 51:1241-1248.
  2. Kameda, K., Y. Hashimoto, S.L. Wang, Y. Hirai and H. Miyahara (2017) Simultaneous and continuous stabilization of As and Pb in contaminated solution and soil by a ferrihydrite-gypsum sorbent. Journal of Hazardous Materials 327:171-179.
  3. Tao, L., Z.K. Zhu, F.B. Li and S.L. Wang (2017) Fe(II)/Cu(II) interaction on goethite stimulated by an iron-reducing bacteria Aeromonas Hydrophila HS01 under anaerobic conditions. Chemosphere 187:43-51.
  4. K. Kameda, Y. Hashimoto, S.L. Wang, Y. Hirai and H. Miyahara (2016) Simultaneous and continuous stabilization of As and Pb in contaminated solution and soil by a ferrihydrite-gypsum sorbet. Journal of Hazardous Materials (in press). (Link)
  5. H.H. Li, Y.T. Liu, Y.H. Chen, S.L. Wang, M.K. Wang, T.H. Xie and G. Wang (2016) Biochar amendment immobilizes lead in rice paddy soils and reduces its phytoavailability. Scientific Reports 6:31616. (Link)
  6. T.W. Tzeng, S.L. Wang, C.C. Chen, C.C. Tan, Y.T. Liu, T.Y. Chen and Y.M. Tzou (2016) Photolysis and photocatalytic decomposition of sulfamethazine antibiotics in an aqueous solution with TiO2. RSC Advance 6:69301-69310. (Link)
  7. C.C. Lee, J.H. Huang, L.Y. Lin and S.L. Wang* (2016) Enhanced immobilization of Cr(VI) in soils by the amendment of rice-straw char. Soil and Sediment Contamination 25:505-518.  (Link)
  8. L.C. Hsu, K.Y. Chen, Y.T. Chan, Y. Deng, C.E. Hwang, Y.T. Liu, S.L. Wang, W.H. Kuan and Y.M. Tzou (2016) Catalytic oxidation and removal of arsenite in the presence of Fe ions and zero-valent Al metals. Journal of Hazardous Materials 317:237-245. (Link)
  9. R.R. Chang, S.L. Wang, Y.T. Liu, Y.T. Chan, J.T. Hung, Y.M. Tzou and K.J. Tseng (2016) Interactions of the products of oxidative polymerization of hydroquinone as catalyzed by birnessite with Fe (hydr)oxides – an implication of the reactive pathway for humic substance formations. RSC Advance 6:20750-20760 (Link).(Time cited = 1)
  10. T.W. Tzeng, L.T. Liu, Y. Deng, Y.C. Hsieh, C.C. Tan, S.L. Wang, S.T. Huang and Y.M. Tzou (2016) Removal of sulfamethazine antibiotics using cow manure-based carbon adsorbents. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 13:973-984. (Link)
  11. Y.H. Tu, T.S. Chan, H.W. Tu, S.L. Wang, C.F. You and C.K. Chang (2016) Rapid and efficient removal/recovery of molybdenum onto ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles. Chemosphere 148:452-458. (Link) (Time cited = 1)
  12. I.H. Liao, J.H. Huang, S.L. Wang*, M.P. Cheng and J.C. Liu (2015) Adsorptions of Cd(II) and Pb(II) in aqueous solution by rice-straw char. Desalination and Water Treatment 57:21619-21626. (Link)
  13. Y.C. Lin and S.L. Wang* (2015) Cr K-edge X-ray absorption and FTIR spectroscopic study on the reaction mechanisms of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) with lignin. Desalination and Water Treatment 57:21598-21609. (Link)
  14. S.H. Hsu, S.L. Wang, J.H. Huang, S.T. Huang and M.K. Wang (2015) Effects of rice straw ash amendment on Cd solubility and distribution in a contaminated paddy soil under submergence. Paddy and Water Environment 13:135-143.(Time cited = 1)(Link)
  15. Y.J. Tu, C.F. You, C.K. Chang, S.L. Wang, T.S. Chan (2013) Adsorption behavior of As(III) onto a copper ferrite generated from printed circuit board industry. Chemical Engineering Journal 225:433-439. (Time cited = 8)(Link)
  16. S.L. Wang*, C.H. Lin, Y.Y. Yan, and M.K. Wang (2013) Synthesis of Li/Al LDH using aluminum and LiOH. Applied Clay Science 72:191-195.(Time cited = 4) (Link)
  17. Y.J. Tu, C.F. You, C.K. Chang and S.L. Wang (2013) XANES evidence of arsenate removal from water with magnetic ferrite. Journal of Environmental Management 120:114-119.(Time cited = 5) (Link)
  18. J.H. Huang, S.L. Wang, J.H. Lin, Y.M. Chen and M.K. Wang (2013) Dynamics of cadmium concentration in contaminated rice paddy soils with submerging time. Paddy and Water Environment 11:483-491.(Time cited = 4) (Link)
  19. P.M. Huang, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou, Y.B. Huang, B.Q. Weng, S.Y. Zhuang and M.K. Wang (2013) Physicochemical and biological interfacial interactions: impacts on soil ecosystem and biodiversity. Environmental Earth Science 68: 2199-2209. (Time cited = 2) (Link)
  20. Y.J. Tu, C.F. You, C.K. Chang, S.L. Wang and T.S. Chan (2012) Arsenate adsorption from water using a novel fabricated copper ferrite. Chemical Engineering Journal 198-199:440-448.(Time cited = 20) (Link)
  21. S.W. Huang, P.N. Chiang, J.C. Liu, J.T. Huang, W.H. Kuan. Y.M. Tzou, S.L. Wang, J.H. Huang, C.C. Chen, M.K. Wang and R.H. Loeppert (2012) Chromate reduction on humic acid derived from a peat soil – exploration of the activated sites on HAs for chromate removal. Chemosphere 87:587-594.(Time cited = 9) (Link) 
  22. K.Y. Chen, J.C. Liu, P.N. Chiang, S.L. Wang, W.H. Kuan, Y.M. Tzou, C.C. Chen, Y.J. Deng and M.K. Wang (2012) Chromate removal as influenced by the structural changes of soil components upon carbonization at different temperatures. Environmental Pollution 162:151-158. (Time cited = 3) (Link)
  23. Y.C. Lin and S.L. Wang* (2012) Cr(VI) Reactions of polysaccharide biopolymers. Chemical Engineering Journal 181:479-485. (Time cited = 14)(Link)
  24. S.Y. Shen, S.L. Wang*, Y. Y. Yan, Y.M. Tzou and W.H. Kuan (2012) Removal of hexavalent Cr(VI) by coconut coir and derived chars – The effect of surface functionality. Bioresource Technology 104:165-172. (Time cited = 40) (Link)
  25. Y.J. Tu, C.K. Chang, C.F. You, S.L. Wang (2012)  Treating complex heavy metal wastewater by multi staged ferrite process. Journal of Hazardous Materials 209-210:379-384. (Time cited = 17)(Link)
  26. S.L. Wang* and J.F. Lee (2011) Reaction mechanism of hexavalent chromium with cellulose. Chemical Engineering Journal 174:289-295. (Time cited = 26)(Link)
  27. V. Shanmugam, J.C. Lo, C.L. Wu, S.L. Wang, C.C. Lai, E.L. Connolly, J.L. Huang and K.C. Yeh (2011) Differential expression and regulation of iron regulated metal transporters in Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis thaliana – the role in Zn tolerance. New Phytologist 190:125-137. (Time cited = 45)(Link)
  28. R.R. Chang, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou, and M.K. Wang (2011) Removal of 2-chlorophenol from water using rice-straw derived ash. Journal of Environmental Science and Health B. 46:128-136 (Link) (Time cited = 1)
  29. J.H. Huang, S.H. Hsu and S.L. Wang* (2011) Effects of rice straw ash amendment on Cu bioavailability in flooded rice paddy soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 186:1801-1807 (Time cited = 19)(Link).
  30. 林映儒、鄭智馨、曾聰堯 、王尚禮、郭鴻裕 (2011) 平地長期林地之土壤性質與有機碳量蓄積. 臺灣農業化學與食品科學49:260-274.
  31. L.C. Hsu, S.L. Wang, Y.C. Lin, M.K. Wang, P.N. Chiang, J.C. Liu, W.H. Kuan, C.C. Chen and Y.M. Tzou (2010) Cr(VI) removal on fungal biomass of Neurospora crassa: the importance of dissolved organic carbons derived from the biomass to Cr(VI) reduction. Environmental Science and Technology 44:6202-6208. (Time cited = 43)(Link)
  32. Y.S. Shen, S.L. Wang*, S.T. Huang, Y.M. Tzou and J.H. Huang (2010) Biosorption of Cr(VI) by coconut coir: Spectroscopic investigation on the reaction mechanism of Cr(VI) with lignocellulosic material. Journal of Hazardous Materials 179:160-165.(Time cited = 33) (Link)
  33. J.C. Liu, Y.M. Tzou, Y.H. Lu, J.T. Wu, M.P. Cheng and S.L. Wang* (2010) Enhanced chlorophenol adsorption of soils by rice-straw-ash amendment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 177:692-696.(Time cited = 8) (Link)
  34. 黃旭村、沈盈嬛、王尚禮*(2009)不同電荷密度之層狀雙氫氧化物對對苯二甲酸的吸附反應. 土壤與環境 12:23-31.
  35. 劉政樺、王尚禮、王明光、莊雅惠、江博能(2009)土壤2:1型黏土礦物之電荷分布在銨固定化作用中的角色.土壤與環境12:41-55.
  36. C.J. Lin, S.L. Wang, P.M. Huang, J.C. Liu, C.C. Chen, P.N. Chiang, J.J. Wu, J.H. Chen, C.F. Lin, Y.M. Tzou (2009) Chromate reduction catalyzed by zero-valent Al metal as catalyzed by polyoxometalate. Water Research 43:5015-5022.(Time cited = 23) (Link)
  37. N.H. Hsu, S.L. Wang*, Y.C. Lin, G.D. Sheng and J.F. Lee (2009) Reduction of Cr(VI) by crop-residue-derived black carbon. Environmental Science and Technology 43:8801-8806. (Time cited = 69)(Link).
  38. Y.C. Lin, S.L. Wang, W.C. Shen, P.M. Huang, P.N. Chiang, J.C. Liu, C.C. Chen, Y.M. Tzou (2009) Photo-enhancement of Cr(VI) reduction by fungal biomass of Neurospora crassa. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 92:294-300. (Time cited = 7)(Link)
  39. N.H. Hsu, S.L. Wang*, Y.H. Liao, S.T. Huang, Y.M. Tzou, and Y.M. Huang (2009) Removal of hexavalent chromium from acidic aqueous solutions using rice-straw-derived carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials 171:1066-1070. (Time cited = 29)(Link)
  40. Y.F. Chao, J.J. Lee, and  S.L. Wang* (2009) Preferential adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate from associated binary-solute aqueous systems by Mg/Al-NO3 layered double hydroxides with different nitrate orientations. Journal of Hazardous Materials 165:846-852. (Time cited = 21)(Link)
  41. S.L. Wang, C.C. Chen, Y.M. Tzou, C.L. Hsu, J.H. Chen and C.F. Lin (2009) A mechanism study of light-induced Cr(VI) reduction in an acidic solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials 164:223-228. (Time cited = 19) (Link)
  42. S.L. Wang, C.H. Liu, M.K. Wang, Y.H. Chuang, and P.N. Chiang (2009) Arsenate removal from water by Mg/Al-NO3 layered double hydroxides with varying the Mg/Al ratio. Applied Clay Science 43:79-85. (Time cited = 67)(Link)
  43. Y.F. Chao, P. C. Chen and S.L. Wang* (2008) Adsorption of 2,4-D on Mg/Al-NO3 layered double hydroxides with varying layer charge density. Applied Clay Science 40:193-200.(Time cited = 45) (Link)
  44. Y.Y. Huang, S.L. Wang, J.C. Liu, Y.M. Tzou, J.H. Chen, R.R. Chang (2008) Influences of preparative methods of humic acids on the sorption of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol. Chemosphere 70:1218-1227.(Time cited = 8) (Link)
  45. Y.M. Tzou, S.L. Wang, J.C. Liu, I.I. Huang and J.H. Chen (2008) Removal of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol from a solution by humic acids repeatedly extracted from a peat soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 152:812-819.(Time cited = 14) (Link)
  46. C.L. Hsu, S.L. Wang and Y.M. Tzou (2007) Photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) in the presence of NO3 and Cl electrolytes as influenced by Fe(III). Environmental Science & Technology 41:7907-7914. (Time cited = 31) (Link)
  47. W.C. Wu, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou, J.H. Chen and M.K. Wang (2007) The adsorption and catalytic transformations of chromium on Mn-substituted goethite. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75:277-285. (Time cited =14) (Link)
  48. S.L. Wang*, Y.M, Tzou, Y.H. Lu, and G Sheng (2007) Removal of 3-chlorophenol from water using rice-straw-based carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials 147:313-318.(Time cited = 46) (Link)
  49. S.L.Wang*, C.Y.Cheng, Y.M.Tzou, R.B.Liaw, T.W.Chang, and J.H.Chen (2007) Phosphate removal from water using lithium intercalated gibbsite. Journal of Hazardous Materials 147:205-212. (Time cited = 44) (Link)
  50. Y.M. Tzou, S.L. Wang*, L.C. Hsu, R.R. Chang and C. Lin  (2007) Deintercalation of Li/Al LDH and its application to recover adsorbed contaminants. Applied Clay Science 37:107-114. (Time cited = 20) (Link)
  51. L.C. Hsu, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou, C.F. Lin and J.H. Chen (2007) The removal and recovery of Cr(VI) by Li/Al layered double hydroxide (LDH). Journal of Hazardous Materials 142:242-249. (Time cited = 28) (Link)
  52. S.L.Wang* and P.C. Wang (2007) In situ XRD and ATR-FTIR study on the molecular orientation of interlayer nitrate in Mg/Al layered double hydroxide in water. Colloids and Surfaces A 292:131-138. (Time cited = 38)(Link)
  53. S.L. Wang, R.J. Hseu, R.R. Chang, J.H. Chen, and Y.M. Tzou (2006) Adsorption and thermal desorption of Cr(VI) on Li/Al layered double hydroxide. Colloids and Surfaces A 277:8-14.  (Times cited = 35) (Link)
  54. W.H. Kuan, M.K. Wang, P.M. Huang, C.W. Wu, C.M. Chang, S.L. Wang (2005) Effect of citric acid on aluminum hydrolytic speciation. Water Research 39:3457-3466. (Time cited = 22) (Link)
  55. Y.M. Tzou, S.L. Wang and M.K. Wang (2005) Fluorescent light induced Cr(VI) reduction by citrate in the presence of TiO2 and Ferric ions. Colloids and Surfaces A 253:15-22. (Times cited = 22) (Link)
  56. D.S. Yang, M.K. Wang and S.L. Wang (2004) Synthesis of Li/Al layered double hydroxide-guest composites under mild acid conditions. Clay Minerals 39:115-121.  (Time cited = 7) (Link)
  57. N. Khare, D. Hesterberg, S. Beauchemin and S.L. Wang (2004) XANES analysis of phosphate distribution between ferrihydrite and boehmite in mixed mineral systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal.68:460-469.  (Times cited = 60) (Link)
  58. S. L. Wang, M.K. Wang and Y.M. Tzou (2003) Effect of temperature on formation and transformation of hydrolytical aluminum in aqueous solutions. Colloids and Surfaces A 231: 143-157.  (Times cited = 38) (Link)
  59. S.L. Wang, C.T. Johnston, D.L. Bish, J.L. White and S.L. Hem (2003) Water vapor adsorption and surface area measurement of poorly crystalline boehmite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 260:26-35. (Times cited = 41) (Link)
  60. X. Hou, D.L. Bish, S.L. Wang, C.T. Johnston and R.J. Kirkpatrick (2003) Hydration, expansion, structure and dynamics of layered double hydroxide. American Mineralogist 88:167-179. (Times cited =59) (Link)
  61. C.T. Johnston, S.L. Wang, D.L. Bish, P. Dera, S.F. Agnew, J.W. Kenney, III (2002) Novel pressure induced phase transformations in hydrous layered materials: a comparative single crystal high pressure Raman/XRD study of dickite and gibbsite. Geophysical Research Letters 29: Article No. 1770.  (Times cited = 24) (Link)
  62. C.T. Johnston, S. L. Wang and S.L. Hem (2002) Measuring the surface area of aluminum hydroxide adjuvant. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 91:1702-1706. (Times cited = 32) (Link)
  63. S.L. Wang and C.T. Johnston (2000) Assignment of the structural OH stretching bands of gibbsite. American Mineralogist 85:739-744. (Times cited = 51) (Link)
  64. C.M. Chang, S.L. Wang, and M.K. Wang (1997) A local density functional study on the deprotonation of hexaaqua aluminum complex. Sciences of Soils 2, http://www.hintze-online.com/sos/1997/Articles/Art1
  65. M.K. Wang, S.L. Wang and W.M. Wang (1996) Rapid estimation of cation exchange capacities of soils and clays with methylene blue exchange. Soil Science Society of America Journal 60:138-141. (Time cited = 22)
  66. S.L. Wang and M.K. Wang (1995) Al13 oligomer in partially neutralized aluminum perchlorate solution (OH/Al=2.2). Journal of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society 33:594-601.
  67. S.L. Wang and M.K. Wang (1995) Characterization of monomeric-Al and Al13 species in partially neutralized aluminum perchlorate solutions. Journal of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society 33:579-593.
  68. J.C. Liang, S.L. Wang, M.K. Wang and C.M. Lai (1993) Crystallization of iron phosphate. Journal of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society 31:547–556.
  69. L.H. Tai, S.L. Wang and M.K. Wang (1992) Crystallization of aluminum phosphate. Journal of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society 30:151-161.