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论文发表─研讨会议 1996-2000

1996-2000年 陈尊贤 教授 在 国内外研讨会议 所发表的论文列表
  • Chung*, R. S., Z. S. Chen, and S.L. Huang. 2000. Effect of hog compost on the growth and nitrogen composition of cabbage. pp. 65-83. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Application and Technology of Organic Fertilizers. Dec. 27, 2000. Taichung, Taiwan ROC.
  • Hseu*, Z. Y. and Z. S. Chen. 2000. Hydromorphology of Alfisol and Ultisol toposequences with anthraquic conditions in Taiwan. pp. 300. In: 2000 Annual meeting of Soil Science Society of America. Nov. 5-9, 2000, Minneapolis, USA. Agronomy Abstracts. pp. 300.
  • Tsai, C. C. and Z. S. Chen*. 2000. Soil characteristics and variability of Ultisols along a toposequence in a subtropical region of Taiwan. pp. 300. In: 2000 Annual meeting of Soil Science Society of America. Nov. 5-9, 2000, Minneapolis, USA. Agronomy Abstracts.
  • Chen, Z. S. 2000. Assessing soil and crop quality and approaching the regulations of trace elements in long term application of livestock manure composts in Taiwan. pp. 206-230. In: Proceedings of 2000 International Forum on Livestock Pollution Control. October 24-27, 2000, Tainan, Taiwan ROC. (Invited speaker)
  • Lee, T. M. and Z. S. Chen*. 2000. Chemical amendments affect on the metal bioavailability of contaminated soils in Taiwan. pp. 305-309. In: Proceedings of International Conference of Soil Remediation. Oct. 15-18, 2000. Hangzhou, China.
  • Chen*, Z. S., H. T. Lin, and Z.Y. Hseu. 2000. Transfer of Cd into the food chain from aquatic and agricultural ecosystem. Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment / International Council of Scienfic Unions (SCOPE/ICSU): Cadmium Workshop. Sep. 13-16, 2000. Brussels, Belgium. (Invited speaker).
  • Chen*, Z. S. and M. Y. Wu. 2002. Assessing soil quality and approaching national levels of sustainable soil management in Taiwan. pp. 253-266. In J. Shamshuddin, J. Hamdan, and A.W. Samsuri (editors). Sustainable Land Management Published by The Malaysian Society of Soil Science. Malaysia. ISBN 967-9945-22-7.
  • 陈尊贤。2000。农业生产与生态环境。pp. 38-51。 中华民国农学团体89年联合年会中心议题: 二十一世纪农业发展新策略研讨会论文集。国立台湾大学第二学生活动中心国际会议厅。台北市。 2000年 12月15日。
  • 陈尊贤。2000。维持农业生产力与生态环境品质之土壤管理。pp. 27-40。 八十九年度有机质肥料之应用与土壤管理利用调查训练研讨会论文集。台东区农改场推广中心。台东市。 2000年 12月11日至12日。
  • 陈尊贤。2000。休閒绿地之永续土地管理。pp. 205-220。 2000休閒绿地管理实物研讨会论文集。国立台湾大学应用力学馆。台北市。 2000年 12月25日。
  • 陈尊贤。2000。永续土地管理的指标与评估文献回顾与建议。pp. 11-24. 许文富、杨盛行主编。 台湾未来农业发展方向研讨会论文集。国立台湾大学农业陈列馆。台北市。 2000年 5月15-16日。
  • 陈尊贤。2000。受重金属污染土壤之整治技术与经验。"土壤及地下水污染整治技术研究成果发表会论文集”。pp.145-162. 国科会工程科技推展中心主办。国立成功大学光复校区国际会议厅。台南市。2000年 4月24日。国科会工程科技推展中心、环保署、经济部工业局补助经费。
  • 陈尊贤。2000。土壤污染调查及整治。「土壤及地下水污染防治讲习班--- 第8901期」。行政院环境保护署环境保护人员训练所 主办。2000年 4月12日至14日。行政院环境保护署环境保护人员训练所。台湾。中坜市。
  • 陈尊贤。2000。土壤无机污染物之分析与QA/QC问题。「土壤污染物调查分析与检验技术训练班(二)」。中华民国环境检验测定商业同业公会、国立台湾大学农业化学系 (主办)。2000年 3月30日。国立台湾大学思亮馆国际会议厅。台湾。台北市。31-62页。
  • 陈尊贤。2000。土壤污染调查专案计画之品保规划书。「土壤污染物调查分析与检验技术训练班(二)」。中华民国环境检验测定商业同业公会、国立台湾大学农业化学系 (主办)。2000年 3月30日。国立台湾大学思亮馆国际会议厅。台湾。台北市。1-30页。
  • 陈尊贤。2000。土壤样品之采集与前处理。「环境分析技术(五) 讲习会」。中华民国环境分析学会 (主办)。2000年 1月5日至6日。 台北市政府卫生环境检验大楼 (2000年 1月5日)与国立成功大学环境研究中心(2000年 1月6日)。61页。
  • Chen*, Z. S., and T. M. Lee. 1999. The effects of chemical remediation treatments on the extractability of cadmium and lead in the soil and the uptake of cadmium and lead by wheat growing in contaminated soils. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Contaminants in the Soil Environment in the Australasia-Pacific Region. Dec. 12-17, 1999. New Delhi, India. (NSC 87-2621-P-002-027).
  • Chen*, Z. S. 1999. Distribution, forms, and remediation of trace elements in contaminated soils of Taiwan. pp. 360. In: Proceedings of the Abstract of Eighth Asian Chemical Congress (8ACC). Section F: Environmental Chemistry and Cleaner production. Nov. 21-24, 1999. Taipei Convention Center, Taiwan, ROC. (Invited speaker)
  • Chen*, Z. S. 1999. Relationships between trace metal concentration, metal fractionation and bioavailability of trace elements in soils of Taiwan. 45p. In FFTC/ASPAC (editor). Proceedings of International Workshop on Micro-nutrient in Crop Productions. Nov. 8-13, 1999. Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (Invited speaker).
  • 陈尊贤。1999。土壤污染之原因、采样工具及调查方法。「土壤污染物调查分析与检验技术训练班」。台北市环境检验测定商业同业公会、国立台湾大学农业化学系 (主办)。1999年 12月6日至7日。国立台湾大学思亮馆国际会议厅。台湾。台北市。27页。
  • 陈尊贤。1999。土壤中重金属含量之分析方法及污染评估。「土壤污染物调查分析与检验技术训练班」。台北市环境检验测定商业同业公会、国立台湾大学农业化学系 (主办)。1999年 12月6日至7日。国立台湾大学思亮馆国际会议厅。台湾。台北市。43页。
  • 陈尊贤。1999。受重金属污染土壤之整治技术及问题评估。「土壤污染物调查分析与检验技术训练班」。台北市环境检验测定商业同业公会、国立台湾大学农业化学系 (主办)。1999年 12月6日至7日。国立台湾大学思亮馆国际会议厅。台湾。台北市。26页。
  • 陈尊贤*、蔡呈奇。1999。台湾地区灰壤化土之形态特征与分类。pp. 93-96. ”第三届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集”。 1999年 10月21日至22日。 江苏省会议中心。南京市。中国。
  • 蒋先觉*、胡弘道、王明光、陈尊贤。1999。台湾地区高山森林土壤主要土类的特性与分类。pp. 97-101. ”第三届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集”。 1999年 10月21日至22日。江苏省会议中心。南京市。中国。
  • Chen*, Z. S., K. S. Looi, and J. C. Liu. 1999. Chemical remediation methods influence on the uptake of cadmium and lead by vegetables in contaminated soils. pp. 1012-1013. In Wenzel, W. W., Adriano, D.C., Alloway, B., Doner, H. E., Keller. C., Lepp, N.W., Mench, M., Naidu, R., and Pierzynski, G.M. (eds.). Proceedings of Extended Abstract of Fifth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, July 11-15, 1999, Vienna, Austria.
  • Tsai, C. C. and Z. S. Chen*. 1999. The distribution of trace elements in soil profile of different major soil groups of Taiwan. pp. 112-113. In Wenzel, W. W., Adriano, D.C., Alloway, B., Doner, H. E., Keller. C., Lepp, N.W., Mench, M., Naidu, R., and Pierzynski, G.M. (eds.). Proceedings of Extended Abstract of Fifth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, July 11-15, 1999, Vienna, Austria.
  • Chen*, Z. S. 1999. Soil contamination and trace elements issues in Taiwan. pp. 246-247. In Wenzel, W. W., Adriano, D.C., Alloway, B., Doner, H. E., Keller. C., Lepp, N.W., Mench, M., Naidu, R., and Pierzynski, G.M. (eds.). Proceedings of Extended Abstract of Fifth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, July 11-15, 1999, Vienna, Austria. (Invited speaker).
  • 陈尊贤*、蔡呈奇、崔君至。1999。台湾地区土壤污染物管制值之研拟与分析。pp. 169-207. 第六届土壤污染防治研讨会—受有机污染物污染土壤之整治复育技术论文集。陈尊贤(主编)。国立台湾大学第二活动中心国际会议厅。台北市。1999年 6月16日。国科会生命科学推动中心及行政院环保署补助经费。(Invited speaker).
  • Chen*, Z. S. 1998. Selecting the indicators to evaluate the soil quality of Taiwan soils and approaching the national level of sustainable soil management. pp. 131-171. In FFTC/ASPAC (editor). Proceedings of International Seminar on Soil management for Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics. Dec. 14-19, 1998, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. (Invited speaker).
  • Chen*, Z. S., D. Y. Lee, and G. J. Lee. 1998. Chemical remediation and phytoremediation in Taiwan rural soils contaminated by cadmium and lead. p. 327. In C. H. Chou, F Pu, and H. C. Cheng (eds.). Abstract of 9th Pacific Science Inter-Congress: Sustainable Development in the Pacific. Nov. 15-21, 1998, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited speaker)..
  • Chen*, Z. S., and S. C. Wu. 1998. Management and supervision of soil remediation programs in Taiwan. p. 328. In C. H. Chou, F Pu, and H. C. Cheng (eds.). Abstract of 9th Pacific Science Inter-Congress: Sustainable Development in the Pacific. Nov. 15-21, 1998, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited speaker).
  • Chen, Z. S. 1998. Management of contaminated soil remediation programmes. In “Proceedings of International Workshop on Soil Contamination and Remediation”. Sep. 22, 1998. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. **(Invited keynote speaker). 39p.
  • Chen*, Z. S. , J.C. Lee, and J.C. Liu. 1998. Chemical remediation treatments affect on the change of speciation of cadmium and lead in contaminated soils. In “Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Contamination, Toxicity and Health”. Sep. 23-25, 1998. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
  • Hseu, Z.Y., Z. S. Chen*, and I. Y. Leu. 1998. The relations between iron-manganese concretions and hydromorphology in the Ultisols with anthroaquic conditions. In “Transaction of 16th World Congress of Soil Science”. August 20-26, 1988, Montepellier, France. (CD-ROM) ( Registered paper No. 123, 7 pages)
  • Chen*, Z. S., and J. C. Liu. 1998. Acid rain influences on the biological accumulation of heavy metals in the crops and vegetables of Taiwan. p. 84. In “Proceedings of 7th International Congress of Ecology”. July 19-25, 1998, Florence, Italy. (Invited speaker).
  • Liu, J. C., and Z. S. Chen*. 1998. Mineral transformation and weathering sequence of loamy Spodosols in Taiwan. In “Transaction of 16th World Congress of Soil Science”. August 20-26, 1988, Montepellier, France. (CD-ROM) ( Registered paper No. 60, 7 pages )
  • 陈尊贤*、许正一、蔡呈奇。1998。台湾农地土壤有机碳贮存量及其在永续性土壤管理系统之应用。”第二届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集”。 国立中兴大学农学环境大楼。台中市。1998年 2月24日至2月26日。pp. 16-1 to 16-20.
  • 蔡呈奇、陈尊贤*、许正一、郭鸿裕。1998。台湾地区农地与坡地代表土壤的选定与其相关数据库的建立。”第二届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集”。 国立中兴大学农学环境大楼。台中市。1998年 2月24日至2月26日。pp. 22-1 to 22-17.
  • 许正一、陈尊贤*、蔡呈奇。1998。台湾农地土壤品质指标之选择与土壤品质评估方法之架构。”第二届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集”。 国立中兴大学农学环境大楼。台中市。1998年 2月24日至2月26日。pp. 20-1 to 20-17.
  • Chen*, Z. S., and D.Y. Lee. 1997. Soil quality management in Taiwan rural soils after long term application of organic composts. pp. 137-147. In Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer (editor). Proceedings of International Conference on Soil Quality Management and Agro-Ecosystem health for East and Southeast Asia, Nov. 11-14, 1997, Cheju Island, Korea. (Invited speaker).
  • Cheng, C.H., Z. S. Chen*, and H.Y. Guo. 1997. A GIS-based soil-landscape modeling approach to predict soil drainage classes and depth to iron and manganese concretions. P. 12. In K. McSweeney (edited). Abstract of Second International Pedometrics Conference (or http://www.essc.psu.edu/pedometrics/ abstract, August 18-20, 1997, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. (Invited speaker).
  • Chen*, Z. S., G. J. Lee, and J. C. Liu. 1997. Chemical remediation treatments for soils contaminated with cadmium and lead. pp. 421-422. In I. K. Iskandar, S. E. Hardy, A. C. Chang, and G. M. Pierzynski. (editors). Proceedings of Extended Abstract from the Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, June 23-26, 1997, Clark Kerr Campus, Berkeley, California, USA.
  • Liu, J. C., K. S. Looi, Z. S. Chen*, and D. Y. Lee. 1997. Effect of application of organic composts and lime on the uptake of cadmium and lead by vegetables grown in polluted soils. pp. 453-454. In I. K. Iskandar, S. E. Hardy, A. C. Chang, and G. M. Pierzynski. (editors). Proceedings of Extended Abstract from the Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, June 23-26, 1997, Clark Kerr Campus, Berkeley, California, USA.
  • Chen*, Z. S., Z. D. Wu, and Z. Y. Hseu. 1997. Micromorphology and genesis of placic horizon in two alpine forest soils of Taiwan. pp. 72-78. In S. Shoba, M. Gerasimova, and R. Miedema (editors), Proceedings of 10th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology: Studies on Soil Diversity, Diagnostics, and Dynamics. July 8-13, 1996, Moscow, Russia. pp. 26. Published by Printing Service Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Liu, J. C., S. Y. Li, and Z. S. Chen*. 1997. Microscopic characterization and podzolization of Spodosols on Central Taiwan. pp. 120-128. In S. Shoba, M. Gerasimova, and R. Miedema (editors), Proceedings of 10th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology: Studies on Soil Diversity, Diagnostics, and Dynamics. July 8-13, 1996, Moscow, Russia. Published by Printing Service Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Hseu, Z. Y., and Z. S. Chen*. 1997. Microscopic redoximorphic features in an Alfisol with plinthite and anthraquic flooding condition in Taiwan. pp. 255-261. In S. Shoba, M. Gerasimova, and R. Miedema (editors). Proceedings of 10th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology: Studies on Soil Diversity, Diagnostics, and Dynamics. July 8-13, 1996, Moscow, Russia. Published by Printing Service Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Chen*, Z. S. and D. Y. Lee. 1997. Evaluation of remediation techniques on two cadmium polluted soils in Taiwan. pp. 209-224. Chapter 14 of Special monograph of "Second International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements". (September 5-10, 1993, Taipei, Taiwan). In A. Iskandar and D.C. Adriano (Ed.) Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Metals. Science Reviews, Northwood, UK. (Invited speaker).
  • 陈尊贤. 1997. 兼顾土壤与作物品质下堆肥中重金属容许浓度之计算与评估。第25-27页。"饲粮锌铜含量对禽畜生长性能、排泄物处理及堆肥之影响研讨会"论文摘要集。行政院农业委员会主办。1997年10月29日。台湾省畜产试验所行政馆。
  • 陈尊贤。1997。台湾地区受重金属污染土壤之整治经验与评估。"第五届土壤污染防治研讨会--污染土壤之整治复育技术论文集。pp.75-88. 陈尊贤(主编)。国立台湾师范大学教育学院大楼演讲厅。台北市。1997年 6月18日。国科会生命科学推动中心补助经费。
  • 李耿肇、刘祯祺、陈尊贤*。1997。化学复育处理对污染土壤中镉铅型态转变之影响。"第五届土壤污染防治研讨会--污染土壤之整治复育技术论文集。pp.375-398. 陈尊贤(主编)。国立台湾师范大学教育学院大楼演讲厅。台北市。1997年 6月18日。国科会生命科学推动中心补助经费。
  • 何圣宾*、李达源、陈尊贤。1997。北部 P高尔夫球场施肥对土壤与水质的影响。”高尔夫球场施肥对土壤与水质影响之研究成果讨论会”专刊。pp. 4-1至 4-18. 国立中兴大学农学环境大楼演讲厅。台中市。1997年 6月13日。行政院农委会补助经费。
  • Chen, Z. S. 1996. Republic of China: Environmental degradation, reclamation, and its implication on rural development. In Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization (AARRO) (ed.) Proceedings of International Workshop on Environmental Degradation and its Implication in Rural Development --Experience from the developing countries. Dec. 15-19, 1996, Cairo, Egypt. (33 pages). (Invited speaker).
  • Chen*, Z. S., C. C. Tsai, and Z.Y. Hseu. 1996. Soil-Landscape relations in subtropical region of Taiwan: Reconstruction analysis and soil genesis. 1996 Annual meeting of Soil Science Society of America (Nov. 3-8, 1996, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA). Agronomy Abstracts: pp. 261.
  • Liu*, J.C. D.F. Yu, and Z. S. Chen 1996. Mineralogy and pedogenic processes of Andisols in northern Taiwan. 1996 Annual meeting of Soil Science Society of America (Nov. 3-8, 1996, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA). Agronomy Abstracts: pp. 271.
  • Lee*, D.Y., K.W. Juang, and Z.S. Chen. 1996. Prediction of spatial distribution of heavy metal in contaminated soils by Kriging combined with regression. 1996 Annual meeting of Soil Science Society of America (Nov. 3-8, 1996, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA). Agronomy Abstracts: pp. 331.
  • Chen, Z.S. 1996. Soil monolith preparation, exposition of benchmark series and soil databases application in Taiwan. pp. 147-149. In Batjes, N.H., J.H. Kauffman, and O.C. Spaargaren (ed.) Proceedings of International Workshop on National Soil Reference Collections and Databases (NASREC). Vol. 3: papers and country reports. (Nov. 6-17, 1995), International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC), Wageningen, Netherlands. (Invited speaker).
  • Chen*, Z.S., C.F Hsieh, J.C. Liu, and C.M. Lin. 1996. Nutrient interception by a riparian forest buffer strip from adjacent orchard near reservoir: Two case studies in Taiwan. pp. 24-71. J. D. Cheng, J. Hsia, and H. L. Wu (editors). In Proceeding of Sino-American Joint Workshop of Buffer Strips for Protection of Reservoirs, Rivers, and Creeks. June 17, 1996, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (Invited speaker).
  • Chen*, Z. S., and J. C. Liu. 1996. Effect of atmospheric acid rain on the heavy metals concentration in vegetation and crops -- A review. pp. 501-515. In Proceedings of International Conference on Acid Deposition in East Asia. May 28-30, 1996, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (Invited speaker).
  • Liu, J. C., and Z. S. Chen*. 1996. Effects of atmospheric acid rain on soil properties of Taiwan -- A review. pp. 537-549. In Proceedings of International Conference on Acid Deposition in East Asia. May 28-30, 1996, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
  • Chen*, Z.S., D.Y. Lee, C.F.Lin, S.L.Lo, and Y.P.Wang. 1996. Contamination of rural and urban soils in Taiwan. pp. 691-709. In R. Naidu, R. S. Kookuna, D. P. Oliver, S. Rogers, M. J. McLaughlin (editors), Contaminants and the soil environment in the Australasia-Pacific Region. Proceedings of the First Australasia-Pacific Conference on Contaminants and Soil Environment in the Australasia-Pacific Region. Adelaide, Australia, Feb. 18-23, 1996. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, London. (Invited speaker).
  • Wang, S.T., and Chen*, Z. S. 1996. Experience for Management of Problem Soils in Taiwan. In PCARRD (editor), Proceedings of Third International Forum on Soil Taxonomy and Sustainable Land Management. May 17-28, 1993, Queson, Manila, Philippines. (Invited speaker).
  • 刘祯祺*、陈尊贤。1996。台湾南部恒春半岛之地质特性与土壤化育作用。第六届土壤地质学术研讨会论文集。22 pages. 哈尔滨、中国。8月17-25日, 1996。