浏览人次: 210

论文发表─期刊 1991-1995

1991-1995年 陈尊贤 教授 在 期刊 所发表的论文列表
  • Hseu, Z.Y., C.W. Lin, C. C. Tsai, and Z.S. Chen*. Transitional soil characteristics between Chen*, Z.S. and D.Y. Lee. 1995. Heavy metals contents of representative agricultural soils in Taiwan. J. Chinese Institute Environ. Engineering. 5: 205-211.
  • Chen*, Z.S., J.C. Liu, and H.C. Chiang. 1995. Soil properties, clay mineralogy, and genesis of some alpine forest soils in Ho-Huan Mountain area of Taiwan. J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 33: 1-17.
  • Hseu, Z. Y. and Z. S. Chen*. 1995. Redox processes of rice-growing Alfisols with different wet conditions. J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 33: 333-344.
  • Chen*, Z.S., D.Y. Lee, C.F.Lin, S.L.Lo, and Y.P.Wang. 1995. Contamination of rural and urban soils in Taiwan. Soils and Fertilizers in Taiwan (1995 annual): 1-30.
  • Chen, Z. S. 1994. Soil Temperature regimes in low elevation of Taiwan as defined in Soil Taxonomy. J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 32:125-131.
  • Lee*, D.Y. and Z.S. Chen. 1994. Plants for cadmium polluted soils in northern Taiwan. In Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. D.C. Adriano, Z. S. Chen, and S. S. Yang (Eds.) Special issue of J. Environ. Geochem. & Health. 16: 161-170. (SCI)
  • Hseu, Z.Y., and Z.S. Chen*. 1994. Micromorphology of rice-growing Alfisols with different wetness conditions in Taiwan. J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 32: 647-656.
  • Chen*, Z. S. 1994. Soil properties, genesis, and classification of Inceptisols and Histosols developed under hardwood forests in Nanao, Taiwan. J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 32: 245-256.
  • Hseu, Z. Y., Y. H. Nei, H. Y. Guo, M. K. Wang, and Z. S. Chen*. 1994. Benchmark soils selected from arable and slope lands of Taiwan. Soils and Fertilizers in Taiwan (1994 annual): 1-27
  • 黄政恒、陈尊贤*、王明果。1994。大屯山与面天山火山熔岩母质来源土壤的性质与分类。中国农业化学会志 32: 294-308.
  • 刘祯琪、杨家宏、蒋先觉、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤*。1994。栖兰地区中海拔两森林土壤之性质、黏土矿物与化育作用。中国农业化学会志 32: 612-626.
  • Chen, Z.S. 1993. Proposal of prefecture soils of Taiwan. Soils and Fertilizers in Taiwan (1993 annual): 1 - 11.
  • 刘祯祺、陈尊贤*。1993。台湾南部垦丁地区之极育土与淋溶土:(1)形态、性质与分类。中国农业化学会志 31:274-285.
  • 陈尊贤*、刘祯祺。1993。台湾南部垦丁地区之极育土与淋溶土:(2)粘土矿物与化育作用。中国农业化学会志 31:298-310.
  • 黄政恒、陈尊贤*、王明果。1993。大屯山东北侧火山灰土壤的性质与粘土矿物。中国农业化学会志 31: 325-339.
  • Wang, J. D.*, C. S. Jang, Y. W, Hwang, and Z.S. Chen. 1992. Lead contamination around a kindergarten near a battery recycling plant. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 49: 23-30. (SCI)
  • Chen*, Z. S., H.C. Chiang, H.Y. Guo, and H. Eswaran. 1992.The carbon content and pedogenic processes of soils in Taiwan. Soil and Fertilizers in Taiwan (1992 annual): 41-55.
  • 陈尊贤*、江斐瑜。1992。南仁山区极育土与淋溶土之土壤与地形之关系。中国农业化学会志 30:100-109。
  • 黄政恒、陈尊贤*。1992。七星山东北侧火山灰土壤之性质与分类。中国农业化学会志 30:216-228。
  • 张明晖、陈尊贤*、李达源。1992。镉、铅在砂质与黏质污染土壤中移动之初步评估。中国农业化学会志 30:204-215.
  • Chen*, Z. S. 1991. Cadmium and lead contamination of soils near plastic stabilizing materials producing plants in northern Taiwan. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 57-58: 745-754. (SCI)
  • 刘镇宗、陈尊贤*。1991。台湾塔曼山区森林土壤中之纤铁矿与针铁矿。 中国农业化学会志 29:484-491。
  • 陈尊贤*、黄政恒。1991。台湾地区具有乌黑披被层火山灰土壤之特性与粘土矿物。中国农业化学会志 29:415-426。