论文发表─研讨会议 2011-2017
2011-2017年 陈尊贤 教授 在 国内外研讨会议 所发表的论文列表
- Tsui, Chun-Chih, Shih-Hao Jien, Horng-Yuh Guo, and Zueng-Sang Chen. 2017. Estimation of current soil organic carbon stocks and evaluating the carbon sequestration rates under different management practices in arable soils of Taiwan. Pedometrics 2017: celebrating 25 years of pedometrics, Jun 26 - Jul 1, 2017. Hof van Wageningen, Wageningen, the Netherlands. (submitted on Jan 25, 2017)
- Tsui, Chun-Chih, Xiao-Nan Liu, Chen-Chi Tsai, and Zueng-Sang Chen. 2017. Spatial variations of soil organic carbon stocks and the related environmental factors in volcanic ash soils in northern Taiwan. Pedometrics 2017: celebrating 25 years of pedometrics. Jun 26 - Jul 1, 2017, Hof van Wageningen, Wageningen, the Netherlands. (submitted on Jan 25, 2017)
- Liu Xiao-Nan, Chun-Chih Tsui, Horng-Yuh Guo, and Zueng-Sang Chen. 2017. Spatial variations and controlling factors for estimation of soil organic carbon stocks in three rural soil areas of Taoyuan, Taiwan. Pedometrics 2017: celebrating 25 years of pedometrics. Jun 26 - Jul 1, 2017, Hof van Wageningen, Wageningen, the Netherlands. (submitted on Jan 25, 2017)
- 崔君至、简士濠、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤。2016。台湾农地土壤碳储存量及碳吸存速率之评估。中华土壤肥料学会105年度年会暨土壤肥料推广研发成果发表会论文集。许正一、赖鸿裕、简士濠(编)。中华土壤肥料学会(主办),国立台湾大学水工所406视听教室,台北市。2016年12月9日。pp. 73-83.
- Tsui, Chun-Chih, Shih-Hao Jien, Horng-Yuh Guo, and Zueng-Sang Chen. 2016. Estimation of soil organic carbon stocks in arable soils and evaluation of sustainable management of soil carbon sequestration in Taiwan. 3rd International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation (CLEAR 2016), November 21-23, 2016, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Tsui, Chun-Chih, Chen-Chi Tsai, and Zueng-Sang Chen. 2016. Influence of chicken manure biochar on application to soil on the bioavailability of copper and zinc. 3rd International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation (CLEAR 2016), November 21-23, 2016, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Tsui, Chun-Chih, Chen-Chi Tsai, and Zueng-Sang Chen. 2016. The situation and new issues on the applications of different biochars on the arable soils of east and southeastern Asian countries. 3rd Asia Pacific Biochar Conference 2016 (APBC 2016): A Shifting Paradigm towards Advanced Materials and Energy/Environment Research. Oct 19 -26, 2016, Gangwon Province, Korea.
- Tan Yin Yen, Chun-Chih Tsui, and Zueng-Sang Chen. 2016. Effect of applying chicken manure-derived biochar on the yields and copper and zinc uptake of a vegetable (Brassica rapa L. Chinensis). 3rd Asia Pacific Biochar Conference 2016 (APBC 2016): A Shifting Paradigm towards Advanced Materials and Energy/Environment Research. Oct 19 -26, 2016, Gangwon Province, Korea.
- Chen, Z.S. 2016. Soil characteristics, land uses and soil management of red soils in Taiwan. Proceedings of abstracts of International workshop on soil improvement and resource utilization. pp. 12-14. Organized by Guangdong Institute of World Soil Resources (GIWSR). October 25-27, 2016. Guangzhou, China.
- Tsui, C.C., C.C. Tsai and Z. S. Chen*. 2016. The Status and New Issues on the Applications of Different Biochars Types on the Cultivated Soils of East and Southeastern Asian Countries. Proceedings of 3rd Asia Pacific Biochar Conference 2016 (APBC 2016): A Shifting Paradigm towards Advanced Materials and Energy/Environment Research, p. 78. October 19-23, 2016, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, Korea.
- Tan Y.Y., C.C. Tsui, and Z.S. Chen*. 2016. Effect of applying chicken manure-derived biochar on the yields and copper and zinc uptake of Brassica rapa L. Chinensis. Proceedings of 3rd Asia Pacific Biochar Conference 2016 (APBC 2016): A Shifting Paradigm towards Advanced Materials and Energy/Environment Research, pp. 249. October 19-23, 2016, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, Korea.
- Tsai*, C. C., Y. F. Chang, W. H. Ding, S. L. Wang, and Z. S. Chen. 2016. Effects of layers chicken manure biochar on planting stock growth and soil characteristics. Proceedings of 3rd Asia Pacific Biochar Conference 2016 (APBC 2016): A Shifting Paradigm towards Advanced Materials and Energy/Environment Research. pp. 202. October 19-23, 2016, 60th Anniversary Memorial Hall, Kangwon National University, Gangwon Province, Korea.
- Lai, H.Y., M.C. Cai, S.W. Chen, C.C. Lin, J. L. Wei, and Z.S. Chen*. 2016. Using herbal plants for phytoremediation of heavy metals- contaminated soils: from pot to field experience in Taiwan. In: Yongming Luo, David Tsao, Jing Song, Jason White, Lee Newman, Longhua Wu, Joel Burken, Pengjie Hu, Stenphen Ebbs, Xiaoe Yang, Yangli Gao, Chen Tu, Lizhong Zhu and Shupeng Li (editors). pp. 10. Proceedings of the 13th International Phytotechnologies Conference – Plant-based solutions for Environmental problems: From Lab to Field. September 26-29, 2016 at Hangzhou, China.
- Lai* H.Y., M.C. Cai, and Z.S. Chen. 2016. Phytoextraction capacity and chemical forms of cadmium in hydroponically grown Impatiens walleriana under two solution intensities. In: Yongming Luo, David Tsao, Jing Song, Jason White, Lee Newman, Longhua Wu, Joel Burken, Pengjie Hu, Stenphen Ebbs, Xiaoe Yang, Yangli Gao, Chen Tu, Lizhong Zhu and Shupeng Li (editors). pp. 78. Proceedings of the 13th International Phytotechnologies Conference – Plant-based solutions for Environmental problems: From Lab to Field. September 26-29, 2016 at Hangzhou, China.
- Su, S.W., T. H. Huang, P.H. Chen, P. L. Chin, H.Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen*. The effects of soil amendments and water managements on the total concentration of cadmium and speciation of arsenic of Rice grown in contaminated soils of Taiwan. In: Yongming Luo, Jing Song, Longhua Wu, Jan Japenga, Pengjie Hu, Peter Christie, Jianming Xu, Yangli Gao, Tomoyuki Makino, Chen Tu, Jiyan Shi and Shupeng Li (editors). pp. 197-199. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soil Pollution and Remediation. September 24-26, 2016 at Hangzhou, China.
- 崔君至、刘晓南、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤。2016。台湾农地土壤碳存量及碳永续管理之评估。第十一届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集:土壤科学与生态文明(下册)。中国土壤学会、中华土壤肥料学会(主办)。陕西宾馆,西安市,陕西省。2016年9月19-21日。pp.741-757.
- Chen, Zueng-Sang. 2016. Relationships between soil organic carbon stocks and environmental factors in the Yangmingshan National Park. pp. 5-10. In: M. Okazaki, S. Yanai (eds.) Proceedings of 2016 Joint Seminar on Environmental Ecology and Restoration between Taiwan and Japan. September 9-11, 2016, Institute of Nature Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, Japan. ISBN 4-9902765-6-6.
- Dai, Sih-Syuan, Zeng-Yei Hseu, and Zueng-Sang Chen. 2016. Release of chromium from serpentine soil by persulfate treatment. pp. 61-62. In: M. Okazaki, S. Yanai (eds.) Proceedings of 2016 Joint Seminar on Environmental Ecology and Restoration between Taiwan and Japan. September 9-11, 2016, Institute of Nature Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, Japan. ISBN 4-9902765-6-6.
- Chen, Hsin-Yu, Zeng-Yei Hseu, and Zueng-Sang Chen. 2016. Heavy metal dynamics controlled by oxidation-reduction cycles in serpentine soils. pp. 70-71. In: M. Okazaki, S. Yanai (eds.) Proceedings of 2016 Joint Seminar on Environmental Ecology and Restoration between Taiwan and Japan. September 9-11, 2016, Institute of Nature Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, Japan. ISBN 4-9902765-6-6.
- Chen, Z.S. 2016. Advanced remediation technologies to reduce the health risk of brown rice grown in cadmium- or arsenic-contaminated soils in Taiwan. pp. 14-15. In: The Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture (editor). 2016 International Symposium and Annual meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture. July 07-09. Busan, Korea.
- 崔君至、刘晓南、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤*。 2016。 台湾农地土壤碳存量及碳永续管理之评估。中国土壤学会第十三次全国会员代表大会暨第十一届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集: 土壤科学与生态文明 (下册)。第六篇: 土壤环境与生态。741-757页. 西北农林科技大学出版社。ISBN 978-7-5683-0148-0.
- Lin, C.Y., Z.Y. Hseu, and Z.S. Chen. 2016. Characteristic pedogenesis, and classification of the forest soils in Honglu Moutain, northern Taiwan. 5th EUROSOIL International Congress” which will be held in İstanbul, Turkey between July 17-22, 2016.(poster)
- Hsu, J.Y., Z.Y. Hseu, and Z.S. Chen. 2016. Pedogenesis of podzolic soils with clay illuviation in mountain Ali of central Taiwan. 5th EUROSOIL International Congress” which will be held in İstanbul, Turkey between July 17-22, 2016.(poster)
- Wu, S.P., S.H. Jien, Z.Y. Hseu*, and Z.S. Chen. 2016. Pedogenesis of podzolic Ultisols with placic horizon and high clay content in the subalpine forest, Taiwan. EUROSOIL 2016. Istanbul, Turkey. 17-22 Jul., 2016.
- 崔君至、林哲郁、崔家绮、陈尊贤。2016。阳明山国家公园西半部土壤碳存量之估算。台湾农业化学会第54次会员大会手册议程及论文摘要。台湾农业化学会(主办),国立台湾大学博雅教学馆102教室,台北市。2016年6月28日。p.124.
- 蔡呈奇*、张瑀芳、丁韦豪、王尚礼、陈尊贤。2015。鸡粪生物炭对苗木生长与土壤性质的影响。中华土壤肥料学会104年度年会「农田土壤肥料承载量:土壤磷肥有效性及固定能力研讨会」特刊。中华土壤肥料学会编印(ISSN 0253-8954)。行政院农委会农业试验国际会议厅,雾峰区,台中市。2015年12月4日。p. 75-76。
- 蔡呈奇*、张瑀芳、王尚礼、陈尊贤。2015。木质、稻壳与鸡粪(垫料)生物炭对土壤肥力的影响。土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会。中华土壤肥料学会(主办)。台中市,台湾。国立中兴大学农业环境科学大楼十楼土环系演讲厅。2015年11月6日。p. 47-74。(Invited speaker)
- Chen, P.H., C.H. Lee, and Z.S. Chen*. 2015. The effects of rice husk and water management on arsenic concentration and arsenic speciation of brown rice grown in arsenic-contaminated soils. The 12th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS2015), September 18-21. Nanjing, China. (invited speech with extended abstract and full paper)
- Chen, P.H., C.H. Lee, and Z.S. Chen (2015, Aug). The effects of adding husk into paddy soils on the efficiency of decreasing arsenic concentration in brown rice by water management. 第一届闵台资源与环境研究生论坛, 福州市,中国大陆。
- Chen, P.H., C.H. Lee, and Z.S. Chen. (2015, Aug). The effects of rice husk and water management on arsenic concentration and arsenic speciation of brown rice grown in arsenic-contaminated soils. 台湾明道大学-日本石川县立大学交流研 讨会, 彰化县,台湾。
- Horn Yu Guo and Z.S. Chen*. 2015. The soil information system for food safety models of different rice varieties and vegetables grown in heavy metals-contaminated soils of Taiwan. International Soil Conference (ISC) on Sustainable Uses of Soil in Harmony with Food Security, August 18-21, Phetchaburi, Thailand. (invited speech with extended abstract and 10-pages full paper) (accepted)
- Lee, C.H. and Z.S. Chen*. 2015. Permanent Charge Sites of Clays might Inhibit DOC-induced Cu Dissolution in Soils. 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2015): New Frontiers in Trace Elements Research and Managements, July 12-16, 2015, Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan. (accepted)
- Chin, P. L. and Z. S. Chen*. 2015. Effects of water management and phosphorous application on arsenic concentration of pore water in paddy soils with rice cultivation. 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2015): New Frontiers in Trace Elements Research and Managements, July 12-16, 2015, Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan. (submitted abstract)
- Tsui, C.C., C.C. Tsai, S.L. Wang, and Z.S. Chen*. 2015. The effect of chicken manure derived biochars on bioavailable heavy metals in slightly acidic soil. 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2015): New Frontiers in Trace Elements Research and Managements, July 12-16, 2015, Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan. (submitted abstract)
- 崔君至、崔家绮、陈尊贤*。2015。施用鸡粪生物炭对土壤重金属有效性的影响。台湾农业化学会第五十三次会员大会手册议程及论文摘要(# D008)。国立台湾大学凝态研究中心杨金豹演讲厅(R104),台北市,台湾。2015年6月30日。
- 金蓓伶、陈尊贤*。2015。磷肥添加与水分管理对砷污染土壤中水稻吸收砷及砷物种的影响。台湾农业化学会第五十三次会员大会手册议程及论文摘要(# D004)。国立台湾大学凝态研究中心杨金豹演讲厅(R104),台北市,台湾。2015年6月30日。
- 王尚礼、崔君至、张瑀芳、陈尊贤*、蔡呈奇。2014。三种鸡粪原料在不同温度下制备之鸡粪生物炭的特性。第十届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会/土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会/肥料管理与肥效增进及肥料应用技术研讨会论文集。申庸、陈仁炫、许正一、沈佛亭(编)。中华土壤肥料学会、中华肥料协会、国立中兴大学土壤环境科学系、中国土壤学会(主办)。台中市,台湾。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅。2014年10月15-16日。pp. 68.
- Chen, P.H., C.H. Lee, and Z.S. Chen*. 2015. The effects of adding husk into paddy soils on the efficiency of decreasing arsenic concentration in brown rice by water management. 2015年两岸土壤地下水及底泥环境保护研讨会。台北市,台湾。2015年1月19-20日。
- 李家兴、陈尊贤。2014。荷兰/欧盟对畜牧粪肥、畜产堆肥及土壤中铜锌之法规修订与管理策略。国内外畜牧废水处理利用与堆肥相关管理法规修改及其对土壤作物品质之影响研讨会。2014年9月11日。畜产试验所,台南,台湾。
- 李家兴、陈尊贤。2014。荷兰/欧盟工作小组对畜牧粪肥之利用技术、管理策略与法规修订执行之状况与因应对策。国内外畜牧废水处理利用与堆肥相关管理法规修改及其对土壤作物品质之影响研讨会。2014年9月11日。畜产试验所,台南,台湾。
- 李家兴、陈尊贤。2014。荷兰/欧盟对畜牧废水回收氮磷之新管理策略与法规修订。国内外畜牧废水处理利用与堆肥相关管理法规修改及其对土壤作物品质之影响研讨会。2014年9月11日。畜产试验所,台南,台湾。
- 崔君至、廖伟志、林佳佳、陈尊贤。2014。地形位置对低海拔常绿阔叶林土壤有机碳的影响。台湾农业化学会第五十二次会员大会手册议程及论文摘要。p148。国立台湾大学凝态研究中心二楼国际会议厅,台北市,台湾。2014年6月26日。
- 林季燕、陈尊贤. 2014. 不同土壤受铅污染下对不同水稻品种生长及其吸收铅之影响。台湾农业化学会 (编印)。台湾农业化学会第52次年会暨「微生物在农业暨食品之研究与应用研讨会」论文集。国立台湾大学物理学系-凝态研究中心,台北市、台湾。2014年6月26日。
- Chen., S.D., Y.H. Huang, Y.J. Lai, H.Y. Guo, C.H. Lee, and Z.S. Chen. 2014. New Regulation Development for Soil Remediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Sites and Health Risk-based Approaches in Taiwan. International Seminar on Management and Remediation Technologies of Rural Soils Contaminated by Heavy Metals and Radioactive Materials. Sep 22-26. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Hsu, C.C., C.H. Lee, C.Y. Lin, and Z.S. Chen. 2014. The effects of applications of compost and lime materials on the availability of Cu and Zn and their uptake by rice grown in Cu- and Zn-spiked soils. 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (2014 ICHMET). Sep 22-25. Guiyang, China.
- Lee, C.H., C.C. Tsui, C.Y. Lin, and Z.S. Chen. 2014. The effects of applications of several soil conditioners on the availability of Pb, Cr, and Ni in the contaminated soils of Taiwan. 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. Sep 22-25. Guiyang, China.
- Lee, C. H., Chun-Chi Tsui, Horng-Yuh Guo, and Zueng-Sang Chen*. 2014. Development and Utilization of Indicators to Manage Soil and Environmental Resources. In [IDS-12]: Development of Agricultural technology and contribution for world food welfare. 20th World Congress of Soil Science (2014 WCSS), June 8-13, 2014, International Convention Center (ICC) Jeju, Korea. Invited keynote speaker.
- Chen, Z.S.* and S. C. Chen. 2014. Soil Erosion Status and Management Strategies in Taiwan. In 2[IDS17]: Surface Soil Resources Inventory and Integration: Soil Value and Erosion. 20th World Congress of Soil Science (2014 WCSS), June 8-13, 2014, International Convention Center (ICC) Jeju, Korea. Invited keynote speaker.
- Huang, T. H. and Zueng-Sang Chen*. 2014. The Effects of Different Soil Water Managements on the Arsenic Content and Arsenic Speciation of Brown Rice Grown in Arsenic-contaminated Soils. The International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation. Oct 5-10, 2014. Chuncheon, Korea.
- Huang, T. H. and Zueng-Sang Chen*. 2014. Soil Water Management Decreased Arsenic Dissolution from the Soils and Accumulated As on the Root Iron Plaque in As-Contaminated Soils. 5th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment. May 11-16, 2014. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Guo, H. Y.*, C. F. Chiang, C. L. Chu, T. S. Liu, J. R. Ho, P. Y. Wu, Y. J Lai, and Zueng-Sang Chen. 2014. The Evaluation of Copper and Zinc Uptake and Risk Assessment of Twelve Rice Varieties Grown in Cu- or Zn-contaminated Soils of Taiwan. 20th World Congress of Soil Science (2014 WCSS), June 8-13, 2014, International Convention Center (ICC) Jeju, Korea. (abstract no. AF1310)
- Huang, T. H., and Z.S. Chen*. 2014. Soil Water Management Effect on As Concentration of Brown Rice Grown in Two Different Soil Properties of Arsenic-contaminated Soils. 20th World Congress of Soil Science (2014 WCSS), June 8-13, 2014, International Convention Center (ICC) Jeju, Korea. (abstract no. AF0484) (Best Poster Award of 46 posters in the Session)
- Chen, P.C., C.C. Tsai, C.H. Lee, C.C. Tsui, and Z.S. Chen*. 2014. The effects of Inceptisols and Ultisols on composition of solution ions in Fushan natural hardwood forest ecosystem in Taiwan. 20th World Congress of Soil Science (2014 WCSS), June 8-13, 2014, International Convention Center (ICC) Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF1351)
- Lee, C.H., and Z.S. Chen*. 2014. A stepwise modeling of copper sorption onto Kaolinite and Montmorillonite in field pH range as affected by dissolved organic carbon. 20th World Congress of Soil Science (2014 WCSS), June 8-13, 2014, International Convention Center (ICC) Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF2665)
- Tsui, C.C., W.C.Liao, C.C. Lin, and Z.S. Chen*. 2014. Landscape position effect on soil organic carbon of three evergreen broad-leaved forests in Taiwan. 20th World Congress of Soil Science, June 8-13, 2014, International Convention Center (ICC) Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF1384)
- Su, S.W., C.C. Tsui, and Z.S. Chen*. 2014. Safety evaluation of vegetables grown on the highly arsenic-contaminated soils in northern Taiwan. 20th World Congress of Soil Science, June 8-13, 2014, International Convention Center (ICC) Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF1398)
- Huang, T. H., and Z.S. Chen*. Soil Water Management to Decrease the Arsenic Content and Arsenic speciation of Brown Rice Grown in Arsenic Contaminated Soils. 20th World Congress of Soil Science, June 8-13, 2014, International Convention Center (ICC) Jeju, Korea. (abstract no.AF0482)
- 崔君至、蔡呈奇、崔家绮、陈尊贤*。2013。台湾中部更新造林(Fraxinus formosana Hayata)对土壤碳吸存之效应。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第96期中华土壤肥料学会102年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立中兴大学土壤环境科学系十楼演讲厅,台中市、台湾。2013年12月13日。(荣获年会壁报论文奖第三名)
- Lee, C. H. and Z. S. Chen*. 2013. The Effects of Dissolved Organic Carbon on Copper Sorption onto kaolinite and montmorillonite in Field pH Range. 12th International conference on the biogeochemistry of trace elements (12th ICOBTE). Georgia, USA, June 16-20. 2013.
- Huang, T.H. and Z.S. Chen*. 2013. Water management and soil characteristics affect the As concentration in the brown rice of Oryza sativa. 12th International conference on the biogeochemistry of trace elements (12th ICOBTE). Georgia, USA, June 16-20. 2013.
- Huang, T.H. and Z.S. Chen*. 2013. Arsenic speciation of brown rice (Oryza sativa) is Affected by Water Management Method and Soil Characteristics. 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (11th ESAFS). Bogor, Indonesia, Oct. 20-24. 2013.
- Chang, H. Y. and Z.S. Chen*. 2013. Evaluation of Water Management Effecting on the Arsenic Level of Brown Rice Grown in Arsenic-contaminated Soils. 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (11th ESAFS). Bogor, Indonesia, Oct. 20-24. 2013.
- Tsui, C.C., C.C. Tsai, C.C. Huang, and Z.S. Chen*. 2013. Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in a Michelia compress a plantation of central Taiwan. 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (11th ESAFS). Bogor, Indonesia, Oct. 20-24. 2013.
- Huang, T.H. and Z.S. Chen*. 2013. The effects of soil water managements on the arsenic content and arsenic speciation of different parts of rice grown on arsenic-contaminated Soils in Taiwan. Taipei, Taiwan. Nov. 28, 2013.
- Huang, T. H., H. Y. Chang, C. Y. Lin, and Z. S. Chen. 2013. The soil water management technologies to reduce the arsenic content of brown rice for different arsenic-contaminated soils. Melbourne, Australia, Sep 15-19, 2013
- Tsai*, C.C. and Z.S. Chen. 2013. Effects of biochar on carbon mineralization kinetics in swine manure compost amended soils. International workshop on Innovation in Biomass Resources Use: Biomass to Biochar. Hanoi, Vietnam. Sep 2-6, 2013
- Chen, Z. S. 2012. Soil characteristics and soil management affecting the metal bioavailability and food safety of heavy metal-contaminated soils in Taiwan. Proceedings of MECO-TECO Joint R&D Workshop. Manila, Philippines. Dec 16-19, 2012.
- Chen, Z. S. 2012. Soil characteristics and soil management affecting the metal bioavailability and food safety of heavy metal-contaminated soils in Taiwan. Proceedings of International Symposium on Heavy Metal Remediation in Agricultural Ecosystem. National Kangwon University, Chuncheon, Korea, Nov 14-18, 2012.
- Chen, Z.S. 2012. Experiences of mass carcass disposal in Taiwan and related to groundwater quality. In: Proceedings of special symposium in “2012 Busan International Water Congress” on Sep 15-21, at Busan, Korea. Invited speaker of the Session on “Workshop on environmental management of post-epidemic carcass burial sites, Chair by Dr. Geonha Kim, Korea, Session on Sep 17).
- Su, S. W., and Z.S. Chen*. 2012. Assessing soil testing methods for the prediction of As levels in vegetable crops grown in As-contaminated soils on the Guandu Plain, Taiwan. 16th International Conference on the heavy metals in the Environment (16th ICHMET). Rome, Italy, Sep 23-27, 2012.
- Chang, H. Y. and Z.S. Chen*. 2012. The effect of different water managements on rice arsenic content in two arsenic-spiked soils. 16th International Conference on the heavy metals in the Environment (16th ICHMET). Rome, Italy, Sep 23-27, 2012.
- Huang, T.H., S.W. Su, H.Y. Chang, C. C. Huang and Z.S. Chen*. 2012. Copper and Zinc uptake by Pakchoi and Rice as affected by applying manure composts with different levels of Cu and Zn concentrations. 16th International Conference on the heavy metals in the Environment (16th ICHMET). Rome, Italy, Sep 23-27, 2012. (Best student poster Award of 190 posters of the conference).
- Tsai C. C., Z. S. Chen* and C.T. Duh. 2012. Estimation of soil organic carbon stock in subtropical forest region based on digital doil map in Taiwan. Fifth Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012. University of Sydney, Australia, 10-13 April, 2012.
- Tsui, C.C., C.C. Tsai, Z.S. Chen*, and H.Y. Guo. 2012. Mapping organic carbon stocks by using estimated bulk density in the rural soils of Taiwan. Fifth Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012. University of Sydney, Australia, 10-13 April, 2012.
- Guo, H. Y. and Z. S. Chen*. Soil Information System of Taiwan Soils and Its Applications. International conference on Advancing the science and technology of soil information in Asia: Launch of the global soil partnership’s Asia soil science network and GlobalSoilMap.net East Asia Node. Feb. 8-11, 2012, Nanjing, China.
- Chen*, Z.S., Z. Y. Hseu, H. Tsai, and C. C. Tsai. 2011. Exploration of iron activity and crystallinity for the application of soil dating on quaternary terraces in Taiwan. Proceedings of 9th International symposium of isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry. Nov. 14-17, 2011, at Zenda Suite, National Chung Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. pp. 23.
- Adhikari, K.R.*, K.R. Dahal, R. Ghimire, Z.S. Chen, Y.C. Tan, J.S. Lai and S.C. Sah. 2011. Tillage and crop residue effects on carbon sequestration and crop yields in the lowland environment of Chitwan valley, Nepal. pp. 98-99. Proceedings of the PAWEES 2011 International Conference of Paddy and Water Environmental Engineering Society. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Oct 27-28, 2011.
- Wei, J. L., H.Y. Lai, and Z. S. Chen*. 2011. Predict the maximum removal of cadium by Impatients (Impatiens walleriana) grown in Cd-contaminated soils. pp. 5-6. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct 10-13, 2011. ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0.
- Chen, Z.S.* and H. Y. Guo. 2011. Soil remediation techniques for the food safety on the heavy metals-contaminated soils. pp. 41-46. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct 10-13, 2011. ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0. (Invited keynote speaker of the Session on Ecosystem and Human Health).
- Guo, H. Y. and Z. S. Chen*. 2011. Soil group and soil information system of Taiwan. pp. 171-173. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct 10-13, 2011. ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0.
- Tsui, C.C., C.C. Tsai and Z.S. Chen*. 2011. Depth distribution and storage of soil organic carbon in the Yangmingshan volcanic national park in northern Taiwan. pp. 223-224. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct 10-13, 2011. ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0.
- Tsai, H.*, Z. Y. Hseu and Z.S. Chen. 2011. The soil pedogenesis and geomorphic environment relationships of the west-central Taiwan. pp. 293-294. In: R. S. Dharmakeerthi, W. A. U. Vitharana, R. B. Mapa, A. N. Jayakody, H. B. Nayakarorale and W. M. W. Weerakoon (editors). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the East and Southeastern Asia Federation of Soil Science Scieties (ESAFS10), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct 10-13, 2011. ISBN 978-955-8124-13-0.
- Lai, H.Y., S.M. Qiu, Z.T. Zhuo and Z.S. Chen*. 2011. Effect of the Application of Chemical Agents on Soil Quality during Chemical-Enhanced Phytoextraction. 11th International Confernce on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2011). Confernece Center, Florence, Italy. July 3-7, 2011.
- Zhang, G. L.*, S.Young Hong, and Z. S. Chen. 2011. Soil information in East Asia: An overview. International workshop on the GlobalSoilMap.net: GSM-Progessing the new perspectives on soil information in Oceania. Indonesia Center of the Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development (ICALRD), Bogor, Indonesia, Feb 7-9, 2011.
- Zhang*, G. L., S.Young Hong, Z. S. Chen. 2011. Soil information in Esat Asia: An overview. International workshop on the Global Soil Map.net: GSM-Progessing the new Perspectives on soil information in Oceania. Indonesia Center of the Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development (ICALRD), Bogor, Indonesia, Feb 7-9, 2011.
- 黄泰祥、张颢严、林季燕、陈尊贤*. 2013. 土壤水分管理对砷污染土壤之土壤孔隙水砷浓度及糙米砷浓度与糙米砷物种组成之影响。海峡两岸环境分析化学学术研讨会。中国,大连。2013年7月29日至8月3日。
- 黄泰祥、张颢严、林季燕、陈尊贤*。2013。糙米砷物种组成与糙米砷浓度之关系。中华民国2013年环境分析学术研讨会。高雄市。
- 张颢严,陈尊贤*。2013。土壤水分管理对两种砷污染土壤之土壤孔隙水砷浓度及糙米砷浓度之影响。中华民国2013环境分析学术研讨会。高雄市。
- 林季燕、许嘉珍、陈尊贤. 2012. 施用有机质及石灰对铜锌低度污染区土壤有效性铜锌浓度与糙米铜锌浓度之影响。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第95期中华土壤肥料学会101年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立台湾大学水工试验所,台北市、台湾。2012年12月7日。(林季燕荣获年会壁报论文奖第一名)
- 黄泰祥、陈尊贤*. 2012. 水分管理对不同母质砷污染土壤之土壤溶液中砷浓度及土壤砷型态分布之影响。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第95期中华土壤肥料学会101年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立台湾大学水工试验所,台北市、台湾。2012年12月7日。(黄泰祥荣获年会壁报论文奖第二名)
- 张颢严、陈尊贤. 2012. 评估可行之降低水稻砷含量的水分管理方法。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第95期中华土壤肥料学会101年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立台湾大学水工试验所,台北市、台湾。2012年12月7日。(张颢严荣获年会壁报论文奖第三名)
- 崔君至、蔡呈奇、陈尊贤. 2012. 台湾北部火山灰土碳存量之推估。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第95期中华土壤肥料学会101年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立台湾大学水工试验所,台北市、台湾。2012年12月7日。
- 简士濠、许正一、陈尊贤. 2012. 阿里山山脉土壤气候序列中之有机碳储存量。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第95期中华土壤肥料学会101年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立台湾大学水工试验所,台北市、台湾。2012年12月7日。
- 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*。2012. Soil Characteristics Affecting the Arsenic Availability in Taiwan Soils and in highly As-Contaminated Soils on the Guandu Plain. 第六届海峡两岸土壤与地下水污染整治研讨会。中国山东省烟台。2012年8月26-29日。
- 黄泰祥、苏绍玮、张颢严、黄正介、陈尊贤. 2012. 堆肥铜锌施用后对小白菜及水稻品质之影响。第九届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会论文集。 p.516-522。中国四川省成都:金牛饭店。2012年8月20-22日。
- 张颢严、陈尊贤. 2012. 水分管理对水稻各部位砷含量影响。第九届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会论文集。 P.718-724。中国四川省成都:金牛饭店。2012年8月20-22日。
- 崔君至、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤. 2012. 以旧数据库与数字土壤图估算农地土壤碳存量。第九届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术研讨会论文集。 P.1339-1345。中国四川省成都:金牛饭店。2012年8月20-22日。
- 崔君至、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤。2012。台湾农田土壤碳储存量估算与土壤生产力评估。农田土壤地力及生产力增进研讨会论文集。pp.17-28。国立中兴大学图书馆七楼国际会议厅,台中市,台湾。2012年7月27日。
- 崔君至、郭鸿裕、陈尊贤。2012。台湾农田土壤碳存量之估算与绘图。台湾农业化学会第五十次会员大会手册论文摘要集,p. 143 (D组土壤环境与植物营养学组 #103)。国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市,台湾。2012年6月28日。
- 张颢严、陈尊贤*。2012。水分管理对水稻各部位砷含量影响。第九届海峡两岸土壤肥料学术交流研讨会论文集。成都、四川。2012年8月21~23日。
- 陈尊贤。台湾重金属污染土壤整治技术与农产品安全。促进两岸资源循环产业发展研讨会。中国江苏省杭州。2012年7月4-8日。
- 黄泰祥、陈尊贤*。2012。添加关渡火山灰土壤物质降低砷污染区砷有效性浓度及稻谷砷浓度。2012年 中华民国环境分析化学年会。国立高雄海洋科技大学。高雄、台湾。2012年5月4-5日。(黄泰祥荣获年会口头论文奖)
- 苏绍玮、陈尊贤*。2012。关渡平原砷污染土壤对水稻生长之潜在危害风险。2012年 中华民国环境分析化学年会。国立高雄海洋科技大学。高雄、台湾。2012年5月4-5日。
- 黄正介、崔君至、蔡呈奇、陈尊贤。2011。台湾中部更新造林对土壤碳吸存之效应。pp. 138-139。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾。2011年12月9日。
- 蔡呈奇、张瑀芳、林世宗、许正一、陈尊贤。2011。台湾北部更新造林对土壤碳吸存之效应。pp. 140-141。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾。2011年12月9日。
- 黄泰祥、陈尊贤。2011。现行堆肥重金属管制标准对球茎甘篮产量及重金属含量之影响。pp. 143-144。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾。2011年12月9日。
- 张颢严、陈尊贤。2011。水分管理及土壤性质影响土壤溶液砷浓度。pp. 145-146。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾。2011年12月9日。
- 苏绍玮、陈尊贤。2011。关渡平原砷污染水田土壤溶液砷浓度追踪分析。pp. 147-148。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾。2011年12月9日。
- 李家兴、陈尊贤。2011。可溶性有机碳在不同pH值下对高岭石与蒙特石吸持铜的影响。pp. 149-150。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾。2011年12月9日。
- 林季燕、陈尊贤。2011。重金属低污染区施加土壤改良剂对蔬菜及稻米吸收重金属之影响。pp. 151-152。中华土壤肥料学会 (编印)。土壤肥料通讯第94期中华土壤肥料学会100年度年会暨「土壤肥料推广研究成果研讨会」特刊。国立中兴大学农业环境大楼国际会议厅,台中市、台湾。2011年12月9日。
- 崔君至、陈尊贤。2011。pp. 124。土壤性质对台湾北部地区人工林土壤碳存量之影响。台湾农业化学会第四十九次会员大会手册论文摘要集(D 组 土壤环境与植物营养学组 #115)。国立台湾大学凝态科学物理馆,台北市、台湾。2011年6月29日。
- Zhang*, G. L., S.Young Hong, Z. S. Chen. 2011. Soil information in Esat Asia: An overview. International workshop on the Global Soil Map.net: GSM-Progessing the new Perspectives on soil information in Oceania. Indonesia Center of the Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development (ICALRD), Bogor, Indonesia, Feb 7-9, 2011.