论文发表─期刊 1996-2000
1996-2000年 陈尊贤 教授 在 期刊 所发表的论文列表
- Hseu, Z. Y., Z. S. Chen*, and I. Y. Leu. 2000. Soil solution composition, water tables, and redox potentials of anthraquic Ultisols in a toposequence. Soil Sci. 165 (11): 869-880 (SCI)
- Tsai, C. C., and Z. S. Chen*. 2000. Lithologic discontinuity of Ultisols along a toposequence in Taiwan. Soil Sci. 165 (7): 587-596. (SCI)
- Chen*, Z. S., J. C. Lee, and J. C. Liu. 2000. The effects of chemical remediation treatments on the extractability and speciation of cadmium and lead in contaminated soils. Chemosphere 41(1-2): 235-242. (SCI)
- Hseu, Z. Y., and Z. S. Chen*. 2000. Monitoring changes of redox potential, pH, and electrical conductivity of the mangrove soils in northern Taiwan. Proc. National Sci. Council, ROC. Part B: Life Sci. 24(3): 143-150.
- Asio, V. B., Z. S. Chen*, and T. C. Tsou. 2000. Comparison of clay dispersion pretreatments and the estimation of clay content in volcanic soils of Taiwan and the Philippines. Food Sci. & Agric. Chem. 2: 20-27.
- 郑智馨、陈尊贤*、郭鸿裕. 2000. 应用土壤地景模式绘制结核与灰斑深度土壤类别图。台湾农业化学与食品科学 38 (5): 402-411.
- 陈尊贤*、蔡呈奇。2000。台湾地区淋淀化土的形态特征与分类。土壤与环境 3: 49-62.
- Hseu, Z. Y., Z. S. Chen*, and Z. D. Wu. 1999. Characterization of placic horizons in two subalpine Inceptisols. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63: 941-947 (SCI)
- Chen*, Z. S., V. B. Asio, and D. F. Yi. 1999. Characteristics and genesis of volcanic soils along a toposequence under a subtropical climate in Taiwan. Soil Sci. 164: 510-525. (SCI)
- Hseu, Z. Y. and Z. S. Chen*. 1999. Micromorphology of redoximorphic features of subtropical anthraquic Ultisols. Food Sci. & Agric. Chem. 1: 194-202.
- Juang, K. W., D. Y. Lee*, and Z. S. Chen. 1999. Geostatistical cross-validation for the design of additional sampling regimes in heavy-metal contaminated soils. J. Chinese Institute Environ. Engineering. 9: 89-96.
- 郑智馨、陈尊贤*、郭鸿裕. 1999. 以土壤地景模式预测铁锰结核深度与灰斑深度之校正与验证。中国农业化学会志 37: 498-515.
- 许正一、陈尊贤*、蔡呈奇。1999。台湾农地土壤品质指标之选择与土壤品质评估方法之架构。土壤与环境 2: 77-88.
- Asio, V. B., and Z. S. Chen*. 1998. Micromorphological study of andesite weathering under the perhumid subtropical climate of north Taiwan. Taiwan J. Forest Sci. 13: 259-269.
- Chen, Z. S. 1998. Management of contaminated soil remediation programmes. Land Contamination & Reclamation 6: 223-237.
- Hsieh*, C. F., Z. S. Chen, Y. M. Hsu, K. C. Yang, and T. H. Hsieh. 1998. Altitudinal zonation of evergreen broad-leaved forest on Mount Lopei, Taiwan. J. Veg. Sci. 9: 201-212. (SCI)
- Li, S. Y., Z. S. Chen*, and J.C. Liu. 1998. Subalpine loamy Spodosols in central Taiwan: Characteristics, micromorphology, and genesis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62: 710-716. (SCI)
- Liu, J.C., Z. S. Chen*, G. N. White, and J. B. Dixon. 1998. Goethite in an Alfisol and an Ultisol of southern Taiwan. J. Agric. Association China New series 182: 83-98.
- Li, S.Y., Z. S. Chen*, and J. C. Liu. 1998. Weathering sequence of clay minerals in loamy Spodosols of Central Taiwan. J. Agric. Association China New series 183: 51-68.
- Liu, J. C., and Z. S. Chen*. 1998. Soil characteristics and pedogenesis of loamy Spodosols near Wanghsiang Mountain in central Taiwan. J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 36: 151-162..
- 陈尊贤*、许正一、蔡呈奇。1998。台湾农地土壤有机碳贮存量及其在永续性土壤管理系统之应用。土壤与环境 1: 295-306
- Liu, J. C., K. S. Looi, Z. S. Chen*, and D. Y. Lee. 1998. The effects of compost and calcium carbonate on the uptake of cadmium and lead by vegetables grown in polluted soils. J. Chinese Institute Environ. Engineering. 8 : 53-60.
- 蔡呈奇、陈尊贤*、许正一、郭鸿裕。1998。台湾地区农地与坡地代表土壤的选定与其相关数据库的建立. 土壤与环境 1: 73-88.
- Hseu, Z. Y. and Z. S. Chen*. 1997. Soil hydrology and micromorphology of illuvial clay in an Ultisol hydrosequence. J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 35: 503-512.
- 蒋先觉*、陈尊贤、许正一。1997。台湾中部一极育土中铁瘤之微形态学。台湾林业科学 12: 413-420.
- Chen*, Z. S. and Z. Y. Hseu. 1997. Total organic carbon pool in soils of Taiwan. Proc. National Sci. Council ROC . Part B: Life Sci. 21: 120-127.
- Chen, Z. S., C. F. Hsieh*, F. Y. Jiang, T. H. Hsieh, and I. F. Sun. 1997. Relations of soil properties to topography and vegetation in a subtropical rain forest in southern Taiwan. Plant Ecology 132: 229-241. (SCI)
- Hseu, Z. Y. and Z. S. Chen*. 1996. Saturation, reduction, and redox morphology of seasonally flooded Alfisols in Taiwan. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60: 941-949. (SCI)
- Hseu, Z. Y., I. Y. Leu, and Z. S. Chen*. 1996. Properties and classification of mangrove soils in northern Taiwan. Soils and Fertilizers in Taiwan (1996 annual): 35-50.
- 郑智馨、廖淑华、李达源、谢长富、陈尊贤*。1996。南仁山土壤性质之空间分布。中国农业化学会志 34: 547-559.
- 庄恺玮、 李达源*、陈尊贤。1996。地理统计预测污染土壤中重金属的空间分布:(1)极端值与半变异图模式的影响。中国农业化学会志 34: 560-574.
- 庄恺玮、 李达源*、陈尊贤。1996。地理统计预测污染土壤中重金属的空间分布:(2) 采样方式之探讨。中国农业化学会志 34: 683-694.
- 陈尊贤*、刘祯祺、王银波。1996。环境影响评估中土壤品质评估之方法与准则。工程环境会刊 15期: 27-38.
- 蒋先觉*、许正一、陈尊贤、王明光。1996。台湾黑色土之性质及其在土壤分类学上的地位。台湾林业科学 11: 137-147.
- 蒋先觉*、许正一、陈尊贤、胡弘道。1996。台湾中部一极育土中铁瘤之生成。台湾林业科学 11: 385-391.