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1.        期刊论文:


1.  Yi-Jie Li, Chia-Hsien Chuang, Wen-Chih Cheng, Shu-Hwa Chen, Wen-Ling Chen, Yu-Jie Lin, Chung-Yen Lin, and Yang-hsin Shih*, A metagenomics study of hexabromocyclododecane degradation with a soil microbial community. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022 (accepted)

2.  Chi-fong Ko, Yi-Chen Yang, Jennifer Ia Wen Wen Liu, Yang-hsin Shih*, Thermal treatment of decabrominated diphenyl ether in its highly contaminated soil in Taiwan, Chemosphere, 2022, 287 (2), 131924.

3.  Yi-Chen Yang, Rama Shanker Sahu and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Influence of aqueous chloride and bromide anions on the reactivity of ZnO nanoparticle agglomerates on bisphenol A degradation” Sustainable Environment Research, 2022, 32, (1), 12.

4.  Lien, E.; Sahu, R. S.; Chen, W.-L.; Shih, Y.-h., Effective photocatalytic degradation of sulfamethoxazole using tunable CaCu3Ti4O7 perovskite. Chemosphere 2022, 294, 133744.

5.  Rama Shanker Sahu, Abhishek Dubey, Yang-hsin Shih*, Novel metal free in-plane functionalized graphitic carbon nitride with graphene quantum dots for effective photodegradation of 4-bromophenol, Carbon 2021, 182, 89-99.

6.    Yi-Jie Li, Reuben Wang, Chung-Yen Lin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chia-Hsien Chuang, Tzu-Ho Chou, Chi-Fang Ko, Pei-Hsin Chou, Chi-Te Liu, and Yang-hsin Shih*, The degradation mechanisms of Rhodopseudomonas palustris toward hexabromocyclododecane by time-course transcriptome analysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 425, 130489.

7.    Rama Shanker Sahu, Yu-huei Peng, Chi-Fong Ko, Tzu-Ho Chou, Hepsiba Niruba Catherine, Chien-ying Yang, Chih-ping Tso, Yuh-fan Su, Yang-hsin Shih*, Processes driving the degradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in terrestrial environment, Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry 2021, 30, e00126.

8.    Rama Shanker Sahu and Yang-hsin Shih*, Wen-Ling Chen, New insights of metal free 2D graphitic carbon nitride for photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 402,123509.

9.    Tzu-Ho Chou, Yi-Jie Li, Chi-Fong Ko, Tien-Yu Wu, Yang-hsin Shih*, Efficient hexabromocyclododecane-biodegrading microorganisms isolated in Taiwan, Chemosphere 2021, 271, 129544.

10.       An-Chun Chu, Rama Shanker Sahu, Tzu-Ho Chou, Yang-hsin Shih*, Magnetic Fe3O4@TiO2 nanocomposites to degrade bisphenol A, one emerging contaminant, under visible and long wavelength UV light irradiation, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2021, 9, 105539.

11.       Yi-Hsuan Lin, Li-Jiuan Shen, Tzu-Ho Chou, Yang-hsin Shih*, Synthesis, Stability, and Cytotoxicity of Novel Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle for Biomedical Applications, Journal of Cluster Science, 2021, 32, 405-413.

12.       Yi-Jie Li, Mei-Hui Li, Yang-hsin Shih*, Aerobic degradation and the effect of hexabromocyclododecane by soil microbial communities in Taiwan, Environment International, 2020, 145, 106128.

13.       Sahu, R. S.; Cheng, Y.-l.; Su, Y.-f.; Shih, Y.-h*., Controlled polyethylene glycol and activated carbon interaction with nanoscale zerovalent iron for trichloroethylene degradation. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 2020, 116, 137-143

14.       Chih-ping Tso, Dave Ta Fu Kuo, Yang-hsin Shih*, Removal of hexabromocyclododecane by carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized Fe and Ni/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles: The particle stability and reactivity in water, Chemosphere, 2020, 126155

15.       Dave Ta Fu Kuo*, Yang-hsin Shih, Meta-analysis on penconazole sorption to soils – Modeling variability of KOC and nonlinear isotherm parameters, Geoderma, 2020, 376, 114536

16.       Tse-Hao Chang, Reuben Wang, Yu-Huei Peng, Tzu-Ho Chou, Yi-Jie Li, and Yang-hsin Shih*, Biodegradation of hexabromocyclododecane by Rhodopseudomonas palustris YSC3 strain: A free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium isolated in Taiwan, Chemosphere, 2020, 125621



17.      Reuben Wang, Chung-Yen Lin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Kai-Jiun Lo, Chi-Te Liu, Tzu-Ho Chou, and Yang-hsin Shih*, Using high-throughput transcriptome sequencing to investigate the biotransformation mechanism of hexabromocyclododecane with Rhodopseudomonas palustris in water. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 692, 249-258.

18.      Tzu-Ho Chou, Ming-Han Ou, Tien-Yu Wu and Yang-hsin Shih*, Temporal and spatial surveys of polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs) contamination of soil near a factory using PBDEs in northern Taiwan, Chemosphere, 2019, 236, 124117.

19.      Rama Shanker Sahu and Yang-hsinShih*, Reductive debromination of tetrabromobisphenol A by tailored carbon nitride Fe/Cu nanocomposites under an oxic condition, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 378, 122059.

20.      Po-Hsun Chang, Tzu-Ho Chou, Rama Shanker Sahu, Yang-hsin Shih*, Chemical reduction aided zerovalent copper nanoparticles for 2,4-dichlorophenol removal. Applied Nanoscience, 2019, 9, 387–395.

21.      Po-Hsin Su, Dave Ta Fu Kuo*, Yang-hsin Shih*, Chih-yu Chen, Sorption of organic compounds to two diesel soot black carbons in water evaluated by liquid chromatography and polyparameter linear solvation energy relationship. Water Research, 2018, 144, 709-718.

22.      Ming Chang, Yang-hsin Shih*, Synthesis and application of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on the removal of Reactive Black 5: Reaction mechanism, temperature and pH effects. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 224, 235-242.

23.     Chien-Ying Yang, Siang-Chen Wu, Ching-Chang Lee, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Translocation of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers from Field-Contaminated Soils to an Edible Plant" Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 351, 215-223.

24.     Yu-Huei Peng, Ya-Jou Chen, Ming Chang, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “The influence of zerovalent iron on the microcosmic degradation of hexabromocyclododecane” Chemosphere, 2018, 200, 419-426.

25.     Hepsiba Catherine, Ming-Han Ou, Basavaraju Manu, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Adsorption mechanism of emerging and conventional phenolic compounds on graphene oxide nanoflakes in water”, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 635, 629-638.

26.      Chih-ping Tso* and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Effect of carboxylic acids on the properties of zerovalent iron toward adsorption and degradation of trichloroethylene” Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 206, 817-825.

27.      Chia-Shen Yeh, Reuben Wang, Wen-Chi Chang, and Yang-hsin Shih*,”Synthesis and characterization of stabilized oxygen-releasing CaO2 nanoparticles for bioremediation” Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 212, 17-22.

28.      Ying-Jie Chang, Yang-hsin Shih*, Chiu-Hun Su, and Han-Chen Ho, “Comparison of three analytical methods to measure the size of silver nanoparticles in real environmental water and wastewater samples”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 322, 95-104, 2017. (2015 IF:4.836) Environmental, Civil 2/126

29.      Chih-ping Tso*, Yang-hsin Shih, “The influence of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) on the reactivity of Fe NPs toward decabrominated diphenyl ether: The Ni doping, temperature, pH, and anion effects”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 322, 145-151, 2017. (2015 IF:4.836) Environmental, Civil 2/126

30.      Yu-Huei Peng, Yi-Chun Tsai, Chia-en Shiung, Yi-Hsuan Lin, Yang-hsin Shih*, "Influence of water chemistry on the environmental behaviors of commercial ZnO nanoparticles in various water and wastewater samples" Journal of Hazardous Materials, 322, 348-356, 2017. (2015 IF:4.836) Environmental, Civil 2/126

31.      Chien-Ying Yang, Meei-ling Chen*, Siang-Chen Wu, Yang-hsin Shih*, “Partition Uptake of a Brominated Diphenyl Ether by the Edible Plant Root of White Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)”, Environmental Pollution, 2017, 223, 178-184.

32.      Mei-syue Li, Reuben Wang, Dave Ta Fu Kuo*, Yang-hsin Shih*, “Liner free energy relationships for the adsorption of volatile organic compounds onto multiwall carbon nanotubes at different relative humidities: Comparison with organoclays and activated carbon”, Environmental Science: Processes & Impact, 2017, 19, 276–287 (invited).

33.      Yang-hsin Shih*, Meng-yi Chen, and Yuh-fan Su, “Oxidation and reduction of pentachlorophenol by nanoscale Pd/Fe bimetallic particles under oxic conditions and the environmental factors" Journal of Hazardous Materials, 301, 416-423, 2016. (SCI) (2014 IF:4.529) Environmental, Civil 2/125

34.      Yu-heng Ou, Chau-Yuan Wei, and Yang-hsin Shih*, "Short-chain organic acids increase the reactivity of zerovalent iron nanoparticles to polychlorinated aromatic pollutants in water" Chemical Engineering Journal, 284, 372–379, 2016. (2014 IF:4.321) Engineering, Chemical 9/135

35.      Yuh-fan Su, Guan-bo Wang, Dave Ta Fu Kuo*, Mei-ling Chang, Yang-hsin Shih*, “Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole using TiO2/Ti photoanode, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 186, 184-192, 2016. (2014 IF: 7.435) Engineering, Environmental 1/47

36.      Chia-en Hsiung, Hsing-Lung Lien, Alexander Edward Galliano, Chia-Shen Yeh, Yang-hsin Shih*, “Effects of water chemistry on the destabilization and sedimentation of commercial TiO2 nanoparticles: Role of double-layer compression and charge neutralization”, Chemosphere, 151, 145-151, 2016.

37.      Ying-Jie Chang, Yang-hsin Shih*, Chiu-Hun Su, and Han-Chen Ho, “Comparison of Three Analytical Methods for Silver Nanoparticles in Real Environmental Water and Wastewater Samples”, Journal of Hazardous Materials 322, 95-104, 2017.

38.      Chien-Ying Yang, Siang-Chen Wu, Meei-ling Chen, Yang-hsin Shih*, “Sorption equilibrium of emerging and traditional organic contaminants in leafy rape, Chinese mustard, lettuce and Chinese cabbage”, Chemosphere 154, 552-558, 2016.
39.      Mei-syue Li, Siang Chen Wu, Yang-hsin Shih*, "Characterization of volatile organic compound adsorption on multiwall carbon nanotubes under different levels of relative humidity using linear solvation energy relationship" submitted to Journal of Hazardous Materials 315, 35-41, 2016.

40.      Yu-heng, Ou, Feng-yi, Lin, Ying-jie Chang, Meei-ling Chang, Yang-hsin Shih*, "Sorption of bisphenol A and phenol in soils: their competition and the contribution of black carbon" submitted to Ecological Engineering (revised), 2016.

41.      Chih-ping Tso and Yang-hsin Shih*, “The reactivity of well-dispersed zerovalent iron nanoparticles toward pentachlorophenol in water” Water Research, 72, 372-380,2015. (2013 IF:5.323) Water Resources, 1/81

42.      Yu-Huei Peng*, Ya-Jou Chen, Ying-Jie Chang, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Biodegradation of bisphenol A with diverse microorganisms from river sediment” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 286, 285-290, 2015. (SCI) (2013 IF: 4.331) Environmental, Civil 2/124

43.      Cheng-han Lin, Yang-hsin Shih*, and J. MacFarlane, "Amphiphilic compounds enhance the dechlorination of pentachlorophenol with Ni/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles" Chemical Engineering Journal, 262, 59-67, 2015. (SCI) (2013 IF:4.058) Engineering, Chemical 8/133

44.      Yu-Huei Peng, Chih-ping Tso, Yi-chun Tsai, Cheng-ming Zhuang, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “The effect of electrolytes on the aggregation of three different ZnO nanoparticles in water” Science of the Total Environment, 530-531, 183-190, 2015. (SCI) (2012 IF: 3.258) Environmental Sciences 31/210


45.         Chih-ping Tso and Yang-hsin Shih*, “The transformation of hexabromocyclododecane using zerovalent iron nanoparticle aggregates”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 227, 76-83, 2014. (SCI) (2013 IF: 4.331) Environmental, Civil 2/124

46.         Yu-Huei Peng, Yang-hsin Shih*, Yen-Chun Lai, Yuan-Zan Liu, Ying-Tong Liu, Nai-Chun Lin, “Degradation of polyurethane by bacterium isolated from soil and assessment of polyurethanolytic activity of a Pseudomonas putida strain” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21, 9529-9537, 2014. (2013 IF: 2.757) Environmental Sciences 55/216

47.         Meng-yi Chen, Yuh-fan Su, and Yang-hsin Shih*,” Effect of geochemical properties on degradation of trichloroethylene by stabilized zerovalent iron nanoparticles with Na-acrylic copolymer” Journal of Environmental Management, 144, 88-92, 2014. (2013 IF: 3.188) Environmental Sciences 39/216

48.      Yuh-fan Su*, Mong-chieh Lee, Guan-bo Wang, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “An innovative method to quickly and simply prepare TiO2 nanorod arrays and improve their performance in photo water splitting” Chemical Engineering Journal, 253, 274-280, 2014. (2013 IF:4.058) Engineering, Chemical 8/133

49.      Chien-Ying Yang, Yang-hsin Shih*, Comparison of Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Ultrasonic Extraction on Recovery for Monobrominated Diphenyl Ether in Root Crops. Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science 51, 1-6, 2013.

50.      Yu-Huei Peng, Mei-kuei Chen, Yang-hsin Shih*, "Adsorption and sequential degradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers with zerovalent iron", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 260, 844-850, 2013. (SCI) (2013 IF: 4.331) Environmental, Civil 2/124

51.      Yuh-fan Su, Yu-ling Cheng, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Removal of trichloroethylene by zerovalent iron/activated carbon derived from agricultural waste”, Journal of Environmental Management, 129, 361-366, 2013. (SCI) (2013 IF: 3.188) Environmental Sciences 39/216

52.      Mei-ling Chang, Ming-ga Wang, Dave Ta Fu Kuo, Yang-hsin Shih*, “Sorption of selected aromatic compounds by vegetables“, Ecological Engineering, 61, 74-81, 2013. (SCI) (2012 IF: 2.958) Environmental Sciences 42/210

53.      Yang-hsin Shih*, Hsi-ling Chou, Yu-Huei Peng, Chih-yuan Chang, “ Synergistic effect of microscale zerovalent iron particles combined with anaerobic sludges on the degradation of decabromodiphenyl ether” Bioresource Technology, 108, 14-20, 2012. (SCI) (2012 IF: 4.750) Agricultural engineering 1/12

54.      Yang-hsin Shih*, and Cheng-han Lin, “Effect of particle size of titanium dioxide nanoparticle aggregates on the degradation of one azo dye” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19, 1652–1658, 2012 (2012 IF: 2.618) Environmental Sciences 59/210

55.      Yang-hsin Shih*, Hsi-ling Chou, and Yu-Huei Peng, “Microbial degradation of 4-monobrominated diphenyl ether with anaerobic sludge”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 213-214, 341-346, 2012. (SCI) (2013 IF: 4.331) Environmental, Civil 2/124

56.  Yang-hsin Shih*, Wei-Szu Liu, and Yuh-fan Su, Aggregation of Stabilized TiO2 Nanoparticle Suspensions in the Presence of Inorganic Ions”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31, 1693-1698, 2012. (SCI) (2012 IF: 2.618) Environmental Sciences 59/210

57.      Yang-hsin Shih*,, Cheng-ming Zhuang, Chih-ping Tso, and Cheng-han Lin, “The effect of electrolytes on the aggregation kinetics of titanium dioxide nanoparticle aggregates” Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14, 924-935, 2012. (SCI) (2012 IF: 2.175) Materials science, multidisciplinary 57/241

58.      Yuh-fan Su, Chung-Yu Hsu, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Effects of various ions on the dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene by nanoscale zero-valent iron Chemosphere, 88, 1346-1352, 2012. (SCI) (2012 IF: 3.137) Environmental Science 36/210

59.      Yang-hsin Shih*, Yuh-fan Su, Ren-yu Ho, Po-hsin Su, and Chien-ying Yang, “Distinctive sorption mechanisms of 4-chlorophenol with black carbons as elucidated by different pH” Science of the Total Environment, 433, 523-529, 2012. (SCI) (2012 IF: 3.258) Environmental Sciences 31/210  

60.      Yang-hsin Shih*, Cheng-ming Zhuang, Yu-Huei Peng, Cheng-han Lin, Yung-ming Tseng, Chih-ping Tso, “The effect of inorganic ions on the aggregation kinetics of lab-made TiO2 nanoparticles in water” Science of the Total Environment, 435-436, 446-452, 2012. (SCI) (2012 IF: 3.258) Environmental Sciences 31/210

61.      Yang-hsin Shih*, and Chih-Ping Tso, “Fast decolorization of azo-dye Congo red with zerovalent iron nanoparticles and sequential mineralization with Fenton reaction” Environmental Engineering Science, 29, 929-933, 2012. (SCI) (2012 IF: 1.154) Environmental Sciences 142/210

62.      Yu-Huei Peng, Shih-min Chou, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Sorption interactions of volatile organic compounds with organoclays under different humidities by using linear solvation energy relationships” Adsorption, 18, 329-336, 2012. (SCI) (2012 IF: 1.553) Engineering, Chemical 47/133

63.      Wei-Szu Liu, Yu-Huei Peng, Chia-En Shiung, Yang-hsin Shih*, “The effect of cations in the aggregation of commercial ZnO nanoparticle solution” Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14, 1259, 2012. (SCI) (2012 IF: 2.175) Materials science, multidisciplinary 57/241

64.      Yang-hsin Shih*, Chung-Yu Hsu, and Yuh-fan Su, “Reduction of hexachlorobenzene by nanoscale zero-valent iron: Kinetics, pH effect, and dechlorination mechanism“ Separation and Purification Technology, 76, 269-274, 2011. (SCI) (2012 Impact factor: 2.894) Engineering, Chemical 15/133

65.      Yang-hsin Shih*, Meng-yi Chen, and Yuh-fan Su,” Pentachlorophenol reduction by Pd/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles: Effects of copper, nickel, and ferric cations” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 105, 24-29, 2011. (2012 IF: 5.825) Engineering, Environmental 1/42

66.      Yang-hsin Shih*, Shih-min Chou, Yu-Huei Peng, and Monica Shih, “Linear solvation energy relationships used to evaluate sorption mechanisms of volatile organic compounds with one organomontmorillonite under different humidities” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 56, 4950-4955, 2011. (SCI) (2012 IF: 2.004) Engineering, Chemical 35/133

67.      Yang-hsin Shih* and Yu-tsung Tai, “Reaction of decabrominated diphenyl ether by zero-valent iron nanoparticles” Chemosphere, 78(10), 1200-1206, 2010. (SCI) (2012 Impact factor: 3.137) Environmental Science 36/210

68.      Chih-ping Tso, Cheng-min Zhung, Yang-hsin Shih*, Young-Ming Tseng, Shian-chee Wu, and Ruey-an Doong, “Stability of metal oxide nanoparticles in aqueous solutions”, Water Science & Technology, 61(1), 127-133, 2010. (SCI) (2012 Impact factor: 1.102) Water Resources 44/80

69.      Yang-hsin Shih*, Shih-min Chou, and Chen-fang Lin, “Sorption Mechanisms of Selected Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds on Organoclays” Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management, 20 (3), 161-168, 2010.

70.      Yang-hsin Shih*, Chih-Ping Tso, Li-yuan Tung, “Rapid Degradation of Methyl Orange with Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron Particles” Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management, 20(3), 137-143, 2010. 

71.      Chun-Yao Chen, Chun-Kang Wang, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Microbial biodegradation of 4-monobrominated diphenyl ether with an aerobic microbial sludge and the DGGE analysis of diversity” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 45(5), 379 – 385, 2010. (invited paper).(2012 Impact factor: 1.211) Environmental Sciences 135/210 cite: 0

72.      Yang-hsin Shih*, and Meng-yi Chen, “The cation effect on the dechlorination of pentachlorophenol using nanoscale palladium/iron particles in aqueous solutions” Sustainable Environment Research, 20, 333-339, 2010.

73.      Yang-hsin Shih* and Shih-min Chou, “Characterization of sorption mechanisms of VOCs with montmorillonite at different levels of relative humidity via a LSER approach” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 55, 5766–5770, 2010. (SCI) (2012 IF: 2.004) Engineering, Chemical 35/133


74.      Yang-hsin Shih and Chun-Kang Wang, “Photolytic Degradation of Polybromodiphenyl Ethers under UV-lamp and Solar Irradiations”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 165, 34-38, 2009. (SCI) (2010 IF: 3.925) Environmental, Civil 2/122

75.      Yang-hsin Shih, Yao-Cyong Chen, Meng-yi Chen, Yu-tsung Tai, and Chih-Ping Tso, “Dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene by using nanoscale Fe and nanoscale Pd/Fe bimetallic particles” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 332: 84-89, 2009. (SCI) (2012 Impact factor: 2.108) Chemistry, Physical 70/135

76.      Yang-hsin Shih* and Philip M. Gschwend, “Evaluating Activated Carbon-water Sorption Coefficients of Organic Compounds Using Linear Solvation Energy Relationship Approach and Sorbate Chemical Activities”, Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (3), 851–857, 2009. (SCI) (2012 Impact factor: 5.257) Environmental Science 7/210

77.      Yang-hsin Shih and Mei-syue Li, “Adsorption of selected volatile organic vapors on multiwall carbon nanotubes”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 154, 21-28, 2008. (SCI) (2010 IF: 3.925) Environmental, Civil 2/122

78.      Yang-hsin Shih*, “Sorption Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Trichloroethylene in Humic Acid”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 317: 159-163, 2008. (SCI) (2012 IF: 2.108) Chemistry, Physical 64/127

79.         Yang-hsin Shih*, “Sorption of Trichloroethylene in Humic Acid Studied by Experimental Investigations and Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 71: 1813-1821, 2007. (SCI) (2007 Impact factor: 2.104) Soil Science 4/30

80.         Yang-hsin Shih*, Jyh-shing Lin, Shian-chee Wu, and Lien-feng Lee, “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Sorption of Toluene in A Dry Humic Acid Model: A Preliminary Study”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 275, 183-186, 2006. (SCI) (2010 IF: 2.130) Chemistry, Physical 64/127

81.         Yang-hsin Shih*, Shian-chee Wu, Jyh-shing Lin, and Lien-feng Lee, “Sorption Kinetics of Toluene in Humic Acid: A Computational Approach”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25, 305-309, 2006. (SCI) (2007 Impact factor: 2.309)  Environmental Sciences  35/160

82.         Yang-hsin Shih* and Shian-chee Wu, “Distinctive Sorption Mechanisms of Soil Organic Matter and Mineral Components as Elucidated by Organic Vapor Uptake Kinetics”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24, 2827-2832, 2005. (SCI) (2007 Impact factor: 2.309)  Environmental Sciences  35/160 

83.         Yang-hsin Shih* and Shian-chee Wu, “Kinetics of Toluene Sorption and Desorption in Ca- and Cu- Montmorillonites Investigated with FTIR Spectroscopy under Two Different Levels of Humidity”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 23, 2061-2067, 2004. (SCI) (2007 Impact factor: 2.309)  Environmental Sciences  35/160 

84.         Yang-hsin Shih* and Shian-chee Wu, “Sorption Kinetics of Toluene in Humin under Two Different Levels of Relative Humidity”, Journal of Environmental Quality, 31, 970-978, 2002. (SCI) (2004 Impact factor: 1.617) Environmental Sciences 33/134

85.         Yang-hsin Shih* and Shian-chee Wu, “Sorption Kinetics of Selected Volatile Organic Compounds in Humin”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 21, 2067-2074, 2002.  (SCI) (2007 Impact factor: 2.309)  Environmental Sciences  35/160

2.     会议论文 >150

1.      吴先琪、王美雪、施养信、刘泰铭,废水微生物学,国立编译馆主编,晓园出版社出版,2000。
2.      Yu-Huei Peng and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Microbial Degradation of Some Halogenated Compounds: Biochemical and Molecular Features”. In Biodegradation / Book 3 Agricultural and Biological Sciences"Biodegradation of Hazardous and Special Products", (ISBN 980-953-307-629-9, Ed. Chamy, R. and Francisca R.), InTech Publishers, Chapter 4, 2013. (http://www.intechopen.com/books/biodegradation-of-hazardous-and-special-products/microbial-degradation-of-some-halogenated-compounds-biochemical-and-molecular-features).
3.      Yuh-fan Su, Chih-ping Tso, Yu-huei Peng, and Yang-hsin Shih*, “Adsorption and Reduction of Some Aromatic Contaminants with Nanoscale Zerovalent Irons and Further Treatments”. In ACS Books, ACS Symposium Series, Interactions of Nanomaterials with Emerging Environmental Contaminants, Chapter 9, pp 147–158, 2013.