Environmental Nanotechnology Lab (Introduction)奈米科技正蓬勃发展,奈米材料之应用技术也日新月异,「环境奈米科技研究室」之主要研究方向即是应用与研发奈米材料来解决环境问题。地球环境介质可大致分成水、空气与土壤三大组成,环境污染物可分成有机化合物与无机化合物,其中环境有机化合物处理与其在地球环境中宿命,是目前环境处理技术与环境科学研究中,不论国内或国际的环境工程与科学领域相当热门的题目。
研究室之研究主题包含: (1)发展创新的奈米材料: 研发奈米材料应用于能源、环境与医学应用,如光电转换、环境污染处理与医药型奈米颗粒开发应用等。(2)环境生物技术之开发建立:借由基因体与蛋白质体学分析与研发新颖环境生物科技,如发展微生物与酵素快速转化有机化合物之技术。(3)环境分析技术之开发建立:借由国家级同步辐射光源与高速电脑资源,开发快速且方便的环境检测与分析技术。
Nanotechnology has been developed vigorously and applied in many fields. Our goals are developing nanomaterials and applying these materials to solve environmental problems. And the fate (transport and transformation) of organic pollutants in the environment plays a key role in environmental science.
Hope students keep up with the newly developments in environmental nanotechnology and environmental chemistry. From developing novel nanomaterials and applying these tools in environmental compounds analysis, they also learn how to innovate new technique and how to perform analytic techniques.
Our researches focus (1) to develop novel technique to degrade environmental pollutants. Nanoscale zero-valent metals were synthesized to degrade environmental pollutants. (2) to establish new analytical techniques. Some quick and convenient methods were developed to detect environmental contaminants. (3) to explore and apply biomaterials in green energy.
Wish students understand detail mechanism in environmental science and apply the knowledge to solve problems in the environmental pollutions after they are familiar with the technology of environmental organic chemical analysis and nanomaterial synthesis. Furthermore, they can also apply the molecular biotechnologies in biodegradation research. We encourage students to participate international conferences to share their professional knowledge with scientists in the world.
To explore what Nature teaches us!