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1.     期刊論文
1. Yang-hsin Shih* and Shian-chee Wu, Sorption Kinetics of Toluene in Humin under Two Different Levels of Relative HumidityJournal of Environmental Quality, 31, 970-978, 2002.  (SCI) (2010 Impact factor (IF): 2.738) Environmental Sciences 56/193
2. Yang-hsin Shih* and Shian-chee Wu, Sorption Kinetics of Selected Volatile Organic Compounds in HuminEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 21, 2067-2074, 2002.  (SCI) (2010 IF: 3.026) Environmental Sciences 34/193
3. Yang-hsin Shih* and Shian-chee Wu, Kinetics of Toluene Sorption and Desorption in Ca- and Cu- Montmorillonites Investigated with FTIR Spectroscopy under Two Different Levels of HumidityEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 23, 2061-2067, 2004. (SCI) (2010 IF: 3.026) Environmental Sciences 34/193
4. Yang-hsin Shih* and Shian-chee Wu, Distinctive Sorption Mechanisms of Soil Organic Matter and Mineral Components as Elucidated by Organic Vapor Uptake KineticsEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24, 2827-2832, 2005. (SCI) (2010 IF: 3.026) Environmental Sciences 34/193
5. Yang-hsin Shih*, Shian-chee Wu, Jyh-shing Lin, and Lien-feng Lee, Sorption Kinetics of Toluene in Humic Acid: A Computational ApproachEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25, 305-309, 2006. (SCI) (2010 IF: 3.026) Environmental Sciences 34/193
6. Yang-hsin Shih*, Jyh-shing Lin, Shian-chee Wu, and Lien-feng Lee, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Sorption of Toluene in A Dry Humic Acid Model: A Preliminary StudyColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 275, 183-186, 2006. (SCI) (2010 IF: 2.130) Chemistry, Physical 64/127
7. Yang-hsin Shih*Sorption of Trichloroethylene in Humic Acid Studied by Experimental Investigations and Molecular Dynamics SimulationsSoil Science Society of America Journal, 71: 1813-1821, 2007. (SCI) (2010 IF: 1.866) Soil Science 13/32
8. Yang-hsin Shih* and Mei-syue Li, “Adsorption of Selected Volatile Organic Vapors on Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 154, 21-28, 2008. (SCI) (2010 IF: 3.723) Environmental, Civil 2/115
9.Yang-hsin Shih*Sorption Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Trichloroethylene in Humic Acid, (SCI) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 317: 159-163, 2008. (SCI) (2010 IF: 2.130) Chemistry, Physical 64/127
10.Yang-hsin Shih* and Chun-Kang Wang, “Photolytic Degradation of Polybromodiphenyl Ethers under UV-lamp and Solar Irradiations”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 165, 34-38, 2009. (SCI) (2010 IF: 3.723) Environmental, Civil 2/115
11. Yang-hsin Shih*, Yao-Cyong Chen, Meng-yi Chen, Yu-tsung Tai, and Chih-Ping Tso, “Dechlorination of Hexachlorobenzene by Using Nanoscale Fe and Nanoscale Pd/Fe Bimetallic Particles” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 332: 84-89, 2009. (SCI) (2010 IF: 2.130) Chemistry, Physical 64/127
12. Yang-hsin Shih* and Philip M. Gschwend, Evaluating Activated Carbon-water Sorption Coefficients of Organic Compounds Using Linear Solvation Energy Relationship Approach and Sorbate Chemical ActivitiesEnvironmental Science & Technology, 43 (3), 851857, 2009. (SCI) (2010 IF: 4.827) Engineering, Environmental 2/45
13. Yang-hsin Shih* and Yu-tsung Tai, Reaction of decabrominated diphenyl ether by zero-valent iron nanoparticles” Chemosphere, 78(10), 1200-1206, 2010. (SCI) (2010 IF: 3.155) Environmental Science 28/193
14.Chih-ping Tso, Cheng-min Zhung, Yang-hsin Shih*, Young-Ming Tseng, Shian-chee Wu, and Ruey-an Doong, Stability of metal oxide nanoparticles in aqueous solutions, Water Science & Technology, 61(1), 127-133, 2010. (SCI) (2010 IF: 1.056) Water Resources 39/76
15. Yang-hsin Shih*, Shih-min Chou, and Chen-fang Lin, “Sorption Mechanisms of Selected Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds on Organoclays” Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management, 20 (3), 161-168, 2010.
16. Yang-hsin Shih*, Chih-Ping Tso, Li-yuan Tung, “Rapid Degradation of Methyl Orange with Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron Particles” Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management, 20(3), 137-143, 2010.
17. Chun-Yao Chen, Chun-Kang Wang, and Yang-hsin Shih*“Microbial biodegradation of 4-monobrominated diphenyl ether with an aerobic microbial sludge and the DGGE analysis of diversity” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B45(5), 379 – 385, 2010. (SCI) (invited paper). (2010 IF: 1.119) Environmental Sciences 131/193
18.Yang-hsin Shih*, and Meng-yi Chen, “The cation effect on the dechlorination of pentachlorophenol using nanoscale palladium/iron particles in aqueous solutions Sustainable Environment Research (Sustain. Environ. Res.), 20, 333-339, 2010. 
19.Yang-hsin Shih* and Shih-min Chou, “Characterization of sorption mechanisms of VOCs with montmorillonite at different levels of relative humidity via a LSER approach” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 555766–5770, 2010. (SCI) (2010 IF: 2.089) Engineering, Chemical 28/135
20.Yang-hsin Shih*, Chung-Yu Hsu, and Yuh-fan Su, “Reduction of hexachlorobenzene by nanoscale zero-valent iron: Kinetics, pH effect, and dechlorination mechanism” Separation and Purification Technology, 76, 269-274, 2011. (SCI) (2010 IF: 2.775) Engineering, Chemical 14/135
21.Yang-hsin Shih*, Meng-yi Chen, and Yuh-fan Su,” Pentachlorophenol reduction by Pd/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles: Effects of copper, nickel, and ferric cations” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 105, 24-29, 2011. (2010 IF: 4.749) Engineering, Environmental 3/45
22.Yang-hsin Shih*, Shih-min Chou, Yu-Huei Peng, and Monica Shih, “Linear solvation energy relationships used to evaluate sorption mechanisms of volatile organic compounds with one organomontmorillonite under different humidities” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 56, 4950-4955, 2011. (SCI) (2010 IF: 2.089) Engineering, Chemical 28/135
23. Yang-hsin Shih*Hsi-ling Chou, Yu-Huei Peng, Chih-yuan Chang,  Synergistic effect of microscale zerovalent iron particles combined with anaerobic sludges on the degradation of decabromodiphenyl ether Bioresource Technology, 2011. (accepted) (SCI) (2010 IF: 4.365)
24. Yang-hsin Shih*, and Cheng-han Lin, “Effect of particle size of titanium dioxide nanoparticle aggregates on the degradation of one azo dye” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2011. (accepted) DOI: 10.1007/s11356-011-0669-z (2010 IF: 2.870) Environmental Sciences 39/193

2.     會議論文:
1. Yang-hsin Shih and Shian-chee Wu, “Denitrification in Two Taiwan Soils and Its Impacts on Leachate quality”, Proceedings of the 7th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Volume II, 1641-1644, Taipei, Taiwan, October 18-20, 1999.
2. Shian-chee Wu, Yang-hsin Shih, Meei-ling Chang, and Pei-jen Chen, “Sorption of Toluene on Humin and Montmorilonite under Dry and Humid Conditions Traced by Microbalance and FTIR”, Preprints of Extended Abstracts of the 220th ACS National Meeting, Volume 40, 187-190, Washington, D.C., August 20-24,2000.
3. Yang-hsin Shih, Meei-ling Chang, and Shian-chee Wu, “Slow Sorption and Desorption Kinetics of Volatile Organic Contaminants in Soil”, Proceedings of the 7th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Academic Conference, Vol. (1), Wuhan, China, April 20-26, 2001.
4. Yang-hsin Shih, Shian-chee Wu, and Meei-ling Chang, “FTIR Kinetics Study of Vapor-phase Sorption of Toluene on Cu- and Ca- exchanged Montmorillonites”, Preprints of Extended Abstracts of the 222nd ACS National Meeting, Volume 41, Chicago, IL., U.S.A., August 26-30, 2001.
5. Yang-hsin Shih and Shian-chee Wu, “Gravimetric Evidence of a Persistent Fraction of Volatile Organic Contaminant Sorbed in Soil Compartments”, Proceedings of Extended Abstracts of the 20th International Meeting of International Humic Substance Society, Boston, MA, U.S.A., July 21-26, 2002.
6. Philip Gschwend, AmyMarie Accardi-Dey, Rachel Adams, Déborah Xanat, Flores Cervantes, David Kuo, Rainer Lohmann, Jose-Julio Ortega-Calvo, and Yang-hsin Shih,“Black Carbon in the Environment: How Should We Model Its Sorption of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds?” Preprints of Extended Abstracts of the 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 28-September 1, 2005.
7. Mei-shui Li and Yang-hsin Shih, “Sorption of Selected Volatile Organic Compounds on Carbon Multiwall Nanotubes”, the 2nd conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Hsingchu, Taiwan, May 27, 2005.
8. Yang-hsin Shih and Shian-chee Wu, “The Effect of Soil Chemical Heterogeneity on the Slow Sorption of Toluene in Dry Soils”, the 17th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taoyaun, Taiwan, November 18-19, 2005.
9. Yang-hsin Shih, Shian-chee Wu, and Jyh-shing Lin, “A Computational Study of Sorption Kinetics of One Monoaromatic Compound in Humic Acid”, the 17th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taoyaun, Taiwan, November 18-19, 2005.
10. Philip M. Gschwend and Yang-hsin Shih, “Adsorption of Organic Compounds to Activated Carbon from Water: Can We Understand the Sorption Isotherms and Estimate These via Linear Solvation Energy Relationships?” the 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, March 26-30, 2006.
11. Yang-hsin Shih and Shian-chee Wu, “Sorption Kinetics of Trichloroethylene in Two Soil Components”, the 5th International Conference of Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA, U.S.A., May 22-25, 2006.
12.  Shih-min Chou, Yang-hsin Shih, and Chenfang Lin “Sorption of Chlorinated Methanes in Clay and Organoclay”, the 5th International Conference of Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA, U.S.A., May 22-25, 2006.
13.  Yu-tsung Tai and Yang-hsin Shih, “Debromination of Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether by Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron”, the 5th International Conference of Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA, U.S.A., May 22-25, 2006.
14.  Yang-hsin Shih, “Sorption/desorption kinetics of volatile organic compounds in soils: From macroscale to nanoscale”, Proceeding of 10th Symposium on Soil and Groundwater Pollution and Remediation, Taipei, June, 2006. (invited speaker).
15.  Shih-min Chou and Yang-hsin Shih, “Sorption properties of chlorinated volatile organic compounds on dry organoclays”, the 3rd conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 6, 2006.
16.  Chungun Wang and Yang-hsin Shih, “The photodegradation of decabrominated diphenyl ether by nanoscale titanium oxide particles”, the 3rd conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 6, 2006.
17.  Yu-tsung Tai and Yang-hsin Shih, “The pH effect on the dehalogenation of decabrominated diphenyl ether by nanoscale zero-valent iron”, the 3rd conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 6, 2006.
18.  Yang-hsin Shih, Shih-min Chou, and Chenfang Lin “Sorption and desorption kinetics of toluene on organoclays”, Preprints of Extended Abstracts of the 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, September 9-14, 2006.
19.  Yang-hsin Shih and Mei-shui Li, “Quantifying the sorption role of selected volatile organic chemicals on carbon multiwall nanotubes”, Preprints of Extended Abstracts of the 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, September 9-14, 2006.
20.  Zong-Xun Wu, Yang-hsin Shih and Chiu-Chung Young. “Establishment of a PCR-based approach for detection of Salmonella in environmental samples with a high level of humic substances”, Proceedings of the 6th Mainland-Taiwan Soil and Fertilizer Academic Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, December 11-12, 2006.
21.  Mei-shui Li and Yang-hsin Shih, “Adsorption of four organic vapors on multiwall carbon nanotubes at various levels of humidity”, the 18th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, November 17-18, 2006.
22.  Yang-hsin Shih and Yu-tsung Tai, “The Chemical reduction of decabromodiphenyl ether by nanosized zero-valent iron particles”, the 4th conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Taichung, Taiwan, May 25, 2007.
23.  Mei-syue Li and Yang-hsin Shih, “Adsorption Behaviors of Several Groups of Volatile Organic Compounds on Multiple Wall Carbon Nanotubes”, the 4th conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Taichung, Taiwan, May 25, 2007.
24.  Ming-jia Wang and Yang-hsin Shih, “Uptake of selected aromatic organic compounds into four vegetables”, the 45th conference of agricultural chemistry society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, June 28, 2007.
25.  Chung-Yu Hsu and Yang-hsin Shih, “Effects of environmental factors on the degradation of hexachlorobenzene by nanoscale zerovalent iron”, the 45th conference of agricultural chemistry society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, June 28, 2007.
26.  Yao-Cyong Chen, Chung-Yu Hsu, Yang-hsin Shih, and Yu-tsung Tai, “Dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene by using nanoscale iron and nanoscale bimetallic particles”, International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Texas, 2007.
27.  Chungun Wang and Yang-hsin Shih, “Photolytic dehalogenation of decabromodiphenyl ether”, Preprints of Extended Abstracts of the 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, August 20~24, 2007.
28.  Meng-yi Chen, Min-hui Huang, and Yang-hsin Shih, "Chemical reduction of pentachlorophenol by nanoscale zero-valent iron", Preprints of Extended Abstracts of the 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, August 20~24, 2007.
29.  Mei-syue Li and Yang-hsin Shih, "Linear solvation energy relationship applied to quantify the sorption role of selected volatile organic chemicals on carbon multiwall nanotubes", Preprints of Extended Abstracts of the 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, August 20~24, 2007.
30.  Po-hsin Su and Yang-hsin Shih, “Sorption of selected volatile organic contaminants into black carbon in water", Preprints of Extended Abstracts of the 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, August 20~24, 2007.
31.  Yang-hsin Shih, “Nanotechnology for environmental protection and remediation”, Czech-Taiwan Science and Technology Days, Taipei, November 2007. (invited speaker).
32.  Chungun Wang and Yang-hsin Shih, “Photodegradation Kinetics and Mechanism of Polybromodiphenyl Ether under UV and Solar Irradiations", the 19th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 23-24, 2007.
33.  Po-hsin Su and Yang-hsin Shih, “Sorption equilibrium of selected organic compounds into environmental pyrogenic carbon particles", the 19th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 23-24, 2007.
34.  Hsi-ling Chou and Yang-hsin Shih, “Development of headspace soild-phase microextraction for direct determination of PBDEs in water”, In: Chung, R.S. D.Y. Lee, and Y.S. Shih (editors). Newsletter of Soil and Fertiliers. No. 90. The Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences (CSSFS). National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. December 15, 2007..
35.  Po-hsin Su and Yang-hsin Shih, “The study of the carbonized agricultural waste to remove selected volatile organic compounds”, In: Chung, R.S. D.Y. Lee, and Y.S. Shih (editors). Newsletter of Soil and Fertiliers. No. 90. The Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences (CSSFS). National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. December 15, 2007.
36.  Zong-Xun Wu and Yang-hsin Shih, “m-PCR-based method for identification of different Salmonella serotypes”, In: Chung, R.S. D.Y. Lee, and Y.S. Shih (editors). Newsletter of Soil and Fertiliers. No. 90. The Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences (CSSFS). National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. December 15, 2007.
37.  Chih-Ping Tso and Yang-hsin Shih, “The degradation of one azo-dye with nanoscale zerovalent iron particles: kinetics, activation energy and mechanism”, the 46th conference of agricultural chemistry society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, June 30, 2008.
38.  Yang-hsin Shih, Chiung-hui Huang, Shih-ling Chou, and Shih-wan Lin, “Uptake of Selected Aromatic Organic Contaminants into Crops”, the 46th conference of agricultural chemistry society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, June 30, 2008.
39.  Chih-hsiang Su and Yang-hsin Shih, “The synthesized the stable zerovalent iron nanoparticles to degrade environmental contaminants”, the 46th conference of agricultural chemistry society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, June 30, 2008.
40.  Chih-Ping Tso, Yang-hsin Shih, Li-yuam Tung, Wan-li Zheng, “Removal of azo-dyes from water with zerovalent iron nanoparticles” IWA World Water Congress, Vienna, Austria, September 8~12, 2008.
41.  Meng-yi Chen, and Yang-hsin Shih, "Removal of pentachlorophenol using nanoscale palladium/iron particles from aqueous solution” the 5th conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Taoyuan, Taiwan, September 25, 2008.
42.  Cheng-Min Zhung, Chih-Ping Tso, and Yang-hsin Shih, " The ion effect on stability of nanoparticles in aqueous solutions” the 5th conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Taoyuan, Taiwan, September 25, 2008.
43.  Chih-Ping Tso, Cheng-Han Lin, Cheng-Min Zhung , Mei-Chin Chen, Chiou-Jie He, Hwa-Juan Shih, and Yang-hsin Shih, "Stability of three selected nanosized particles in water” the 5th conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Taoyuan, Taiwan, September 25, 2008.
44.  Po-hsin Su and Yang-hsin Shih, “Sorption mechanisms of polar and non-polar organic compounds on environmental pyrogenic carbon particles.", the 20th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November 7-8, 2008.
45.  Mong-yi Chen and Yang-hsin Shih, “Reduction of pentachlorophenol with nanoscale Pd0/Fe0 particles from aqueous solution", the 20th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November 7-8, 2008.
46.  Hsin-An Chen, and Yang-hsin Shih, “Synthesis of stabilized iron nanoparticles for degradation of organic contaminants, the 20th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November 7-8, 2008.
47.  Ren-yu Ho, Po-hsin Su, and Yang-hsin Shih, “Sorption mechanisms of 4-chlorophenol on two model black carbons in aqueous solutions", the 20th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November 7-8, 2008.
48.  Si-ling Chou and Yang-hsin Shih, “Biodegradation kinetics of one mono-brominated diphenyl ether in aqueous solutions ", the 20th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November 7-8, 2008.
49.  Yang-hsin Shih, “Nanoscale zerovalent iron for the degradation of halogenated organic compounds”, Division of Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Research Institute, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan, February 18, 2009. (invited speaker).
50.  Cheng-ming Zhuang, Cheng-han Lin, Yung-ming Tseng, Chih-pien Tso, Yang-hsin Shih, “The ion effect on stability of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in aqueous solutions” the 6th conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 22, 2009.
51.  Yung-ming Tseng, Yang-hsin Shih, “The effect of three selected surfactants on the stability of TiO2 nanoparticles in water” the 6th conference of environmental protection and nanotechnology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 22, 2009.
52.  Yu-ling Chang, Yang-hsin Shih, and Ren-yu Ho, “The application of catalysts derived from carbonized agricultural wastes in the removal of organic contaminants”, the 47th conference of agricultural chemistry society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, June 26, 2009.
53.  Po-hsin Su, Yang-hsin Shih, and Meng-yi Chen, “Absorption of selected organic compounds to crops from soils”, the 47th conference of agricultural chemistry society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, June 26, 2009.
54.  Zong-Xun Wu, Yang-hsin Shih, and Chiu-Chung Young, “Rapid Identification and quantification of Salmonella in environmental media with a PCR-based assay”, the 47th conference of agricultural chemistry society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, June 26, 2009.
55.  Shi-lin Chou, Yang-hsin Shih, Chun-Kang Wang, and Mei-Kuei Chen, “Aerobic and anaerobic microbial biodegradation of 4-bromodiphenyl ethers”, the 47th conference of agricultural chemistry society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, June 26, 2009. 
56.  Cheng-Han Lin, Yang-hsin Shih, Chih-Ping Tso, Cheng-Min Zhung, and Yong-Ming Zeng, “The effect of environmental factors on particle size of titanium dioxide nanoparticles”, the 47th conference of agricultural chemistry society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, June 26, 2009.
57.  Chih-ping Tso, Cheng-min Zhung, Yang-hsin Shih, Li-hwa Chen, Young-Ming Tseng, Cheng-han Lin, Shian-chee Wu, and Ruey-an Doong, “Stability of metal oxide nanoparticles in aqueous solutions”, 6th IWA Leading-Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technology, Singapore, June 23-25, 2009.
58.  Meng-yi Chen and Yang-hsin Shih, “Reduction of pentachlorophenol with nanoscale Pd0/Fe0 particles: the cation effects” accepted to present in the 3rd IWA-ASPIRE conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 18-22, 2009.
59.  Young-Ming Tseng, Chih-Ping Tso, Cheng-Min Zhung  and Yang-hsin Shih, “The stability on of SiO2 and TiO2 suspensions in the presence of cations and surfactants” accepted to present in the 3rd IWA-ASPIRE conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 18-22, 2009.

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2.Yang-hsin Shih, The effect of soil heterogeneity on the sorption and desorption of organic contaminants in soil, Ph.D. Dissertation, National Taiwan University, 2002
3. 吳先琪、王美雪、施養信、劉泰銘,廢水微生物學,國立編譯館主編,曉園出版社出版,2000