浏览人次: 2111



Scientific Life
Principal Investigator

徐骏森  博士
Chun-Hua Hsu Ph.D

Artistic Life

Email: andyhsu@ntu.edu.twchhsu@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Telephone: 02-33664468 (office), 02-33559418 (lab)




2016/8- Professor,
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University
Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program (NTU and Academia Sinica), National Taiwan University
Center for Systems Biology, National Taiwan University
2015/1- Editorial Board Member ---Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group)
2012/8-2016/7 Associate Professor,
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University
Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program (NTU and Academia Sinica), National Taiwan University
Center for Systems Biology, National Taiwan University
20010/8-2012/7 Assistant Professor,
Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program (NTU and Academia Sinica), National Taiwan University
Center for Systems Biology, National Taiwan University
2007/8-2012/7 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University
2003/8-2007/7 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University
2006/10-2007/7 Assistant Professor, Institute of Molecular Biology, National Chung-Hsing University
2005/1-2006/10 Academia Sinica Distinguished Postdoctoral scholar, IBC, Academia Sinica
2003/1-2004/12 NHRI postdoctoral Fellowship Award, IBC, Academia Sinica
2002/6-2002/12 postdoctoral scholar, IBC, Academia Sinica.
1998/9-2002/6 Ph.D., Biochemical Sciences, National Taiwan University.
1996/9-1998/6 M.S., Biochemical Sciences, National Taiwan University.
1994/9-1996/6 B.S., Chemistry, National Chung-Hsing University.
2002 Excellent award (first place) in the graduation dissertation competition (oral presentation) at the 70th Chemical Annual Meeting (held by the Chinese Chemical Society and the Kung-Tsung Wang Bioorganic Chemistry Foundation). Oct. 25-27, 2002. (中国化学会杰出论文奖)
2002 2002 Science Young Scholar/chemistry thesis competition winner ( held by the Chinese cultural revival organization and recommended by the Chinese Chemical Society) (中华文化复兴总会/科学才能青年)
2003 -  2004 2003~2004 NHRI Postdoctoral Fellowship Award for outstanding young postdoctoral scientists conducting research work in Taiwan (held by National Health Research Institutes). (国家卫生研究院博士后研究学者奖) (4 persons annually)
2005 - 2006 2005~2006 Academia Sinica Distinguished Postdoctoral Scholar (held by Academia Sinica) (中央研究院博士后研究学者奖) (2 persons annually)
2000 Traveling award from the Taiwan Biophysical Society for the attendance of the Third East Asian Biophysics Symposium in South Korea. May 22-26, 2000.
2002 Second place in the poster competition (oral presentation) at the 8th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting and Frontier Biophysics Symposium (held by the Taiwan Biophysical Society). May 22-25, 2002.
2005 2005 Travel award from the 1st Asia Pacific NMR Symposium in Yokohama, Japan.
2007- 台湾大学农业化学系所 分子辨识 (两学分, 一学期)
2010- 台湾大 学 生物 化学乙上(两学分, 一学期,1/2合开)
2010- 台湾大学农业化学系所 食品 化学一(两学分, 一学期,1/3合开(蛋白质部分))
2009- 台湾大 学 蛋白 质结构与功能(两学分, 一学期,1/2合开)
2010- 台湾大学 生物技术核心实验 学期班(四学分, 一学期, 1/3合开)
2011- 台湾大学农业化学系所 生物材 料分析 (蛋白质、酵素与免疫法)
2007- 台湾大 学生化科学所 生化 实验技术法( 一学期, 结构生物学部分)
2007- 台湾大 学生化科学所 大学 部生物化学实验(四班, 一学期, 结构生物学部分)
2007- 台湾大学生物科技中心 生物技术核心实验 暑期班(四学分, 一学期, 1/3合开)
2007- 台湾大学农业化学系所 农化 实验法 (结构生物资讯, 分子模拟)
2011- 台湾大学医 学院 酵素 与蛋白质体学之医学应用(核磁共振技术)
2009-2010 台湾大学生 化与分生所 蛋白 质体学与蛋白结构学概论(两学 分, 一学期, 1/8)
2006-2007 台湾师范大学生命科学所 结构生物学特论 (三学分,一学期)
2004-2007 台湾师范大学生命科学系 功能基因体学 (两学分,一学期)
2006-2007 中兴大学分子生物所 分子辨识 (三学分, 一学期)
2006-2007 中兴大学分子生物所 生物有机化学 (三学分, 一学期)
2004-2006 台北科技大学生物技术所 结构生物学 (三学分, 一学期)
2003-2006 台湾师范大学生命科学系 生物资讯实作研究室 (两学分)
2004 台北医学大学细分所 仪器分析(X-ray, NMR, MASS, Bioinformatics)
2004 台湾大学生化科学所 结构生物学, 蛋白质结晶实验
2003 台湾大学资讯工程系 生物化学
2003 台湾师范大学生命科学系 结构基因体/蛋白质体, 结构生物资讯
2003 台北科技大学化学工程系 生物技术, 生物化学
2003 淡江大学化学所 蛋白质结晶学, 生物核磁共振学, 分子模拟
2003 自强工业基金会 蛋白质结构与功能
中华 民国生物物理学会 理事
2018- 台湾磁共振学会 理事
 2007-  国科会基因体核心设施核磁共振使 用者委员会  委员
2007- 国科会基因体核心设施核磁共振使用者委员会 委员
  • ‧Molecular Enzymology: Several enzymes as potential targets for drug discovery are under investigation.
  • ‧Membrane associated Proteins and peptides
  • ‧Proteomics approaches to search interaction partner of Oct4
  • ‧Protein-DNA interactions: Some DNA-binding proteins (like chromosomal proteins ) and many important transcription factor with DNA are of interest.
  • ‧Proteins from extreme environments: Microorganisms that live in extreme environments including extreme heat, cold, pH (acidic or alkaline) or radiation resistance have unusual proteins. Some enzymes described above are from those organisms.
©2006 Hsu Research Group   @ National Taiwan University