Wu, C.H., C.H. Syu, C.H. Lee, and D.Y. Lee. 2014. The effects of phosphate application on As release into pore water and uptake by rice seedlings grown in As-contaminated paddy soils. 20 th World Congress of Soil Science, June 8-13, 2014, Jeju, Korea |
Huang C.C., P.R. Wu, C. H. Syu, C.H. Lee and D.Y. Lee. 2014. Effect of organic matter amendment on As release in soil solution and accumulation by paddy rice grown in As-contaminated paddy soils. 20 th World Congress of Soil Science, June 8-13, 2014, Jeju, Korea |
Syu C.H., P. Y. Jiang, C. C. Huang, and D.Y. Lee. 2014. Arsenic accumulation and speciation in rice grains of various genotypes grown in As-contaminated paddy soils. 20 th World Congress of Soil Science, June 8-13, 2014, Jeju, Korea |
Lee, D.Y. and C.H. Syu. 2014. An approach to reduce arsenic uptake and accumulation in paddy rice through the selection of rice genotypes with high iron plaque formation capability. 20 th World Congress of Soil Science, June 8-13, 2014, Jeju, Korea |
Lee C.H.,C.C. Huang, J.J. Guo, J. C. Fan, and D.Y. Lee. 2014. Evaluation of nutrient release from the matrixes produced based on the shotcrete vegetation mulching technique. 20 th World Congress of Soil Science, June 8-13, 2014, Jeju, Korea |
Syu, C.H., P.Y. Jiang, P.R. Wu, and D.Y. Lee. 2013. The Effects of genotype and iron plaque on arsenic accumulation and speciation in rice plants (grain) grown in As-contaminated soils. 12th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, June, 16-20, 2013, UGA Hotel and Conference Center, Athens, GA, USA. |
Wu, P.R., C.H. Syu, C.H. Lee, and D.Y. Lee. 2013. The effect of organic amendments on As bioavailability and uptake by rice seedlings in As-contaminated soils. 12th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, June, 16-20, 2013, UGA Hotel and Conference Center, Athens, GA, USA. |
Jiang, P.Y., C.H. Syu, and D.Y. Lee. 2013. Formation of iron plaque on different genotypes of paddy rice ( Oryza sativa L.) and its effect on Arsenite and Arsenate uptake and transformation in rice plants. 12th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, June, 16-20, 2013, UGA Hotel and Conference Center, Athens, GA, USA. |
Huang, H.H., C.H. Lee, T.Z. Lin, and D.Y. Lee. 2013. Effect of sodium silicate application on growth and As uptake of rice seedlings grown in As-contaminated soils. 12th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, June, 16-20, 2013, UGA Hotel and Conference Center, Athens, GA, USA. |
許健輝、李達源。2013。砷污染土壤中土壤溶液及水稻植體之砷物種分吸。第一屆海峽兩岸環境分析化學學術研討會。2013年7月29-30日。中國天津。 |
Syu, C.H., M.K. Chen, and D.Y. Lee. 2013. Comparison of As sequestration in iron plaque and uptake by different genotypes of rice plants grown in As-contaminated paddy soils. 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Oct. 21-24, 2013, IPB International Conference Center, West Java, Indonesia. |
李家興、黃佳貞、郭嘉峻、范正成、李達源。2013。水庫淤泥再利用於水泥噴凝植生敷蓋技術中養份釋出之評估。2013年12月13日 。中華土壤肥料學會 102 年年會。台中市國立中興大學。 |
許健輝、李達源。2013。不同水稻品種根部生成之鐵膜對於植體砷吸收及累積的影響。2013年12月13日。中華土壤肥料學會102年年會。台中市國立中興大學。 |
Lee, D.Y. and S.L. Wang. 2012. Synchrotron-based approach for soil heavy metal research in Taiwan. International Workshop on Synchrotron Applications in Soil and Environmental Sciences, Nov. 16, 2012, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea. (invited speech) |
Syu, C.H., P.Y. Jiang, H.H. Huang, W.T. Chen, T.H. Lin, and D.Y. Lee. 2012. Arsenic sequestration in iron plaque and its effect on As uptake by rice plants grown in paddy soils with high contents of As, iron oxides, and organic matter. International Symposium on Heavy Metal Remediation in Agricultural Ecosystems, Nov. 15, 2012, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea.(invited speech) |
Syu, C.H., and D.Y. Lee. 2012. The uptake and accumulation of arsenic by paddy rice as affected by iron plaque and variation of genotypes. 2012 International Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Oct. 21, 2012, Cincinnati, USA. |
Lee, C.H., C.H. Syu, P.Y. Jiang, and D.Y. Lee. 2012. Arsenic Sequestration in Iron Plaque and Its Effect on As Uptake by Paddy Rice. MARCO Satellite International Symposium 2012- Risk Alleviation Technologies for Arsenic and cadmium Contamination of Foods in Monsoon Asia, Oct. 29-30, 2012, Tsukuba, Japan. (invited speech) |
許淳淳,林紫慧,李達源。2012。各種化學氧化法處理柴油污染蛇紋岩土壤鉻及鎳之溶出。第六屆海峽兩岸土壤和地下水污染與整治研討會。2012年8月26-28日。山東煙台。 |
李家興,謝易錚,林紫慧,李達源。2012。不同品種水稻根部鐵膜形成及其對鐵、磷與砷吸收之影響。第九屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會。2012年8月20-21日。四川成都。 |
Liu, T.L., K.W. Juang, and D.Y. Lee. 2012. Using Kriging Combined with Categorical Information of Soil Maps for Interpolating Soil Properties. International Conference on Advancing the Science and Technology of Soil Information in Asia, Feb. 8-11, Nanjing, China. (invited speech) |
Syu, C.H., and D.Y. Lee. 2011. The effects of iron plaque on uptake and accumulation of cadmium by four rice cultivars grown in solution culture. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Oct. 16-19, 2011, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. |
Jiang, P.Y., W.T. Chen, T.H. Lin, and D.Y. Lee. 2011. Effect of iron plaque on the uptake of As by paddy rice grown in As-contaminated soils of Gaundu plain, Taipei, Taiwan. 10 th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Oct. 10-13, 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka. |
Huang, H.C., D.Y. Lee, T.H. Lin, and W.T. Chen. 2011. Evaluation of the effect of water treatment residues and FeSO 4 on decreasing As availability of As-contaminated soils. 11th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, July 3-7, 2011, Florence, Italy. |
宋卓儒,李達源。2011。以化學試劑及模擬垃圾掩埋場滲出水抽出評估玄武岩及蛇紋岩土壤鉻及鎳之溶出性。台灣農業化學會第四十八次會員大會。第 118 頁。 |
K.W. Juang, and D.Y. Lee. 2010. Prediction of cadmium removal from highly contaminated soils by phytoextraction with different switchgrass cultivars. 19th World Congress of Soil Sciences, August 1-8, 2010, Brisbane, Australia. |
D.Y. Lee, T.H. Lin, and Y. F. Wu. 2010. Distribution of arsenic species in solutions of As-contaminated flooding soils and the toxicity of arsenic to rice plants. 19th World Congress of Soil Sciences, August 1-8, 2010, Brisbane, Australia. |
林紫慧,陳秋萍,鄭秀卿,余佩芳,黃健中,施幼娜,林書庸,鄭佳容,邱健智,李達源。2010。鉻污染土壤中鉻物種與有效性評估及整治復育。第五屆海峽兩岸土壤及地下水污染整治研討會。第 240-245 頁。 |
李達源,陳雯婷,林紫慧。2010。污染土壤中鉻與砷的物種分佈與生物有效性之測定。第八屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會。第 151-158 頁。 |
陳秋萍,莊愷瑋,李達源。2010。酸性土壤施用石灰對六價鉻還原與鉻植物毒性之影響。第八屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會。第 397-401 頁。 |
林紫慧,吳懿芳,陳雯婷,李達源。2010。砷污染土壤對水稻毒害之評估。第八屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會。第 415 頁。 |
林紫慧,吳懿芳,陳雯婷,李達源。2010。浸水還原之砷污染土壤溶液中砷物種保存、分布及轉變。第八屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會。第 417 頁。 |
陳瑤瓊,陳雯婷,林紫慧,李達源。2010。不同因子對鐵錳結核土壤中 Cr(III) 的氧化反應之影響。第八屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會。第 419-424 頁。 |
許淳淳,林紫慧,李達源。2010。探討利用化學氧化法處理柴油汙染蛇紋岩土壤對鉻及鎳溶出性之影響。台灣農業化學會第四十八次會員大會。第 169 頁。 |
黃筱茜,林紫慧,李達源,吳懿芳。2010。評估淨水污泥及硫酸亞鐵降低土壤中砷的有效性之效果。台灣農業化學會第四十八次會員大會。第 171 頁。 |
林紫慧,陳秋萍,鄭秀卿,余佩芳,黃健中,施幼娜,林書庸,鄭佳容,邱健智,陳雯婷,莊愷瑋,李達源。 2010。降低土壤中鉻植物有效性濃度之整治技術與健康風險管理。第十四屆土壤與地下水污染整治研討會。第 49-80 頁。 (invited speech) |
李達源,巫月春。2010。環境檢測機構之許可與管理。20周年所慶研討會,99年1月8日,行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所。第 21-28 頁。 (invited speech) |
陳雯婷,何聖賓,李達源。2009。施用蔗渣堆肥與雞糞堆肥對紅壤吸附 - 脫附硼的影響。中華土壤肥料學會九十八年度年會特刊。第 91 頁。 |
徐仲禹,林紫慧,李達源。2009。土壤中鐵錳結核含量與粒徑大小對氧化 Cr(III) 能力之影響。中華土壤肥料學會九十八年度年會特刊。第 89 頁。 |
吳懿芳,林紫慧,李達源。2009。土壤溶液中砷物種分佈及轉變與其對水稻之毒害。中華土壤肥料學會九十八年度年會特刊。第 85 頁。 |
Wu, Y. F., T. H. Lin, and D.Y. Lee. 2009. Distribution and transformation of arsenic species in paddy soil solutions and the toxicity of arsenic to rice plants. 9th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Oct. 27-30, 2009, Seoul, Korea.(invited speech) |
Chen , W. T., S. B. Ho, and D.Y. Lee. 2009. Effect of application of composts on boron adsorption-desorption in red soils. 9th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Oct. 27-30, 2009, Seoul, Korea. |
Hsu, C. Y, D.Y. Lee, T. H. Lin, and W. T. Chen. 2009. The effects of amounts and size of Fe-Mn nodules in soils on oxidation of Cr(III). 9th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Oct. 27-30, 2009, Seoul, Korea. |
Chen, Y. C., T. H. Lin, and D.Y. Lee. 2009. Cr(III) oxidation by soils with Fe-Mn nodules as affected by various factors. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Nov. 1-5, 2009, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. |
林紫慧,陳秋萍,鄭秀卿,余佩芳,黃建中,施幼娜,林書庸,鄭佳容,邱健智,李達源。2009。鉻污染土壤的監測與其對植物毒害的評估及整治復育。土壤污染之調查、整治及復育研討會,98年9月11日 ,國立中興大學農環大樓十樓農資院國際演講廳。土壤污染之調查、整治及復育研討會論文集。第 247-251 頁。 (invited speech) |
莊愷瑋,劉天麟,李達源。2009。地理統計在推估土壤污染物空間分布與界定危害範圍的應用。土壤污染之調查、整治及復育研討會,98年9月11日 ,國立中興大學農環大樓十樓農資院國際演講廳。土壤污染之調查、整治及復育研討會論文集。第 36-43 頁。 |
徐仲禹,林紫慧,李達源。2009。土壤中鐵錳結核對鉻氧化還原反應之影響。台灣農業化學會第四十七次會員大會,98年6月26日,台灣大學凝態科學物理館國際會議廳。台灣農業化學會第四十七次會員大會手冊。第 154 頁。 |
吳懿芳,林紫慧,李達源。2009。土壤溶液中砷物種分佈及轉變與水稻毒害之關係。台灣農業化學會第四十七次會員大會,98年6月26日,台灣大學凝態科學物理館國際會議廳。台灣農業化學會第四十七次會員大會手冊。第 153 頁。 |
徐仲禹,林紫慧,李達源。2009。土壤之鐵錳結核含量與粒徑大小對氧化 Cr(III) 能力之影響。2009年環境分析化學研討會,98年5月7-8日,行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所。第 Poster-56 頁。 |
林紫慧,吳懿芳,李達源,郭季華,陳明妮,莊士群。2009。以 HPLC-ICPMS 測定浸水土壤溶液中砷物種樣品保存方法之探討。2009 年環境分析化學研討會,98年5月7-8日,行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所。第 Poster-48 頁。 |
吳懿芳,林紫慧,李達源,郭季華,陳明妮,莊士群。2009。以 HPLC-ICPMS 測定砷污染土壤溶液中砷物種之分佈與轉變。2009年環境分析化學研討會,98年5月7-8日,行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所。第 Poster-43 頁。 |
Kuo, W. C., T. H. Lin, D.Y. Lee. 2009. Assessment of phytoavailability of arsenate in soils using the iron oxide-impregnated filter paper extraction method. 237th ACS National Meeting, March 22-26, 2009, Salt Lake City, U.S.A. |
Cheng, C. J., T. H. Lin, C. P. Chen, K. W. Juang, and D.Y. Lee. 2008. Decreasing soil resin-extractable Cr(VI) in Cr(VI)-spiked alkaline soils by using ferrous iron and sodium dithionite. 14th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, November 16-23, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Chen, C. P., K. W. Juang, T. H. Lin, and D.Y. Lee. 2008. Assessing the phytotoxicity of Cr in Cr(VI)-contaminated soils by XANES and resin extraction. 14th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, November 16-23, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Chen, Y. C., T. H. Lin, C. J. Cheng, and D.Y. Lee. 2008. Cr(III) oxidation by soils with high amounts of Fe-Mn nodules as affected by various factors. 14th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, November 16-23, 2008 Taipei, Taiwan. |
D.Y. Lee, C.P. Chen, T.H. Lin, and K.W. Junag. 2008. Simultaneous extraction of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) using resins for assessing phytotoxicity of Cr(VI)-contaminated soils. 5th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) world Congress, August 3-7, 2008, Sydney, Australia. |
郭婉菁,林紫慧,李達源。2008。以氧化鐵濾紙抽出法評估五價砷污染土壤中砷的植物有效性。台灣農業化學會第四十六次會員大會,97年6月30日,台灣大學凝態科學物理館國際會議廳。台灣農業化學會第四十六次會員大會手冊。第 134 頁。 |
陳瑤瓊、林紫慧、鄭佳容、李達源。2008。評估不同因子影響鐵錳結核含量高之土壤對 Cr(III) 的氧化能力。台灣農業化學會第四十六次會員大會,97年6月30日,台灣大學凝態科學物理館國際會議廳。台灣農業化學會第四十六次會員大會手冊。第 138 頁。 |
陳瑤瓊,林紫慧,鄭佳容,李達源。2008。高錳含量土壤對 Cr(III) 的氧化反應。 2008 年環境分析化學研討會,96年5月2-3日,正修科技大學。第 104 頁。 |
D.Y. Lee. 2008. Assessment of the availability and phytotoxicity of soil Cr and remediation of Cr(VI)-contaminated soils. 2008 International Symposium of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution and Remediation, April 10, 2008, National Pintung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan. (invited speech) |
D.Y. Lee, S.Y. Lin, K.W. Juang, T.H. Lin. 2007. Assessment of availability of Cr(III) in paddy soils and its toxicity to rice plants. 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, July 15-19, 2007. Beijing, China. 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, p.986-987. |
Chen, C.P., D.Y. Lee, K.W. Juang, T.H. Lin. 2007. Assessment of soil Cr(III) phytotoxicity using the chelating exchange resin extraction method. 9 th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, July 15-19, 2007. Beijing, China. 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, p.958-960. |
鄭佳容,李達源。2007。評估含 Fe(II) 及連二亞硫酸鈉之還原劑降低汙染土壤六價鉻有效性之效果。第十一屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會,96年6月28日 ,台灣大學凝態科學物理館國際會議廳。第十一屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會論文集。第 255-256 頁。 |
邱健智,李達源。2007。評估添加各種有機質材降低六價鉻污染土壤中有效性六價鉻之效果。台灣農業化學會第四十五次會員大會,96年6月28日 ,台灣大學凝態科學物理館國際會議廳。台灣農業化學會第四十五次會員大會手冊。第 133 頁。 |
Lin, T.H., H.C. Zheng, C.P. Chen, C.C. Chiu, C.J. Cheng, J.F. Lee and D.Y. Lee. 2007. Investigation of Cr(VI) reduction in Cr(VI)-spiked soils by applying composts, iron-based reductants, and sodium dithionite using X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy. 2007年環境分析化學研討會,96年4月13日 ,行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所。第 204-205 頁。 |
李達源,陳秋萍,鄭秀卿,余佩芳,施幼娜,黃建中,林書庸,鄭佳容,邱健智。2006。鉻污染土壤的監測及其對作物毒害的評估以及整治復育。第三屆海峽兩岸土壤及地下水污染整治研討會。 |
賴鴻裕,莊愷瑋,鍾仁賜,李達源,賴朝明,陳建德,陳柏青,陳尊賢。2006。台灣中部重金屬污染區之植生復育 (3):累積重金屬植物之篩選。第六屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會。 |
賴鴻裕,莊愷瑋,李達源,陳尊賢。2006。台灣中部重金屬污染區之植生復育 (1):試驗區土壤重金屬濃度之空間分佈。第六屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會。 |
劉天麟,莊愷瑋,李達源。 2006。克利金法結合土壤圖之類別資訊於土壤性質空間分佈之推估。第六屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會。 |
D.Y. Lee, K.W. Juang, and W. J. Liao. 2006. Using adaptive cluster sampling based on both the first sampling density and the regulation thresholds for delineating contaminated soils. Program of the 18 th World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Program of the 18th World Congress of Soil Science, p. 143. |
Lin H.Y. and D.Y. Lee. 2006. Assessment of availability and Cr(III) in paddy soils and its phytotoxicity to rice plants. Proceedings of 10th Soil and Groundwater Prevention and Remediation Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Chen C. P., D.Y. Lee, H.C. Zheng, and J.F. Lee. 2006. X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy (XANES) studies of effect of pH on Cr(VI) reduction in acid soils. The 2006 Environmental Analytic Chemistry Conference, Taichung, Taiwan. |
D.Y. Lee, J.C. Huang, K.W. Juang, and L. Tsui. 2005. Determination of availability and phytotoxicity of chromium in paddy fields by using selective ion exchange resins embedded in soils. International Symposium on Sustainability of Paddy Farming Systems, The 7th ESAFS International Conference, Quezon city, Philippines. |
D.Y. Lee, Y.N. Shih, and K.W. Juang. 2005. Using the selective ion exchange resin extraction method to evaluate the effect of compost amendments on decreasing the availability and phytotoxicity of Cr(VI) in soils. 8th International conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Adelaide, Australia. |
劉天麟,莊愷瑋,李達源。2004。應用土壤圖資訊的地理統計模式模擬土壤性質的空間變異。中華土壤肥料學會九十三年度年會特刊。第 67-68 頁。 |
莊愷瑋,吳文菁,劉天麟,李達源。 2004。土壤磷肥有效性指標之空間動態模擬。中華土壤肥料學會九十三年度年會特刊。第 69-70 頁。 |
Juang, K.W. D.Y. Lee, T.L. Liu, and C. J. Liao. 2004. Use of binary classification trees for differentiating application rate classes of phosphorus. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. 2004 Annual Meetings Abstracts. |
鄭克聲,張尊國,李達源,鄭秀卿,衛強。2003。空間模式應用於農地重金屬污染範圍之界定。2003 資訊科技在農業之應用研討會論文集。台灣農業資訊科技發展協會。 |
劉天麟,李達源,陳吉村,郭鴻裕,陳尊賢。2003。台灣新研擬土壤管理組資訊系統之建立。中華土壤肥料學會。土壤管理組規劃及應用研討會論文集。第 41-60 頁。 |
蔡呈奇,陳尊賢,劉天麟,李達源,簡士濠,吳森博,郭鴻裕。2003。台灣新研擬土壤管理組之應用。中華土壤肥料學會。土壤管理組規劃及應用研討會論文集。第 101-128 頁。 |
Juang, K.W., Y.W. Liu, and D.Y. Lee. 2003. Estimating the spatial distribution of soil penetration resistance in a field as a function of water content and bulk density. The 6th ESAFS International Conference: Soil management technology on low-productivity and degraded soils. Taipei, Taiwan. Extended Abstracts, p. 47-48. |
Tsai, C.C., Z.Y. Hseu, D.Y. Lee, and Z.S. Chen. 2003. The soil classification and framework of soil management groups of Taiwan rural soils. The 6th ESAFS International Conference: Soil management technology on low-productivity and degraded soils. Taipei, Taiwan. Extended Abstracts, p. 55-56. |
D.Y. Lee, K.W. Juang, and Y.L. Teng. 2003. Adaptive sampling based on cumulative distribution function of order statistics with kriging for delineating heavy metal contaminated soils. 2003 Annual Meetings Abstracts, American Society of Agronomy,Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Yu, P.F., K.W. Juang, and D.Y. Lee. 2003. Extraction of available chromium(VI) in soils using selective ion exchanger resins. 7th International conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Uppasala, Sweden. Proceedings of Extended Abstracts. |
莊愷瑋,李達源。2002。地理統計應用於土壤資訊之空間推估。中華土壤肥料學會。土壤資訊應用研討會論文集。第 45-63 頁。 (invited speech) |
D.Y. Lee, K. W. Juang, and C. C. Tseng. 2002. Determining optimized unit size for clean-up in contaminated soils based on dispersion variance. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok. Thailand. Abstracts of 17 th World Congress of Soil Science, p. 1488. |
D.Y. Lee, K.W. Juang, and L.F. Wu. 2002,. Adaptive cluster sampling based on order statistics for kriging heay-metal spatial distribution in contaminated soils. Program and Presentations of International Workshop on Monitoring Non-point Source Pollution of Agricultural Lands. Nanjing, China. Program and Presentations of International Workshop on Monitoring Non-point Source Pollution of Agricultural Lands. p. 77-81. (invited speech) |
余佩芳,莊愷瑋,李達源。2002。評估選擇性離子交換樹脂法抽出土壤有效六價鎘之適用性。中國農業化學會。中國農業化學會第四十次會員大會論文摘要集。第 119 頁。 ( 獲優良壁報論文獎 ) |
曾千芝,莊愷瑋,李達源。2002。應用克利金關係式之分散變異量決定污染場址之整治單位。中國農業化學會。中國農業化學會第四十次會員大會論文摘要集。第 119 頁。 |
Juang, K.W., Y.S. Chen, and D.Y. Lee. 2001. Use of geostatistical simulation for assessing the spatial uncertainty of mapping heavy-metal contents in soils. 6th International conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Proceedings of Extended Abstracts, p. 521. |
D.Y. Lee, P.N. Liao, and K.W. Juang. 2001. Fractionation and bioavailability of copper and zinc in four Taiwan soils amended with sewage sludges. 6th International conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Proceedings of Extended Abstracts, p. 421. |
吳榮富,莊愷瑋,李達源。2001。以排序性階段調整叢集採樣結合克力金法推估土壤中之重金屬分佈。台灣大學農化系 & 中國農化學會。第七屆土壤污染防治研討會論文集。第 181 頁。 ( 獲優良壁報論文獎 ) |
李達源,莊愷瑋。2001。地理統計於重金屬污染場址危害範圍界定之應用。台灣大學農化系 & 中國農化學會。地理統計在農業和環境科學之應用研討會論文集。第 57-78 頁。 (invited speech) |
莊愷瑋,陳岳欣,李達源。2000。以地理統計連續模擬評估土壤重金屬的空間變異性。中華土壤肥料學會。中華土壤肥料學會八十九年度會員大會摘要集。第 19-20 頁。 ( 獲壁報論文獎第二名 ) |
Juang K.W. and D.Y. Lee and D.C. Liu.2000. Spatial interpolation of fertilizer-P- availability of soils used for improving fertilizer-P recommendation. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America,Soil Science Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. 2000 Annual Meetings Abstracts, p. 270. |
D.Y. Lee and K.W. Juang. 2000. Coupling disjunctive kriging with fuzzy classification for assessing uncertainty in delineating hazardous areas of heavy-metal contaminated sites. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. 2000 Annual Meetings Abstracts, p. 385. |
黃曉芬,莊愷瑋,李達源。2000。土壤飽合導水度之空間變異性研究。中國農業化學會。中國農業化學會第三十八次會員大會論文摘要集。第 93 頁。 ( 獲優良壁報論文獎 ) |
廖本男,李達源。2000。添加下水道污泥之台灣土壤銅鋅的形態分佈與生物有效性。中國農業化學會。中國農業化學會第三十八次會員大會論文摘要集。第 93 頁。 |
莊愷瑋,李達源。1999。聯合非連結克利金法與模糊邏輯評估污染區界定的不確定性。台灣大學農化系 & 中國農化學會。第六屆土壤污染防治研討會論文集。第 255 頁。 ( 獲優良壁報論文獎 ) |
D.Y. Lee and K.W. Juang. 1999. Comparison of three nonparametric kriging methods for delineating heavy-metal contaminated soils. 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings of Extended Abstracts, p.610-611. |
Juang K.W. and D.Y. Lee. 1999. An application of disjunctive Kriging for delineation of heavy-metal contaminated soils. 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings of Extended Abstracts, p.608-609. |
莊愷瑋,李達源,陳岳欣。 1998 。地理統計結合趨勢面分析評估土壤中重金屬濃度的空間變異。中華土壤肥料學會八十七年度年會。 ( 獲壁報論文獎第三名 ) |
Chen, Z.S., D.Y. Lee, and G.J. Lee. 1998. Chemical remediation and phytoremediation in Taiwan rural soils contaminated by cadmium and lead. APEC Workshop on Chemical Analysis and Assessment of Industrial Waste in Environment, IX th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Academia Sinica, Taipei. Abstracts, p. 327. |
D.Y. Lee and K.W. Junag. 1998. Geostatistical approaches to the survey and delineation of cadmium contaminated soils. APEC Workshop on Chemical Analysis and Assessment of Industrial Waste in Environment, IX th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Academia Sinica, Taipei. Abstracts, p. 329. (invited speech) |
廖秋榮,陳俞伶,李達源,李芳胤,徐和成。1998。鉛蓄電池工廠污染土壤整治復育。中華民國環境工程學會,中山大學,高雄。第十三屆廢棄物處理技術研討會論文集。 |
D.Y. Lee and K.W. Juang. 1998. Spatial interpolation of heavy-metal in contaminated soils using kriging with order ranking transformation. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts, p. 330. |
Juang, K.W. and D.Y. Lee. 1998. Using conditional random Sampling for finding hot spots in contaminated soils. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts, p.330. |
劉代晴,李達源。1998。土壤磷肥有效性指標空間分佈之推估及其在建立磷肥施用推薦系統之應用。中國農業化學會。中國農業化學會第三十六次會員大會論文摘要集。第 87 頁。 |
鄧丕信,李達源。1998。地理資訊系統中台灣地區稻田生產力預估模式之建立。中國農業化學會中國農業化學會第三十六次會員大會論文摘要集。第 88 頁。 |
李達源,莊愷瑋。1997。結合模糊邏輯之克利金法應用於重金屬污染區的界定。中華土壤肥料學會八十六年度年會。 ( 獲壁報論文獎第五名 ) |
Chen, Z.S. and D.Y. Lee. 1997. Soil quality management in Taiwan rural soils after long term application of organic composts. 4th International Conference, East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Cheju, Korea. Proceedings of Conference on the Soil Quality Management and Agro-Ecosystem Health, p. 137-147. |
D.Y. Lee and K.W. Juang. 1997. Kriging with cumulative distribution function of order statistics for delineation of heavy metal contaminated soils. 4th International conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Berkeley, California, U.S.A. Extended Abstracts, p. 563-564. |
Juang K.W. and D.Y. Lee. 1997. Simple indicator kriging for estimating risks of delineating hazardous areas in a heavy metal contaminated site. 4th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Berkeley, California, U.S.A. Extended Abstracts, p.565-566. |
Liu, J.C., K.S. Looi, Z.S. Chen, and D.Y. Lee. 1997. Effect of Application of organic composts and lime on the uptake of cadmium and lead by vegetables grown in polluted soils. 4th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Berkeley, California, U.S.A. Extended Abstracts, p. 453-454. |
何聖賓,李達源,陳尊賢。 1997 。北部 P 高爾夫球場施肥對土壤與水質之影響。中興大學土壤環境科學系。高爾夫球場施肥對土壤與水質影響之研究成果討論會專刊。第 (4-1)-(4-18) 頁。 |
李達源,莊愷瑋。1997。地理統計應用於土壤污染調查與污染區之界定。台灣大學農化系。第五屆土壤污染防治研討會論文集。第 169-198 頁。 |
陳吉村,李達源。1997。以結合地理資訊系統之溶質移動模式評估區域尺度下農藥在土壤中之動態。台灣大學農化系。第五屆土壤污染防治研討會論文集。第 499 頁。 |
江天因,李達源,陳尊賢。1997。結合區別分析之指標克利金法以預測土壤中鐵錳結核與灰班出現深度等級之空間分佈。中國農業化學會。中國農業化學會第三十五次會員大會論文摘要集。第 77 頁。 |
陳吉村,李達源,郭鴻裕。1996。台灣地區農田土壤肥力管理及改良資訊系統之建立。中華地理資訊學會。1996年中華地理資訊學會學術研討會論文集。第 167 頁。 ( 全文收錄於光碟中 ) |
D.Y. Lee, K.W. Juang, and Z.S. Chen. 1996. Prediction of spatial distribution of heavy metal in contaminated soils by Kriging combined with regression. The Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. Agronomy Abstracts, p. 331. |
莊愷瑋,李達源。1996。以協同克利金法結合迴歸和 Q 型因子之克利金法預測重金屬在污染土壤之空間分布。中華土壤肥料學會八十五年度年會。 ( 獲壁報論文獎第二名 ) |
莊愷瑋,李達源,陳尊賢。1995。地理統計預測污染土壤中重金屬之空間分佈。中華土壤肥料學會八十四年度年會。 ( 獲壁報論文獎第一名 ) |
江勃興,李達源。1994。初步評估鉗合性樹脂膜現址監測土壤中生物有效鎘之可行性。環保署環檢所。第八屆環境分析化學研討會論文集。第 127 頁。 |
Lai, C.H., S.L. Lo, C.F. Lin, and D.Y. Lee.1993. Adsorption of copper by the iron-coated sand. Second International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Abstracts, p.84. |
陳尊賢,李達源。1993。污染源與土壤中重金屬含量之關係。工研院能資所。第四屆土壤污染防治研討會論文集。第 163-176 。 |
D.Y. Lee, C.F. Lin, L.M. Houng, and K.S. Lo. 1993. Kinetics of copper complexation with dissolved organic matter using stopped flow fluorescence technique. The Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. Agronomy Abstracts, p.241. |
Lee, D.Y. and A.C. Chang. 1992. Evaluating transport of organic chemicals in soil resulting from underground fuel tank leaks. 46th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference Proceedings. Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan, U.S.A. 46 th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference Proceedings, p. 131-140. |
陳尊賢,李達源,黃東亮。 1992 。台灣農業土壤中重金屬之背景濃度。國立台灣大學農化系。農業資材對環境之影響研討會論文集。第 163-178 頁。 |
陳尊賢,李達源,黃丁娜,王銀波。1992。各種處理方法對蔬菜自污染土壤吸收鎘之影響。國立中興大學土壤學系。第三屆土壤污染防治研討會論文集。第 277-292 頁。 |
陳尊賢,李達源,林禎坤,王銀波。1992。篩選適宜種植於台灣北部鎘污染區之觀賞植物。國立中興大學土壤學系。第三屆土壤污染防治研討會論文集。第 247-259 頁。 |
Lee, D.Y., C.T. Chen, and K.H. Houng. 1991. Competitive adsorption of heavy metals by acid soils. The 1991 Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Agronomy Abstracts, p. 247. |
李達源,陳吉村,洪崑煌。1990。應用模式評估本省八種常用農藥在土壤中之動態。國立台灣大學農化系。第二屆土壤污染防治研討會論文集。第 291-306 頁。 |