1. 工作內容:
(1) 一位研究助理執行產學合作計畫,主要參與新穎整治技術開發於有機化合物處理,與撰寫研究報告。有實際化學分析、環境有機化合物分析經驗者優先。
(2) 一位研究助理執行科技部計畫,主要參與光化學快速轉化降解有機化合物技術,撰寫報告。需有有機化學分析或光化學相關經驗。或執行中研院與台大創新性合作研究計畫,參與運用人工智慧與多維體學策略開發篩選微生物快速轉化有機化合物技術,主要執行微生物快速轉化降解有機汙染物實驗,撰寫報告。需有微生物分析與基因體學(或蛋白質體學)分析相關經驗,有有機化學分析經驗優先考慮。
(3) 一位主要參與計劃中微生物篩選、培養、基因分析促進增加土壤碳匯,減少碳排等分析與實驗工作、撰寫報告。
(4) 一位主要參與計劃中實際以台灣土壤增加土壤碳匯,減少碳排等分析與實驗工作、撰寫報告。
2. 工作地點:台大農化系 環境奈米科技實驗室(農化系館227室)
3. 所需資格:具有國內外理醫工農相關科系(如化學、生化、生科、微生物、材料、化工、環工、環科、農化)碩博士, 對研究工作有興趣者。
5. 待遇:40000~60000,依經驗而定,另享勞健保。
6. 申請資料:
(1) 個人履歷(含照片)
(2) 自傳(內含研究領域與有興趣之研究方向)
(3) 最高學歷證件影本(pdf檔)及其它有助之資料如著作目錄(碩博士論文、期刊論文或研討會論文)
7. 受理方式: 有意者請盡快將上述文件mail寄至yhs@ntu.edu.tw 施養信老師收,請註明「應徵 助理」,條件符合者將儘速與您聯絡
Two assistants and one postdoc wanted
Two assistants with master degree are wanted for the NTU/AS novel project “to apply metaomics in environmental microbiology to degrade organic contaminants and to use AI to screen microbial degraders”, Or for one Industry-academic cooperation project, mainly involved in the separation and analysis of oil organic pollutants in water and soil and the development of novel remediation technologies, Or for Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) project “to develop novel photocatalysts”. Two assistants with master degree are wanted for Council of Agriculture projects to use metagenomics to find microbes to increase soil carbon storage and to use real soil settings to study how to increase soil carbon contents, respectively. The postdoc is wanted to “to develop novel photocatalysts” for MOST project. These positions also can join our other novel nanotechnology development and/or microbial degradation study of halogenated compounds with metals, the genomic and proteomic reactions and change in these systems. He/she can join the writing and researching in any research topics in our lab and then publish papers from our lab results together. Please email your CV with your phot to yhs@ntu.edu.tw.
台北市大安區羅斯福路四段一號 台大農化系館225B室(由227室進入)
Tel: 02-33669442