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这是一张图片A. 植物分子农场
  1. 启动子的选殖:
  2. 利用植物生产高经济价值蛋白质:
 利用植物作为化学工厂生产各式医药用抗体或工业用酵素,不需厂房的费用、成本低廉、而且植物生产的蛋白质特性与动物细胞相似、也比其他生产系统具有安全 性、加上种子易于储存运输、甚至可直接添加使用,因此是近年来生物技术研发的主流之一,我们也朝向将筛选得到的启动子,应用在高价值蛋白质生产上。
B. 植物功能性基因体
     植物基因体组的解码以及生物资讯学的发展加速了功能性基因体学的研究,目前我们应用已经解码的水稻基因体组,借由基因转殖技术大量或抑制特定基因表现、 或使用功能缺失水稻突变体,来研究植物养分吸收的分子机制,以期提高作物养分吸收效率。同时我们也筛选和重金属吸收、耐受性相关的基因,希望未来能应用于 植生复育(phytoremediation)。
 1. YH Chen, YY Chao, YY Hsu, CY Hong , CH Kao* (2012) Heme oxygenase is involved in nitric oxide- and auxin-induced lateral root formation in rice. Plant Cell Reports. In press. (SCI). DOI 10.1007/s00299-012-1228-x
 2. SC Cho, YY Chao, CY Hong , CH Kao* (2012) The role of hydrogen peroxide in cadmium-inhibited root growth of rice seedlings. Plant Growth Regulation . 66:27–35 (SCI)
3. Cho S-C, Y-Y Chao,  C-Y Hong, CH Kao (2011) The role hydrogen peroxide in cadmium-inhibited root growth of rice seedlings. Plant Growth Regul  DOI 10.1007/s10725-011-9625-7
4. YT Liu, ZS Chen, CY Hong (2011) Cadmium-induced physiological response and antioxidant enzyme changes in the novel cadmium hyperaccumulator, Tagetes patulaJournal of Hazardous Materials. 189:724-731
5. TS Chou, YY Chao, WD Huang, CY Hong, CH Kao (2011) Effect of magnesium deficiency on antioxidant status and cadmium toxicity in rice seedlings. Journal of Plant Physiology.168:1021-1030
6. Yu-Ting Liu, Zueng-Sang Chen, Ren-Shih Chung and Chwan-Yang Hong (2011)
Physiological response of hydroponically-grown Tagetes patula as affected by
cadmium. Taiwan J. Agric. Chem. Food Sci. In press
7. YY Chao, CY Hong and CH Kao (2010) The decline in ascorbic acid content is associated with cadmium toxicity of rice seedlings. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. In Press
8. CY Hong, YY Chao, MY Yang, SC Cho, and CH Kao (2009) Na+ but not Cl- or osmotic stress is involved in NaCl-induced expression of glutathione reductase in roots of rice seedlings, J. Plant Physiol.166: 1598-1606
9. CY Hong, YY Chao, MY Yang, HY Cheng, SC Cho, and CH Kao (2009) NaCl-induced expression of glutathione reductase in roots of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings is mediated through hydrogen peroxide but not abscisic acid. Plant and Soil 320:103-115
10. WC Lin, YN Lee, JC Lo, CW Wu, CY Hong, and WL Huang (2008) Expression profiling of stress-responsive aldose reductase genes from rice. Crop, Environment, and Bioinformatics5:171-178.
11. Su-May Yu and Chwan-Yang Hong (2008) Rice Glutelin Gene Promoters. US patent.
12. Chwan-Yang Hong and Ching Huei Kao (2008) NaCl-induced Expression of ASCORBATE PEROXIDASE 8 in Roots of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Seedlings Is Not Associated with Osmotic Component. Plant Signaling and Behavior3:199-201
13..99. Chwan-Yang Hong, Yi-Ting Hsu, Yu-Chang Tsai, and Ching Huei Kao (2007)  Expression of ASCORBATE PEROXIDASE 8 in Roots of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Seedlings in Response to NaCl. Journal of Experimental Botany, 58:3273-3283.
14. Su-May Yu, Swee-Suak Ko, Chwan-Yang Hong, Hsou-Jan Sun, and Tuan-hua David Ho (2007) Global Functional Analyses of Rice Promoters by Genomics approaches. Plant Molecular Biology 65:417-425
15. Tuan-hua David Ho, Chwan-Yang Hong, Ming-Tsair Chan, and Su-May Yu (2006) Design and construction of novel gene promoters for the generation of stress tolerant plants without yield penalty. p331-p340. In : Darshan S Brar, David J Mackill and Bill Hardy (eds), Proceedings of the Fifth International Rice Genetics Symposium. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines.
16. YC Tsai, CY Hong, LF Liu, and CH Kao (2005) Expression of ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase in response to NaCl and H2O2 in roots of rice seedlings. J. Plant Physiol. 162:291-299.
17. YC Tsai, CY Hong, LF Liu and CH Kao (2004) Relative importance of Na+ and Cl- in NaCl-induced antioxidant systems in roots of rice seedling. Physiol. Plant. 122:86-94.
18. CY Hong, KJ Cheng, TH Tseng, CS Wang, LF Liu, and SM Yu (2004) Production of two highly active bacterial phytases with broad pH optima in germinated transgenic rice seeds. Transgenic Res13:29-39.
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